What are Russian Men like - Dating Guys from Russia

Though Russia is known more for its mail-order bride scams in the world of relationships, it is also a land where some of the most handsome and successful men are to be found. With strong bonds to tradition and yet making their way in the capitalist world, Russian men are some of the most interesting and rewarding to know.

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Highly attentive to their partners

If you plan to date a Russian guy, be prepared to be indulged in the most wonderful manner possible. They are highly attentive to their partners and rarely turn up for dates without a gift in tow. Best of all, it is quite common in Russia to give flowers to each other – yes, to men too – not only on special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries but when meeting, going out on a date or even to show your thoughtfulness on a regular day. So you can look forward to be pampered with bouquets and small gifts when dating Russian men. They will not only be generous with such romantic gestures but also come off as a gentleman with their courtly manners and attentiveness. Thus holding the door open for a lady, taking her jacket or coat and being on the side of the traffic when walking with her on the road are all common behavior on the part of Russian men when they are keen to impress the women they are dating. Don't take these as an attack to your individuality, but as a form of respect for you.

Take pains to dress up

A fashionable wardrobe is quite important if you are keen to impress a Russian guy. Women in Russia rarely step out of the house without wearing makeup and are usually seen in high heels. So make it a point to do your hair and turn up in smart and feminine clothes when you are meeting him. There is no harm in going an extra mile to look beautiful and sensuous for your man and Russian men expect their partners to turn up in their best.

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Be a lady

The flipside of this gentlemanly behavior is that a Russian guy expects his partner to behave like a lady too. So now swearing, smoking or guffawing loudly when you are with your Russian boyfriend. And after you finish dinner, don’t rush to take out your credit card or your date will be horrified to known that a lady is offering to pay for a date. And though Russian men are all for their ladies to look trendy, they don’t want to be seen with a woman who prefers dressing like a man. Also remember not to bring up topics like politics when initiating a conversation with your Russian guy since it is generally considered a suitable subject for only the men to discuss. Above all, let him take the lead in asking you out or deciding on the place for the date, at least in the first few dates when you are just getting to know each other. Later on when you know him better, you can decide whether it is worth changing yourself to suit his ideals in a woman. Russian guys don’t like their women to be pushy or aggressive – instead they like women who are attractive and proud of their feminity.

Some cultural pointers

Personal space is not so important in Russia; when there, you will see people standing quite close to each other and talking animatedly but not loudly. There is also a good deal of physical contact They touch often while talking and see this casual contact as a sign of friendship. Kissing is particularly common and occurs frequently between friends, including the same gender. If you're in the beginning stages of the relationship and this makes you uncomfortable, you could say something to hint at your unease. Otherwise, keep in mind that this is not an indication that he likes you and plans on seeing you again. Also when conversing, keep in mind that Russian men can quite emotional and opinionated – so don’t take their intensity during conversations personally – they are not out to attack your values and beliefs, they simply like to put across their point rather strongly. Culturally Russians are a very superstitious group - so never give your date an even number of flowers as it is thought to bring misfortune.

Tryst with the bottle

Russian men are avid social drinkers as is evident from the association of vodka with a macho Russian image. And unless you have alcohol issues, you are welcome to join him too in a social setting. Unfortunately, many Russian men end up with alcohol addiction or other forms of alcohol-relate abusive behavior when they are no longer able to control how much and how often they should drink. Alcoholism is quite a common problem among men in Russia and it is best you keep this fact in mind when dating Russian men.

Strong ties to tradition

Traditionally Russian society has worked along very clear and separate roles for each gender. Men are supposed to be the providers while women keep the house and bring up children. While things have changed a great deal now and women form an important part of the workforce, there are many Russian men who wish to continue with these social and gender roles. So while a Russian man will willingly change a flat tire in your car, fix a leaking faucet and slog ten hours a day to bring home a nice paycheck, he also expects to be looked after when at home. Russian men are rarely involved with household chores and rearing of children; instead they are quite used to being fed and picked up after, first by their mothers and later by their wives. Indeed Russian men are great lovers of food and one of the most common prerequisites of a wife is that she would have above-average culinary skills. So if you believe in a more egalitarian kind of domestic arrangement, you may need to think twice before seriously getting involved with a Russian man. On the other hand though, Russian men believe strongly in taking care of loved ones which may not only include the immediate family of wife and kids, but also extended relatives, long-time neighbors and good friends.