The Aquarius Sexuality - Traits and Characteristics

Aquarians are the great visionaries of the Zodiac. Their love lives are marked by the open-minded and enquiring intellect which also informs their natures. Born in between 20th January and 19th February, Aquarians make for generous and companionable relationships.

An Aquarius in love

For an Aquarius being in love primarily means being able to roam unhindered in the free heaven of ideas and intellect in the company of a like-minded partner. These are people who look beyond the superficialities of appearance and accessories into the minds of their partners and wish to engage in a lively intellectual exchange. For this reason sometimes an Aquarius lover can come off as emotionally distant which may owe something to their ruling element of Air. Unlike a Cancerian, they are not comfortable dissecting emotions and sharing feelings but would rather have their actions governed by their rational mind. An Aquarius will be proud of his/her individuality and keen to keep their personal affairs to themselves. As a result you may find your partner maintain a distance even with people they are fond of like you. So if you do not find your Aquarius date ringing you up twelve times a day and crashing your inbox with insistent mails, take heart. This is a lover who is cool and collected in his/her personal life and will move away from entangled, messy affairs – which is also probably why you were attracted to them in the first place!

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One of the most important things to recognize about an Aquarian partner is the deep need to be different. This may be expressed through clothes, beliefs, outlook or lifestyle, and is a reflection of Uranus, co-ruler and catalyst of the zodiac. So while you may be expecting a gift of red roses and chocolates on Valentine’s Day, you Aquarius lover may instead decide to surprise you with a special edition copy of Cartesian philosophy and settle down for an evening of stimulating discussions. This is not so much born out of malice for commercialization or apathy to romance as out of a determination not to follow the dictates of convention. You can trust your Aquarius partner to prove him/herself a true partner in the things that really matter like companionship and generosity.

How to seduce an Aquarius

Despite the difficulty in getting an Aquarius to commit themselves, it can be surprisingly easy to seduce him/her and really quite fun too. It would be a good idea to start off by engaging them in an intellectual discussion, so decide on a place which allows for long uninterrupted conversations. Once you have caught their attention, you can proceed any way you see fit. Aquarians are reputed as free-thinking souls and thus usually game for a wide variety of sexual scenarios; in fact the more unconventional, the better.

In order to make your Aquarius partner comfortable in your love nest, light a few incense sticks or scented candles around. If you are not breaking a law, you could even share a smoke of marijuana which in fact gives flight to their already soaring imagination. Before you get intimate it would be worth your while to remember that calves and ankles are supposed to be the most erogenous zones for an Aquarius. Use a light touch to caress these areas or decorate them with body paint and wild images. Unlike a Virgo or Capricorn, you can explore the boundaries of erotica with your Aquarius lover for whom practically anything goes.

However despite the Aquarian penchant for the unconventional, physical intimacy with them is not really a pressing requirement for a fulfilling relationship. An Aquarius can make a devoted caring partner but is unlikely to burn with the heat of an intense passion like a Scorpio or Leo. Interestingly however, Aquarians can prove to have an encyclopedic knowledge on sexual matters which is probably because of their innate curiosity about how things work and can be improved upon. However when it comes to practical application in their own lives, they may not find the idea so thrilling after all.

How to make it work

In case you are interested in a long term relationship with your Aquarius partner, you stand a greater chance by developing your intellectual rather than sexual compatibility. These are people who are less interested in what you wear and where you go to shop; rather they want to know what you think of various philosophical approaches and how they can be used to make the world a better place. Like the symbol of the Water Bearer which marks this zodiac sign, Aquarians believe in carrying the gifts of knowledge and thought and pouring it out for humanity. So if you are keen on holding on to your Aquarius lover, make sure that you both have identical life goals and ways of looking at the world.

Like other Air signs, an Aquarius cannot be held down. They need the freedom to range widely in the worlds of thoughts and ideas and don’t take well to be tied to conventional demands of a relationship. Very often Aquarians can be found to engage in active intellectual exchanges with members of the opposite sex which can seem to veer into light-hearted flirtation. So if you are the overly jealous type, you may have difficulty in understanding why your partner craves the society of others when you are right beside him/her. The truth is that they need to be surrounded by a lively circle of friends and acquaintances since this is important for the free and productive exchange of ideas which they thrive on. On the upside, Aquarians are some of the most free-wheeling lovers in the zodiac. They don’t have a jealous bone in the body and will be the first to offer everyone, including you, equal freedom. This makes Aquarians the perfect candidate for some fairly unconventional arrangements when it comes to partnership and romance.