How to Meet and Date a Guitarist

“If music be the food of love, play on…”thus spake a love-lorn Duke in one of Shakespeare’s most famous plays, Twelfth Night. Love and music have often gone hand in hand – there seems to something about music that perfectly expresses the range of emotions in love, from the high soaring ecstasies to the depths of longing. Dating a musician, especially a guitarist, can be a highly satisfying experience for the wealth of creativity they can bring in a relationship. Here are thus some tips on meeting and dating a guitarist.

Hang out at the right places

If you wish to date a guitarist, first of all you have to know where to find them. Unlike the ordinary kind, serious musicians will rarely be interested in whiling away time at golf clubs and shopping malls. On the other hand they are more likely to be found at music festivals, the local art district, theaters, the opera and even at bars and pubs famous for live performances. in fact this could be the right time if you are thinking of taking up learning to play the guitar yourself, since taking lessons will throw you in touch with people who are learners as well as experts and if lucky you may find an attractive single among them too.

What you can look forward to

The best part about dating a creative person like a guitarist is that you are likely to be wooed and courted in a highly individualistic manner. With a guitarist for a partner you may be lucky to have a song written, set to music and sung just for you amidst a hundred people. Creative people have a unique way of showing their love which makes their partners feel so very special. Their offerings of love like a piece of music they have written just for you or your name immortalized in one of their songs are unlikely to be duplicated in the marketplace. It is this feeling of being loved in a unique way which is so flattering and fulfilling.

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A great social life

If your guitarist partner is part of a famous band, you can bask in the glow that reflects off every celebrity. Parties, premieres, award nights and product launches are only some of the events that musicians and celebrities are regularly invited to. And as his/her date, you can partake of this glamorous lifestyle too where you will be pursued by the flashbulbs or even the paparazzi. If your guitarist partner is particularly successful, you can flit from one city to another by chartered jet and indulge in all the luxuries that money can buy, not to mention being showered by gorgeous gifts on every other occasion by him/her.

Even if the guitarist you are dating is not very successful, he/she can still make for an exciting social life. He/she will be ready to accompany you to all the concerts and shows you want instead of wanting to go bowling with his beer buddies or shopping with her at the mall. Better still, you are likely to get tickets for free or at least at highly discounted rates. He/she may not be well known himself, but he/she may know a couple of people who were companions in the early days and have now become stars. So you can tag along your date as he/she is invited to many of the hot and happening parties in town.

Unpredictable schedule

One of the perks of being a musician like a guitarist is that you are not restricted to a nine-to-five routine. Thus you can take off with your date to enjoy a sunny day at the beach even if it is in the middle of the week. Or you can party till the wee hours of morning knowing that he/she does not have to get up to early to go to an office. Flexible working hours means that he has more time for you and you can do the things you like with each other at odd hours of the day. However guitarists still have to make a living and a good deal of their waking hours are used up by auditions, rehearsals and performances. At times your date may have to drop everything for a last-minute audition or an impromptu recording. Also your guitarist partner may be out of town days on end if the band is on a tour or has performances in other cities. Then again if you are yourself involved in a regular job, you may not be able to hang out with your date till late at night or during the afternoon on a working day.

Material instability

If your date is a young guitarist who is still trying to make their mark in the world may not have enough money to splurge on you. Even established musicians and guitarists are notorious for their cavalier attitude towards money and while they may lavish an extravagant present on you today, they may have to overdraw from their bank account the next week. In fact most creative people are not very cued into saving and financial planning and this can be a dampener if you like to live the good life or at least expect some kind of financial stability from your partner.

Trust issues

Members of music bands are often in news for drug abuse, lack of mutual trust, affairs and so on. A disciplined life is difficult to lead - one could blame their crazy working schedules which compel them to be with co-musicians for long periods of the day and at all ungodly hours. Or it could be the natural consequence of being around other high-strung creative people all the time. The bottom-line is that if you are dating a well-known guitarist you should be strong enough to take flirtatious advances to your partner in your stride. In fact you should nurture your own physical and intellectual gifts so that you are self-assured as a person. This will not only prevent you from depending on your partner for constant appreciation but also make you attractive and confident enough for him/her to remain attracted to you.