Dating an Aquarius Man - When you Fall in Love with an Aquarian Guy

Aquarians are the great visionaries of the Zodiac. Their love lives are marked by the open-minded and enquiring intellect which also informs their natures. Born in between 20th January and 19th February, Aquarians make for generous and companionable relationships and here is how.
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The Aquarius man is the original rebel. He poures deep over what makes the world tick and comes up with ideas and hypotheses which seem to be way ahead of his time. This is why he is attracted to the new and different. So the best way to get the attention of your Aquarius date would be to stand out from the crowd not so much in terms of dress and appearance but in your approach to life. Show him that your thoughts and ideas do not take their counter from mere tradition but spring up from your own mind. If this seems too complicated, just make sure to avoid the trite and the conventional. Don’t for instance root for the latest band or a football team just because everybody else seems to think they’re great. Reveal your individuality in opinions and actions and your Aquarius date will look at your anew.
The great innovator that he is, the Aquarius man is attracted to the highly advanced, whether in case of ideas, knowledge or technology. This is evident from the fact that he is often a sucker for the latest gadgets or the newest gaming consoles. So when you are in his company don’t take pride in being technologically challenged and crib about how modern science is destroying the world. Even if you do not share his enthusiasm for gadgets that look like tablets and cost the earth, adopt a more balanced view about how new thoughts and knowledge should be used. Alternately, you could try out the helpless Susan act and ask for his help in recording your favorite TV show while you are out. Aquarians love to help others and soon you will have your man fiddling with DTH recorder in your own apartment while you can think of other things to do!
Like the element which characterizes this sign, Aquarians are airy detached people. They are not comfortable in deeply emotional relationships and like their actions to be governed by their rational mind. An Aquarius man will be proud of his individuality and keen to keep his personal affairs to himself. As a result he might want to maintain a distance even with people he is fond of. So if you do not find your Aquarius date ringing you up twelve times a day and crashing your inbox with insistent mails, take heart. This is a guy who is cool and collected in his personal life and will move away from entangled, messy affairs – which is also probably why you were attracted to him in the first place!
Physical intimacy need not be a pressing requirement in a relationship for an Aquarius guy. He can make a devoted caring partner but is unlikely to burn with the heat of an intense passion like a Scorpio man. Interestingly, Aquarians can prove to have an encyclopedic knowledge on sexual matters which is probably because of their innate curiosity about how things work and can be improved upon. However when it comes to practical application and in their own lives, they may not find the idea so thrilling after all.
The thing about personal relationships with Aquarians is that they need to feel free. He is not your guy next-door who likes a bit of dating and then willingly goes through the ritual of marriages, children and divorces. For him romance is much more than conventional notions of marriage and family. And he is definitely not one to succumb to any value system just because it has been validated by tradition. In fact an Aquarian may be rather partial to the idea of open marriages where neither partners are bound by restrictions and expectations. Romance to an Aquarian guy is more about companionship and compatibility – especially intellectual. Above everything, you need to be a friend to your Aquarius man with whom he can look forward to an intelligent and lively exchange of thoughts and ideas.
While an Aquarius man believes in keeping an emotional distance in his relationships, he is also likely to have a lively circle of friends and acquaintances. This is essentially because of his sociable nature and his tendency to be polite and agreeable in company. So in engaging the attentions of your Aquarius guy, you may find yourself competing with his large social circle who may be equally attracted by your man’s brilliant mind. In fact you may find many Aquarians, keeping in touch with their friends even after they have been married, since this is important for the free and productive exchange of ideas which they thrive on.
Coupled with a keen, probing mind Aquarians are blessed with a genuine altruistic nature. They are drawn to what will make the world a better place to live in and as a result many famous reformers and progressive thinkers have come from their ranks. Like the symbol of the Water Bearer which marks this zodiac sign, Aquarians believe in carrying the gifts of knowledge and thought and pouring it out for humanity. So If you are keen on holding on to your Aquarius lover, make sure that you both have identical life goals and ways of looking at the world. Nothing will put off an Aquarian more easily than evidence of mean-mindedness or petty behavior in a fellow human and if that is you, then he might not be interested in the relationship at all.
The Aquarius sign is ruled by two planets, Saturn and Uranus and perhaps this is why you may be puzzled by a curious duality in your lover. While he has a lively social life, he shuns emotional intimacy. Similarly, he may be motivated by liberal humanitarian ideals but also impatient and headstrong when faced with resistance to his course of action. However the best part about being in a relationship with an Aquarius guy is a sense of larger purpose which he will bring to your life and the deep abiding fulfillment such a partnership will give you.
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