Trichomoniasis - Symptoms in Men

Trichomoniasis is a common sexually transmitted disease caused by Trichomonas vaginalis, a flagellated motile protozoan which falls under the category of microscopic parasites. Symptoms of Trichomoniasis are more common in men than women. however if you are a man and concerned that you have been exposed to the infection, here are some signs you should watch out for.

  1. In a large majority of men infected with the parasite, no visible symptoms are found. In fact according to an estimate the Trichomonas vaginalis protozoan was isolated in 14%-60% of male partners of infected women while the corresponding percentage was 67%-100% in case of female partners of infected men. One reason why researchers think that men are less infected by the parasite than women is that the prostatic fluid in men contains zinc and other substances which may be harmful to the parasite. However even if you display no visible symptoms, if you suspect your partner has Trichomoniasis, it is better to seek medical advice. In case of absence of explicit symptoms, the doctor may advise certain diagnostic test which will confirm the presence of the parasite. Following that the doctor will recommend the appropriate course of treatment for you.

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  2. Among those men who present symptoms of Trichomoniasis, discharge from the urethra is quite common. This is because the parasite commonly resides and multiplies in areas like the urethra in men and vagina in women.
  3. If you have been infected by Trichomonas vaginalis from a female partner, you may also experience foul, fish-like smell from the semen.
  4. Pain while ejaculation or passing urine is another common symptom among men who are infected with Trichomoniasis.
  5. You may experience irritation or a burning sensation inside the penis.
  6. Among the less common symptoms of Trichomoniasis are pain and swelling in the scrotum which is the pouch of skin in men containing the testes, epididymides, and lower portions of the spermatic cords. The pain and swelling are the result of a condition known as epididymitis which is an inflammation of the epididymides brought about by the Trichomonas vaginalis in this case or by other bacterial infections in other conditions.

In men symptoms of trichomoniasis may sometimes disappear without treatment. However it is important to remember that during this time you are still carrying about the parasite in your body and are capable of re-infecting your partner or infecting another healthy partner if you have sexual relations with that person. Also if left untreated for long, Trichomoniasis can go on to infect the urinary tract and reproductive systems of both men and women. The only surefire way to kill the infection-causing parasite is to consult a qualified health professional and go for appropriate treatment. Fortunately Trichomoniasis is completely curable and once diagnostic tests confirm that your body is free of the parasite, you can resume your normal love life. However in the long term, prevention is definitely better than cure and it is best to practice safe sex with a condom and be in a mutual monogamous sexual relationship with an uninfected partner if you want to keep yourself free from this disease.