What are Russian Women Like - Dating Girls from Russia

Russian women are famed for being some of the most attractive in the world – whether they are into sports like Anna Kournikova or from the exciting world of espionage like Anna Chapman. So if you like your women to be striking both in terms of looks and lifestyle, it may be a good idea to find out more about what Russian women are like.

Killer looks

Even at the risk of generalizations, it may be safe to say that Russian women are strikingly beautiful. Their light hair, long and slender bodies are nicely complemented by rosy cheeks, thanks to near-arctic temperatures in the country. Even more fascinating are their eyes which can range from almond brown to ocean-blue in color. What’s more Russian women are not shy of making the best of their looks. Freezing temperatures in winter make wearing skimpy outfits practically impossible. Yet you will find young Russian women turn out in leather jackets, fur-lined coats and knee-length boots, all the time looking like models from the ramp. In summer on the other hand they are likely to be seen in revealing clothes, highlighting their svelte figures and peach complexions to the best advantage.

High-maintenance women

Young Russian women are not only confident about their looks but they make serious attempts to maintain them as well. In Russia you will rarely see a ladies walk about in dirty sweatshirts and frayed jeans. Women practically never step out of their houses without the right makeup or nicely-styled hair. Russian women take pride in their appearance and use it to their best advantage. If you are planning to have a relationship with a woman here ensure that you can afford the clothes, accessories and makeup that such high-maintenance ladies are used to.

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They expect to be indulged

Russian women like to be romanced in style. They look forward to thoughtful acts and romantic gestures from men who they are dating. So never turn up for a date with your Russian beauty without a small gift in tow – it could be something simple like flowers, expensive like jewelry or creative like a hand-made wooden item. Also don’t forget small acts of courtesy which could go a long way in melting your Russian girlfriend’s heart. Holding the door open for her or taking her coat as she is about to be seated are all ways you can impress her. Above all learn a few phrases of Russian so that you can communicate with her easily. Women in Russia are not very comfortable with colloquial English and so it may be up to you to initiate and carry on a conversation. The Russian language uses the Cyrillic alphabet which is totally different from the Latin versions of the same words. Russian words are pronounced with a soft undertone. You may find it hard in the beginning, but if you keep at it, your efforts will pay off. If you are looking to say hello in Russian then you would say "zdrastvui" or "privet". If you are looking to pay a woman a compliment then tell her "tiy preekrahsnah vigleedeesh" which means "you look lovely". When a woman sees that you have not only taken pains to learn her language but are even at saying the right things, you can expect to get her attention.

Passionate to the core

All this is not to imply that Russian women know only how to take. In fact once they decide that you are worth their time and attention, they can be pretty generous lovers. They will lavish care and affection on you and take your breath away with their passion in bed. They will plunge into relationship without having a second thought if they feel like it. They will spend all day walking around with you, holding your hand even if they have an important appointment the next morning. They will go to the end of the world to stay with their lover. At the same time you can depend on your Russian girlfriend to help you with many practical matters too like pushing you through a long queue or winning an argument with a policeman about your outdated visa registration. She might even encourage you to drink more vodka in one night than you did during the last three months.

They are looking for respect

As a foreigner, Russian women will expect you to be more liberal when it comes to gender roles. Traditionally Russian society was patriarchal where women were supposed to keep home and raise kids. Foreign men, especially those from America and west Europe, thus have the reputation of being more fair-minded and respectful towards women than their Russian counterparts. This along with the promise of better living standards made up the main reasons why so many Russian women wanted to marry foreign men and emigrate. However with Russian economy being in a better shape now, many women have good jobs in Russia and are even content to stay back in their own country and culture. So don’t assume automatically that your Russian female friend is a gold digger and interested in you as a passport to the West. Treat her with the same respect and courtesy as you would a woman of your own country. Indeed young women in Russia now are looking for men who will take on equal duties when it comes to child-rearing and looking after the house. As a foreigner you can use the extra edge your reputation has to good advantage. At the same time though, keep your wits about you and beware of falling prey to Russian mail order bride scams which have ensnared many a gullible foreign guy.