What are Hong Kong Men Like - Dating Guys from Hong Kong

Hong Kong is a city state located on the southern coast of China. Because of its traditionally important harbor, Hong Kong emerged as a financial and commercial power house in Asia. Also known for its expansive skyline, dense population and hectic shopping of all kinds, Hong Kong attracts visitors from all over the world; so if you find yourself on this island and are keen to date its men, here are a few things to keep in mind.

TIP: Click here to see pics and videos of single women and men in your city looking for dates.

Straddling two cultures

Currently Hong Kong is one of the two SAR or Special Administrative Regions governed by the People’s Republic of China. This special status is due to Hong Kong’s history as part of the British colonial empire from mid-nineteenth century to as recent as 1997. Thus the citizens of Hong Kong are inheritors of this unique legacy which straddles the West and East. So while the majority of contemporary Hong Kong people are of Chinese Han origin, the influence of the British past is still felt in the country’s recreational and educational fields. For all these reasons it would be a good idea to keep the country’s past in mind when you strike acquaintance with a guy from Hong Kong. Appreciate the stamp of western ideas and yet respect his ethnic heritage as well. For all practical purposes, this dual identity makes him more of a global citizen and enriches his awareness.

Bankers and financiers

Hong Kong is one of the most important centers of financial activity in the world. As such most men here are employed in the finance or associated sectors. So if you are looking for a partner who holds a cushy job in a bank and takes home a seven-figure salary, you may well be rewarded by Hong Kong’s social scene. However the downside is that such men are rather obsessed about raising their professional and social status. They feel they must have the latest model of the smartphone in the market, an apartment in the swankiest residential high-rise building and accessories like watches which scream for attention. Very often these upwardly mobile bankers and financiers are also looking for relationships which will further their financial prospects while men who have already made their mark in the business may be looking for trophy wives. Thus in the glitzy world of Hong Kong often everything is measured in terms of its financial value and its position in the market. So if you are the kind of girl who is uncomfortable with such an extreme materialistic ethos, you should be careful in your choice of men.

Dominance of tabloid culture

One of the most significant pastimes of men in Hong Kong is discussing the personal lives of celebrities. The rising popularity or waning attractiveness as well as the flings and fashion trends of singers, actors and celebrities are highly popular conversation topics and tabloid material. Indeed Hong Kong's thirst for gossip is not limited to local celebrities, but extends to celebrities from Taiwan, Japan, and to a lesser degree, those from Korea and Mainland China. So if you are preparing for a date with a guy in Hong Kong, familiarize yourself a bit with the celebrities popular in local entertainment industry so that when things like an actress’s dress sense or a pop singers personal indiscretions come up during conversation, you do not look utterly dumbfounded.

Something of a gambler maybe

Playing for money is an accepted activity in traditional Chinese culture. Even family members and friends put sums of money as stakes when playing mahjong or other kinds of card games. Thus don’t be surprised to find that your boyfriend from Hong Kong indulges in gambling every now and then. In fact the government of Hong Kong allows legalized gambling in three areas and these are horse racing in Happy Valley and Sha Tin, the Mark Six lottery and more recently,  betting in soccer. To some extent the focus on board games and sometimes gambling is a result of Hong Kong’s lack of vast open outdoor spaces and a consequent absence of the culture of wide-ranging physical sports. Indeed if you are a girl with indoor interests like video games, karaoke and board games, then you are likely to hit off with a guy from Hong Kong. Men here are more into board games and video games rather than into outdoor activities.

Follow traditional beliefs

For all its financial and commercial progress, men in Hong Kong continue to hold certain traditional beliefs close to their hearts. For instance people here are quite avid followers of concepts like feng-shui which are thought to be strong enough to make or break a business. Thus in Hong Kong you will find expensive and multinational construction companies hiring feng shui experts for consultation. Also other objects like Ba gua mirrors are still regularly used for their purported effect in deflecting evil spirits. Even buildings may lack any floor which has number 4 in it since it sounds similar to the word for "die" in Cantonese. In the context of relationships too, you are likely to find your boyfriend from Hong Kong holding traditional values with regard to gender roles. As such he may believe that keeping house and brining up children is primarily a woman’s job; interestingly though this may co-exist with an ease in accepting women as professionals. Thus even if a woman has an active full-time job, her male partner may continue to expect her to take care of most of the domestic chores as well. Indeed several media reports have described a rising trend of Hong Kong men marrying women from the Chinese mainland since the women there can be expected to conform to a traditional subservient norm of marriage than their counterparts on the island 1. .
However things may not necessarily be dull as far as the social scene in Hong Kong is concerned. because of its varied mix of people from all cultures and countries, you are sure to find a guy of your choice.


  1. Asia Times Online - Hong Kong women are lonelier and lonelier