Birthday Gift Ideas for Older Men

Everyone – whether old or young – looks forward to being indulged on birthdays. The thing about birthday gift ideas for older men is that they have got to practical and easy-to-use but special all the same. So here are some thoughtful yet attractive birthday gift ideas which will make an older man feel special on his most important day of the year.

Men’s Cologne

This is still one of the safest of gift choices for men, old or young. However if the recipient is in his fifties and sixties, be careful to pick something less adventurous or spicy even though anybody would be happy to get something other than Old Spice.  The best-selling Aqua di Gio from Pour Homme is hugely popular for its light and fresh fragrance. However if you are looking for something more sophisticated, John Varvatous would be the right choice for a man of distinguished tastes.


For a man of literary tastes, nothing would make a better gift than a book. Here there is a vast range of writers and genres that you could choose from. There are books of fiction, plays, verses as well as autobiographies and travel writing. If you are aware of the literary preferences of the recipient, you could pick something up according to his tastes. Or else you could go for coffee table books on travel and photography which are generally liked and displayed by everyone.


Most people are fond of collecting something – whether they are objects of art, nature or unusual craftsmanship. And the same goes for older men too who have more leisure and resources to pursue their interests. So if the gentleman is a lover of Impressionist painting or Medieval Christian art, try to look for reproductions or books on the subject since the original works may run into millions of dollars. Or if the person likes pottering among his collection of orchids, try to find if you can have some plants shipped to his address. Whatever be his interest, if your birthday gift could enrich his collections, it is sure to be prized more than others.


If the person in question keeps a proud bar, there is again an incredible range of spirits you could choose from to settle on a birthday present. You could go for vintage champagne like Dom Perignon or a fine red Bordeaux. Again if the recipient likes his spirits stronger, how about a Single Malt Scotch from the Highlands. However if your pockets do not run so deep, you could always go for some finely blended Scotch or the more reasonably-priced Cognac from Courvoisier. Besides these, there are a range of bar accessories like wine glasses, martini shaker and wine labels which also make good affordable gifts.
Movie DVDs

Very often older men may not be able to read books for extended periods of time because of eyesight or other health problems. In such cases, movie DVDs are welcome gifts which allow for a more vivid dramatisation of events in a shorter span of time. Most men are fascinated by war and like to watch war movies. History Channel’s Ultimate Collection has a very good feature on the history of World War II which is available in a set of two DVDs. Alternatively if the person is of a more literary bent of mind, you could go for DVDS of films like A Farewell to Arms or From Here to Eternity.

Sports gear

Most older men today are very aware of the need to stay fit and thus are keen followers of some sport or the other. So if the prospective recipient is a golf lover, how about gifting him a set of golf clubs. Or tennis gear, if hitting balls on the tennis court is how he de-stresses himself. On the other hand, if the person does not believe in doing anything more strenuous than taking a walk around the neighborhood park, you could still present him with a subscription to the Sports Illustrated or any other sports magazine of his choice.

Technical stuff

While many older men these days are cued into the internet and computers, it may not always be prudent to saddle them with very hi-tech gifts. The latest i-Pods or cell phones may have too many apps for their comfort and would be hardly used on a daily basis. But then all men like to play with gadgets and electronics. So how about picking up the latest car DVD player which would mean many enjoyable hours on the road. Or if the person likes to hold barbeque parties almost every summer weekend, you could settle for a multi-tool griller which comes with an electronic cooking timer, alarm, utility knife and even a bottle opener.


It is rare to come across a person who is not fond of music. And if the person you are looking to wish is in his fifties and sixties, he is sure to appreciate CDs of albums that would take him back to the heady days of rock n roll, Elvis Presley and the Beatles. However you could also choose from classical pieces like Beethoven and Mozart or even contemporary music if he is open to checking out newer things.


With the passing of time, many older people keep thinking of the places they would have liked to travel to but somehow never got around to doing it. As such, it would be wonderful if you could gift the gentleman a trip to his favorite holiday destination. It could be a lazy beach vacation or something more energetic like a skiing holiday. If the person is fond of experiencing newer cultures, a group holiday in the Far East of South America would also be a good idea. However check out safety and health issues before finalizing anything.

If the birthday gift you decide on is chosen with care and consideration, it is sure to mean much more to an older man and will bring you even closer to the person you love.