Should you have Sex While Menstruating

The sexual act is not simply a matter of passionate love or even mere sexual desire. It has to do with perceptions, hormones and the functioning of reproductive organs of the body – this is even truer of women in whom the monthly menstrual cycle can significantly affect sexual desire and performance. So if you have been wondering whether to have sex during your periods, here are a few thoughts.


Clinically speaking, menstruation is the shedding of the endometrium or the uterine lining whose function is to prepare the womb for the fetus. In the event that no conception takes place, the endometrium is shed which takes the form of vaginal bleeding.  Women have a period every 28 days approximately which continues to about four to five days. However the menstrual cycle and duration varies widely among women and is affected by other factors like genes, lifestyle and hormones.

Sex and menstruation

Since menstruation occurs as vaginal bleeding, sexual intercourse at this time is often uncomfortable for women at this time.
Even if not physically uncomfortable, it can be messy and the presence of blood can be off-putting for either the female or male partner or both.

In some cultures, there are religious prohibitions to having sex when a woman is menstruating. While this attitude could reflect the earlier concept that menstruating women are ritually unclean, may be it had more to do with practical conveniences at times when tampons and cleaning agents were neither widely available nor effective as today. However some cultures have the mistaken belief that it can cause abnormal babies which has no medical evidence whatsoever.


If sex is the furthest thing in your mind because of cramping, think again. Menstrual cramps is a common condition in which women experience painful since an orgasms releases endorphins which act like natural painkillers and mood enhancers, sex during periods may actually help your cramps.

Menstruation and safe sex

Technically a woman can still get pregnant if she has unprotected sex during her period if she ovulates early, as sperm can survive inside a woman’s body for up to seven days. Though the risk is slim, it can happen. So if you absolutely not planning a family now, your partner should be using a condom or practicing any other form of contraception during sex. One option is for the woman to get herself fitted with a contraceptive diaphragm which she can pop in on period-days, just while she makes love.

Also, HIV and a few other sexually transmitted infections may be passed on more easily during a period, both from the woman to the man and from the man to the woman. This is because during your periods, the cervix opens to allow blood to pass through, which creates a pathway for bacteria to travel deep inside the pelvic cavity. Also during menstruation, a woman is at greater risk of developing yeast or bacterial infections due to the vagina's ph being less acidic at that time.To avoid catching HIV or any other STIs, again the best option is for your partner to wear a condom when you have sex.

How to have pleasurable sex during periods

The prospect of bleeding during intercourse doesn't paint a pretty picture – especially if you tend to have heavy periods. Did you know there's a period protection option that is compatible with sex? The menstrual cup is inserted entirely inside the vagina to catch your menstrual flow, and it can be worn for up to 12 hours; thus you can thus have clean, comfortable sex after inserting a menstrual cup just prior to intercourse. Other than this, encourage your partner to create a romantic ambience and if it helps, a give you a slow, sensual massage. These are great tips to get you in the mood and thus overcome the inhibitions that are commonly associated with sex during periods.

Ultimately whether you should or not have sex during your periods is a matter of personal choice. Best of all, find some quiet time to talk about the issue with your partner so that there are no hidden pressures or unvoiced expectations. While there are no physiological risks involved, if you and your partner are in the mood and have no cultural objections, there is no reason why – with some help from personal aids – you cannot go ahead and enjoy love making even when Aunt Flo is visiting.