One Year Anniversary Gift Ideas for Boyfriend - Gifts by Personality Type

Congratulations on having completed one year of dating your special guy! No doubt you feel pleased as Punch, at having finally found the man of your dreams, but perhaps the thought of finding the perfect anniversary gift for him, leaves you far from being thrilled.

Gifts for men you love are notoriously difficult to find. More so, when you are trying to zero in on something that will be both, his favourite and an expression of your love for him. Unfortunately, all that online stores and gift shops seem to have are corny, heart-shaped novelties and endless product advertisements. But don’t despair yet.  Here're some tips for choosing the ideal gift for your boyfriend, that will at once cater to his likes and show how much you love him.

For the booklover

If your boyfriend is the proverbial bookworm and his idea of a perfect evening is settling down with some pulp fiction, you know where to go for his gift. Explore your local bookshop for the latest bestseller, or this year’s winner of the Man Booker Prize. However, if you are aware of his literary preferences, go up to a larger store and explore sections on travel, history, culture or any particular writer that he may prefer. If you can get hold of a book signed by his favourite author, or a particularly rare edition of a prized work, so much the better.

For the show-off

A great gift idea for all those men who like to be in the limelight, is jewellery. Silver bracelets, cuff links and watches are some eternal favourites. While Cartier and Roche are the most expensive brands, your local jeweller can come up with more affordable options. The best part about settling for a jewellry item, is that it lends itself wonderfully to a variety of personal touches that will symbolize your love for him. You could have a pair of cufflinks engraved with a romantic message, or a bracelet designed with interweaving initials from both your names.

For the practical guy

If your guy is the do-it-yourself sort, you will not go wrong with a functional gadget. A multi-purpose knife, or a fancy tool kit may not seem particularly romantic gifts to you, but for your practical-minded boyfriend, they are likely to set his heart racing. Multi-purpose tool kits include screwdrivers, knives, scissors, a bottle opener and all that a man with nimble fingers would love to make use of. To top it all, they are comfortably large to be engraved with a romantic message from you.

For the traditionalist

The traditional gift for a first anniversary is paper, and if your man is a stickler for convention, why not gift him something special, made of paper. This could be a set of writing pad and envelopes from hand-crafted paper, or an  expensive painting made on papyrus. These make highly individual gifts, and are sure to make your boyfriend feel really special.

For the attention-lover

If your boyfriend loves to bask in public attention, consider placing a love advertisement in the newspaper to which he subscribes. Write a short, romantic message, and if you wish, also include a picture of you two together. Your guy will love to go through your public declaration of love and what’s more, it will make a highly affordable one year anniversary gift.

For the star-watcher

Again, if your boyfriend is a sucker for upscale events, you could plan a special outing for him. Hire a chauffeur-driven limo or any other fancy car, and take your boyfriend to the theat or the opera. If you can manage entry passes to a gala event like a fashion show or a movie première, so much the better. Round off the evening with fine dining at a fashionable restaurant and drop your boyfriend home with the stars still shining in his eyes.

For the sports fan

For your sports buff of a boyfriend, consider gifting him with something that will send the adrenalin pumping in his veins. If he enjoys extreme sports, take him out paragliding, bungee jumping or sky diving. On the other, hand if he prefers something more sedate, gift him a set of golf clubs from Callaway, or a fashionable kit bag to pack his squash or tennis racquets.

For the car lover

If your boyfriend goes crazy over bikes and cars, there are gift options galore to choose from. While not everybody can afford a Harley Davidson or a Porsche 911, you could still go for fashionable car accessories, like an in-dash car DVD player from Sony, or a Kenwood or a hi-tech GPS navigation set.

For the outdoors guy

For a man who loves to breathe in the outdoors, decide to spend your first dating anniversary in the midst of nature. Go hiking through virgin forested areas, or snorkel under sea to discover amazing, jewelled marine creatures. Set up a camp under the stars and get intimate before a crackling fire. Or wake up early and watch together the first rays of the sun light up the hill slopes.

For the gizmo freak

So what if your boyfriend is a gizmo freak and you have trouble operating even your dishwasher! If your budget permits it, explore the smartphone market and choose from Apple, Samsung and Nokia offerings. Apples’ iPod models are good gift ideas for those who are into music and technology. Digital cameras, notebook accessories and the latest video games, are other great first anniversary gift ideas for your “wired” boyfriend.

When deciding on a gift for your boyfriend, as you go out to celebrate your first year of being together, keep in mind your man’s preferences and you are unlikely to go wrong. But at the same time, don’t be shy of adding your own personal touch. If you plan to make him a material gift, see if it can be customized or engraved with a romantic detail. On the other hand, if you plan to gift him an experience, make it memorable by doing it together. After all, it is your love that you both are celebrating, and don’t let anything hold you back.