Dating a Cancer Man - When you Fall in Love with a Cancerian Guy

Bearing the sign of the Crab, Cancerians are legendary for their emotional sensitivity and homely nature. And these are only two of the many qualities which make for a fulfilling relationship with a Cancer man. Coming as the fourth sign of the Zodiac, it includes all those born between 21st June and 22nd July.
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If dating a Cancerian male, you can look forward to an emotionally satisfying relationship. Not only is he emotional himself, but is gentle and highly sensitive to your wishes and needs too. He has an instinctive sense of people and their desires and finds it easy to be sympathetic to others. This is probably because of the fact that the sign is ruled by the Moon, a feminine energy and a ruler of moods. So when you are upset about something, here is a man who will intuitively lend you his shoulder. And after you have slaved away all evening to cook a handsome dinner for him, you can expect his eyes to come alight with joy and may be even blink away a tear or two.
Since emotions play a strong role in personal relationships with a Cancer, think twice before saying or doing anything to hurt him. A Cancerian male can be extremely vulnerable to criticism and will retreat into his shell if his feelings have been hurt. He can also be more jealous than others since small things that other lovers would brush off would make him brood and unhappy. He has a strong need for emotional security and so it is important that you assure him of your love and the fact that you will always stand by him.
Loyalty is yet another quality which you can be assured of in a Cancer guy. These men are true to their partners and expect the very same from them too. Perhaps this is what makes a Cancerian male slightly possessive as a lover and inclined to be upset if you are anywhere but by his side. So if you intend to hold on to your Cancer guy, be sure to tell him that he can count on your love and support and then follow it through.
You may be secretly thrilled to find out that your Cancerian lover is looked upon as a leader by other men. His innate sense of loyalty means that he can be relied upon to help in matters of emergency. Furthermore he is considerate of others, solicitous of their needs and has an intrinsic sense of responsibility – which is a good thing if you have been planning to take this man home to meet your family. At the same time while you may take for granted his walking your dog every evening, the same sense of being responsible will also lead him to sit by a sick neighbor or help out an errand boy with a few extra bucks. Despite being gentle and quick to help others, a Cancer man can also be tenacious and strong-willed. Once having taken a decision, he is most likely to insist on having his way and may not even be above using a little emotional manipulation to do so.
The mascot of the Crab is the strongest indicator of the one philosophy that rules a Cancerian’s life – his love of home and domestic pleasures. Like the crab which carries its home around on its back, a Cancer is proud of his home and family, which will, more likely than not, be large and include the whole extended clan besides close family and friends. The legendary memory of a Cancer guy will find expression on long winter evenings of family stories before a crackling fire or around the large dinner table groaning under dishes of every kind. If you feel this is exactly your idea of what a perfect evening is, go for the man by all means. However remember that he may have a tendency of worrying too much about his family or smothering them with excessive attention. But then this the family man for you!
A Cancer man is a lover of many things and not the least of them is nature. While dating a cancer guy, don’t be surprised to find out that one of his most ardent desires is to own a mountain cabin by the side of a gurgling stream or a house on the beach which is lapped by tiny waves night and day. This is the point to have second thoughts if you are a diehard city girl and feel the country is for the rustic and retirees. On the other hand, if you too share his love of the outdoors, it would probably be a relationship that would derive great sustenance and vitality from nature.
The very quality that makes your Cancerian lover so thoughtful of your feelings makes him overemotional too. This is a guy who is likely to be upset over minor things and draw into a shell. Think of a crab and you will realize that during such times no amount of tears and tantrums can make him come around. He will reappear when he is ready to and not before that. It is this streak that makes Cancerians masters of passive resistance. So despite their kindly and solicitous nature, the few people who have unsuccessfully tried to pry open their shell know that they can be reserved and secretive too.
Yet another thing to look forward to while in a relationship with Cancer guy is his intuitive almost uncanny ability to handle money. A Cancer guy may or may not be very rich, but he is exceedingly unlikely to be broke. The cautious nature of a Cancerian rules out any extravagance or unnecessary expenditure. While this trait may seem to border on the miserly sometimes, especially when he passes by the solitaire section to buy you a string of pearls, it is a sign of his careful and domestic nature.
So if you want to have your Cancer man for keeps, give him a peaceful and comfortable home to come back to. Let him have his space but also be there for him when he needs you. And you can be sure to have one of the most fulfilling of relationships on your hands.
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