Romantic Gifts for Him - Gift Ideas for your Boyfriend or Husband

Looking for a romantic gift for the special guy in your life can be quite a trial since men and emotions don’t mix very well. The secret to this is making your man a gift which is unique to his sensibilities and lifestyle. This simply means that the best person to find such a gift is – you. Here are however a few guidelines on how to look for romantic gifts for your guy which will make him treasure the special relationship you share.

Help to smell divine

Under your man subscribes to the Neanderthal standards of hygiene, a perfume is one of the safest bets when looking for a romantic gift for a guy. These days you can choose from a mind-boggling range in perfumes and colognes depending on what your man likes to wear and what you can afford. While the house of Clive Christian sells some of the expensive perfumes on the planet, brands like Calvin Klein and Polo have some great fragrances for men. If he is the sporty kind, how about exploring fragrances in citrus and which would remind you of the romantic outdoors. Or if your relationship is more about unbridled passion, why not go in for heavy musk to complement his macho charm.

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Music for his ears

It is a rare human who does not have his favorite genre of music. And what better way to remind him of your undying love than to gift him a collection of his favorite romantic numbers. You can either choose an album from the vast collection of CDs in a music store or go about compiling an album of the songs he likes best. However remember of include his favorite music, whether it is hard rock, hip hop or indie-pop. You may dig Latin rhythms or swoon over soft rock but it is not necessary that the same goes for your man. And if you really want him to be happy, give him something which he enjoys.

Romantic reading

Old classics in literature can make incredibly thoughtful gifts for the well-read man. Here again you can choose from an unlimited range of literary works starting from the sixteenth to the last century. If your man likes to quote verses, what can be more romantic than a custom-bound volume of Shakespeare’s Sonnets which are brimming with love and desire. But again if your guy is into serious fiction, Hemingway’s Farewell to Arms can be a good choice with its love story set in the times of war and confect.

Something for his collection

If your guy has a passion for collectibles, adding to his treasure might be a good way of showing how much he means to you. Look for paintings if that is where his interest lies but make sure you don’t gift wrap an abstract work in cubes and cones to a guy who believes that John Constable’s naturescapes come closest to how God imagined the creation. Again if your man is fond of collecting ancient musical instruments, see if you can get your hands on a Stradivarius violin or if not, look for a coffee table book on the subject.


Raise a toast to your love by gifting your man a bottle of good wine. If he is a connoisseur go to the trouble of discovering some great Bordeaux wine that has matured well but the best among them may set you back by $600 for a 750 ml bottle. However if your pockets don’t run that deep, look for a $150 Dom Perignon . Again if your man is fond of other spirits,  some exclusive quality brandy like Cognac or liqueurs in various flavors can also make wonderful romantic gifts.


Bring a sparkle to your man’s eyes by giving him some classy jewelry. You can choose from rings, cuff-link and tie-holders in precious metals like platinum and silver. If your guy likes to flash his lifestyle, you could also go in for bracelets and chains. Again if you are feeling particularly extravagant, go for a solitaire ring or a pair of cuff-links studded with expensive stones like rubies. However if you are looking for something more affordable, settle for silver-plated jewelry but give it a special touch by getting it engraved with your initials.

Accessorize him with your love

You will rarely go wrong with stylish accessories as romantic gifts for your man. If he is brand conscious, look for sunglasses from Prada or Dolce&Gabbana. On the other hand if he is confident enough of making his own style statement, look for accessories like watches, sunglasses, ties and belts which go with his physique and lifestyle.

Gift him a vacation

How about leaving the heat and dust of civilization and heading out for some sun and sand? Make your man a truly romantic gift by arranging for beach vacation which will not only give him  a much-needed break from work but will also enable you both to spend some quality time together. If he is the adventurous sort, leave for the beaches of Zanzibar but if you prefer to be nearer home, explore the less-frequented destinations in the Caribbean islands.

Let him indulge

However if your man is unable to take off time from his grueling schedule, arrange to have him spend a day at the spa. Book him a session at the best spa in your town or city so that he can rejuvenate his tired mind and frayed nerves. Let him have his fill of saunas, massages and other relaxing treatments. Better still, join him at the spa and then you both can emerge fresh and glowing for a night of intimacy.

Finally, don’t forget the basics. No matter what gift you choose for your man, make it truly romantic by accompanying it with a love note. Tell him in simple words how much he and your love means to you. Use a romantic quote to end your letter and then seal it with a kiss. Your gift will be that much more special not only because it is chosen with care but given with love.