Tips for Dating Thai Women

Western notions about Thai women are more often than not colored by the popular idea of Thailand as the country of sex workers and massage parlors. While it is certainly true that the flesh trade is a problem in the country, the average Thai woman is a person of values, family-oriented and like most women all over the world, trying to live her life with dignity and choices. All these values also come to the fore in case you wish to date Thai women living in western societies or American women of Thai origin. Here are on the whole some tips for dating Thai women, which are sure to smoothen out misconceptions and make things that much easier.

Approach with respect

So widespread is the stereotype of Thai women as masseurs or sex workers in the global media, that the average woman in Thailand is hesitant to be seen with a male foreigner, in case her moral and professional leanings are misinterpreted. Because of prejudices and misconceptions, try and approach your Thai lady with respect, honor and love. When asking her out for a date, do so gently and discreetly; dating is still a concept that is taking hold in Southeast Asia where traditionally girls were engaged or married under family supervision. Even if you are living in the west and keen to date a woman of Thai origin, keep in mind that her family may still be doubtful about her going out with a foreign man, especially when there is no question of a steady relationship as yet. So when getting to know Thai women, be mindful of their cultural expectations and ask her out in a discrete manner. Also be patient as she is considering what to do and don’t push her for an answer right away. One way you could approach the idea of a date would be to ask her out for coffee or a drink which would imply a short outing. Also it may be a good idea to ask her a couple of days ahead so that she has ample time to decide what to do. Then again, where you take her is also an essential aspect of any date. Taking a Thai woman out a seedy bar or a cheap club will only make her think that you are again falling victim to stereotypes; so before the first date, it may be worthwhile to be clear about the specifics like time and venue.

Do some homework

If you want your date with Thai women to start off on the right foot, spend some time beforehand getting to know the country and the culture. Find out where Thailand is located and famous for so that during a conversation you don’t confuse it with other Southeast Asian countries like Malaysia and Indonesia and then say, “Oh but all you people look the same”. Instead read up on Thai arts, cuisine and culture so that you can not only reveal your interest in your Thai girlfriend but more importantly will have something to talk about on your date. For instance Thailand has no traditional of spoken drama, their place being taken by graceful forms of Thai dance like khon, lakhon and likay. Then again when you are out with her, be open to trying out Thai dishes which have already garnered a global following, thanks to the combination of delicate flavors and fresh ingredients. Thai women are rather proud of their country and culture If you can show her you are interested in learning more about them with her,  you've got on to a good start.

A token of love

Like the stereotype of masseurs and sex workers, Thai women are often regarded as grasping and keen to go out with you only if there is some material gain in the bargain. While dating an average Thai woman, stay away from this assumption as far as possible. She does not need to be impressed with expensive gifts or lavish dining – in fact if you start spending too much on her, she may get suspicious of what is expected of her in return. At the same time though, don't be afraid to make small gifts, such as a lovely bouquet of flowers or some prettily wrapped chocolates. This on one hand will assure her that she has nothing to worry as far as her reputation is concerned but at the same time, will make her feel special and loved.

Understand Thai social values

While in the West, honest and individualistic opinion is given more significance, keep in mind that Thai culture, as a general rule, is not this way. They don't like to be confronted and they don't like to confront other people. If you witness this in your date, don’t assume this to demonstrate a lack of honesty or sincerity. Thai culture believes that it is better to say nothing at all than to say something negative or hurtful. Often, the Thai will deal with disagreements, minor mistakes or misfortunes by using the phrase "mai pen rai", translated as "it doesn't matter". The ubiquitous use of this phrase in Thailand reflects a disposition towards minimizing conflict, disagreements or complaints. Indeed aggression is seen as counterproductive in Thai culture, and it is of complete ignorance and lack of courtesy to show any volatile emotions in public. Even if you are a hot headed kind of person with a loud voice and extrovert personality, try to tone it down when you are out with a Thai woman, as what you would think of as normal, she may consider overwhelming.

In western culture, the third date and any after that is seen as the window for intimacy. However if you are keen to keep dating your Thai girlfriend, try and avoid making sexual advances in the early dates. Chances are that she is already worried about stereotypes of Thai girls and half expects you to make an inappropriate move. In fact, it's best not to even bring up the topic of sex, so she is assured about your genuine love and sincerity and that you don’t view her as a kind of glorified escort.

When dating Thai women, be clear about your expectations and priorities. It is true that Thai women are in general considered more feminine and sensual but they still have needs, wants, dreams and desires like any other woman. Apart from keeping a bit about their culture in mind, dating a Thai woman is not that much different than dating any other woman which means treating her with dignity and respect.

In the end, as you are out on a date with a Thai woman, simply remember to just have fun or as they would say ‘sanuk’. Relax, be polite and just get to know each other to see if that special spark can be lit. That is by far the best way to the heart of any Thai woman.