Gifts for Virgo Men

Those born in between 23rd August and 23rd September carry the zodiac sign of the Virgo or the Virgin. Perfectionism is the driving force behind this personality which also informs their relationships and their interests in life. If you can look for gifts which signify order, practicality and attention to health, you can rarely go wrong with the Virgo man.

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Personal organizers

Multi-tasking comes naturally to all Virgos. Ruled by the planet Mercury who was also the swift-footed messenger of gods in classical mythology, a Virgo can handle several tasks – physical as well as intellectual – at the same time. They thrive in high pressure competitive environments which bring out the best of this industrious and meticulous nature. For this reason, your Virgo boyfriend or husband can be something of a workaholic – so a great gift that can appeal to the exacting professional or entrepreneur in your Virgo man could be a personal digital assistant or a calendar which will help him to organize multiple responsibilities or a busy schedule.

Virgos are also neat and well-organized people – they dislike chaotic and messy surroundings and must have order and clean spaces about them. A place for everything and everything in its place is a maxim they live by. So when exploring gift options for Virgo men, you can look at things like a desk organizer with multiple slots, a briefcase made of fine leather or a stylish cabinet with several layers of racks that cut down chaos at a workplace or at home and not only make it easier to put things away but also in an ordered way so that they can be easily retrieved later on.

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Indoor games

Virgo men are meticulousi and have a great capacity for detail and can focus on intricate tasks for hours. So, games and activities which demand close and unwavering attention can make the base of ideal gifts for Virgo men; for instance you can look through jigsaw puzzles from a variety of themes and across varying degrees of complexity. Or gift your Virgo guy a set of playing cards, especially if he loves playing Patience all by himself. If you are in a mood to indulge, look for stylish chess-sets, for instance those made of expensive material like crystal, marble or finely-carved wood. Alternately you can even gift your Virgo man tickets to a high-profile chess competition where he can not only root for his favorite grandmaster but also may be pick up a few brilliant moves.

Health aids

The Virgo man is quite the health freak and some would say his obsessive concern with health even borders on hypochondria. More likely his health conscious habits are part of a personality driven by perfectionism which in this case is focused towards taking care of the body by staying fit and eating healthy. Thus one of the best gift ideas for a Virgo guy would be a personal gym or an annual membership to a gym of his choice. You can even buy him sessions with a reputed if expensive tennis coach if he has been thinking of taking tennis lessons for a while now. If however your resources do not extend to hiring a personal trainer, you can present your guy with gift coupons from his favorite health food or organic food outlet. Another option is a cookbook with low-fat or low-calorie recipes and incorporating a lot of veggies and fruits which will help him to eat healthy. If you wish for something more extravagant, by all means splurge on a spa session for your Virgo man which will go a long way in relieving some of the nervous tension he is vulnerable to.

Stocks and bonds

A Virgo man is nothing if not practical. Despite his inward and sometimes pedantic nature, he is deeply realistic and practical when it comes to possessions and assets; thus you can buy him stocks and bonds on his birthday, anniversary or any other special occasion. Virgo men are good business people and enjoy following the progress stocks in the market. While such a gift may puzzle a Pisces man and bore an Aquarius guy, your Virgo partner will only be too pleased to receive something that stands for solid worth and material value and is not based on mere emotions or empty abstractions. most often though, a gift need not be expensive to please a Virgo guy. they are people like the simple and practical and may shy away from anything too ostentatious or extravagant. thus settle for something like new headphones for his ipod or a durable case for his netbook instead of fancy colognes or showy accessories.

Something to care for

However this is not to say that Virgos are cold materialistic people – quite the opposite really. One of the chief pleasures in their lives is to be of service to others. They are exceedingly helpful at heart and would willingly give up their own convenience in order to take care of others. For this reason, people born under this sign have a love for pets; so if you wish to do something particularly different for your Virgo guy this time how about buying him something from the pet shop? Look for the aquarium fish or puppy  that your man has an eye on for some time now or if he already has a pet, gift some pet accessories like aquarium ornaments or a great new collar for the poodle , perhaps even with the pet’s name engraved on it. If your Virgo man is not in a position to keep a pet for now, you can even gift him a one-year pass to the local zoo or help him to adopt a canine from the neighborhood animal shelter.