The Aquarius Child - Characteristics of Aquarius Children

Marked by an open mind and inquiring intellect, Aquarian children are likely to keep you on your toes. Individuals with this zodiac sign are born from 20th January to 19th February.
Keen, inquiring minds
The characteristic that marks an Aquarius child most clearly is perhaps their keen inquiring minds. They are interested in getting into the heart of everything and knowing what runs them. So don’t be surprised to find your Aquarius kid taking apart your toaster or TV remote just to see how it works. And incredibly enough after being reassembled again, the appliance might work better than before. Aquarius children are extremely intelligent and use that intelligence to create daily adventures for themselves. Unlike a Piscean, an Aquarian child is not content to sit sweetly by your side calmly painting pictures. While keeping up with this kind of intensely active mind might get overwhelming at times, try not to dampen their curiosity or their intellectual enthusiasm. Keep them busy with enough books to read and introduce them to as many varied interests like music, sports, dance, art as you can. Many Aquarians grow up to have a knack for fine arts and an impeccable taste in fashion and lifestyle while almost all of them are well read and culturally aware.
Curious duality in social connections
Aquarians are one of the few zodiac signs to display a duality in their interpersonal connections. On one hand they are highly social and unlike say Leo kids can be found to have friends from all walks of life and of every kind of personality. You might be told by your child’s teacher or school counselor that he/she is the class clown who enjoys making the other kids laugh. Aquarian children love hanging out with others perhaps more than anybody else and even as very young children will have a multitude of playmates. At the same time however you will not find your child getting involved into the nitty-gritty of human emotions. Unlike Scorpio kids for whom friendships and enmities are intensely emotional affairs, Aquarius children can easily and indeed prefer to remain detached from the messy world of human emotions. While they don’t have the inborn gift of becoming team leaders like the Aries, neither do they make good followers since an Aquarius seems to march to the tune of different drummer altogether.
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Like their emotional detachment, Aquarians don’t care very much for physical love too. For them love is all about sharing ideals and projects as well as taking part in lively discussions. While in adults this detachment manifests itself as an inexplicable discomfort with physical intimacy, in your Aquarius child you can see this as a curious self-sufficiency; unlike a Taurus or Scorpio child, they will not want to be hugged or held so often by a parent, no matter how close to them.
Desire for personal freedom
The reason why most Aquarians prefer to distance themselves emotionally from their loved ones is an ingrained need for personal independence. This is probably due to the influence of Uranus which is one of the two ruling planets of this Zodiac, the other being Saturn. Those Aquarians ruled by Uranus are unconventional, original and take pleasure in eccentric modes of thought or behavior just to emphasize their highly individualistic bent of mind. For these kids - just like adults of their zodiac - any kind of limitations imposed on them by external agents is an anathema. So if you might find your normally happy and bright Aquarius child chafing against dining table rules or curfew hours. The best way to deal with this is to explain rationally and logically why certain rules need to be followed at home and in the larger society. The more you take the “because I say so” line with your Aquarius kid, the less likely you will be able to get your point across.
Interestingly enough, among those Aquarians where the primary ruler is the planet Saturn, a strong bias towards conventionality is apparent. These individuals are highly disciplined, sometimes even parsimonious and once they are set in their ways at home or work, are extremely reluctant to change. So if your Aquarius son or daughter gets up at 5:30 in the morning and leaves at 6:10 to train for soccer, you might find him/her sticking to the same routine even on days when you don’t feel like getting up early to drop them to practice. What unites the two strains of Aquarian character is a high degree of commitment to the value system or way of life they believe in. they will follow to a ‘T’ whatever suits them fine, whether or not it matches norms laid down by others.
Visionaries of the Zodiac
Finally whether an Aquarius is ruled primarily by Uranus or Saturn, what marks them out is a forward looking bent of mind. Beneath their classy appearances, there exists an active intellect, striving to make sense of several things at once and coming up with its own propositions for the betterment of the universe. It is this reformist tendency which makes most Aquarians generous and broad-minded. You might find your little Aquarian turned off by mean and petty natures as easily as they take up the cause of the underdog. The Symbol of the Aquarius is the Water-Bearer and quite appropriately too, considering that people of this sign are eager to bestow the gifts of new thoughts and ideas on humanity. Aquarians, whether little or adults, are determined to make the world a better place and here the watchword is ‘determined’. This is because while being open minded, Aquarians can become quite obstinate too when met with opposition to their ideas. Similarly you may be surprised by the stubborn streak in your Aquarius child when they say that they are no longer going to attend classes of a particular teacher because he/she is rude and unprincipled. This obstinacy may be the result of the fixed sign that Aquarians bear. Here it is you job as a parent to help them understand that sometimes our teachers, bosses and other authority figures are not as intelligent as we would like them to be. The key is helping an Aquarius kid to find a way to work within the system while still maintaining their personal sense of integrity. A good way of doing this is to remind them that life is a game and all games have rules or else they become too easy to challenge the intellect.
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