Ten Foods to Avoid When Detoxing

Our bodies were not designed to deal efficiently with the copious amounts of toxins, additives and contaminants that we are coming into contact with on a daily basis as the majority of these pollutants are a side effect of modern standards of living. All toxins can potentially have adverse effects on our health and wellbeing. Waste products from cellular metabolism processes such as ammonium, lactic acid, and homocysteine as well as human-made contaminants such as heavy metals leftover from industrial processes, all present a dire health risk. While it is true that the body can cleanse itself out and rid itself of trace amounts of harmful chemical compounds, to be able to manage the vast quantities of toxins that accumulate in our organisms, you will have to resort to a more thorough cleansing and detoxification diet.

TIP: Download the complete guide to detox.

A Detox diet consists of a diet that facilitates the removal of toxins, contaminants, and pollutants from the human body. Detoxification is a short to medium term course of action that attempts to cleanse the organism, increase energy levels, stimulates digestive health, helps to lower swelling and tissue inflammation as well as boosts the effectiveness of the entire immune apparatus. A detox diet can also help prevent headache flare-ups as well as help you keep anxiety to a minimum and improve your overall mood.

It is of the utmost importance that once you have committed to going through with a detoxification program or diet, you avoid any foods that can thwart all your efforts. No matter how seriously you take the cleanse or detox it will undoubtedly fail if you continue to ingest hard to process substances and irritants. So to get the best results avoid the following ten worst offenders.

  1. Added Sugars

    Arguably the hardest item on this list to avoid since it is prevalent in so many different foods and products. Unbeknownst to most people sugar is highly toxic, and the one substance on this list that you will want to avoid the most as these added sugars can inhibit enzyme production needed for a proper detoxification process. Sugar has been linked to elevated levels of triglycerides and heart disease.
  2. Alcohol

    Alcohol impacts liver function directly and this presents a problem as your liver is the one organ that most affects your body's ability to detoxify. If your liver function becomes impaired in the slightest your body will not be able to eliminate toxins as efficiently.
  3. Artificial Sweeteners

    You would think that since we recommend avoiding sugar that you should replace it with artificial sweeteners but you would be wrong. Products such as Splenda, Equal and others are chemically manufactured, and some of the ingredients in their respective formulas can have adverse effects on liver function. Avoid adding them to your drinks or consuming drinks with added artificial sweeteners such as diet sodas. If you need to sweeten your foods, use natural sweeteners like honey.
  4. Coffee

    Coffee consumption should be kept to a minimum during a detox and if you can manage it, avoid coffee. Caffeine is the culprit here because it has been shown decrease nutrient absorption which is essential for a successful detox. Coffee will also affect your body's pH balance and make it more acidic which is counterproductive to detoxification. Coffee also strains both the liver and the kidneys, stimulates your adrenal glands and often contains added sugars and dairy products.
  5. Meats

    Meats, especially red meats, are high in protein but very low in fiber which means that they are tremendously hard to digest completely. If your digestive system is being burdened by excessive meat consumption, then your body wills diver energy naturally from other bodily systems to aid in digestion. Once this happens energy that your liver needs to filter and cycle out toxins and contaminants will not be available. Give your digestive system a break while you complete your detox.
  6. Trans Fats

    Stick with healthy fats such as mono and polyunsaturated fats. Avoid vegetable oils like canola and soybean and especially stay away from hydrogenated fats. The more of these unhealthy fats that you store in your organism, the larger the fatty deposits in your liver will be which can have adverse effects on your detox plan. Trans fats are also twice as dangerous to cardiac health as the unsaturated type.
  7. Dairy Products

    Dairy foods are difficult to digest and place a heavy burden on the digestive system. Milk, cheese and other types of dairy are acidic foods that cause imbalances in the body's pH levels and thus lead to poor cell function that can slow down detoxification of contaminants.
  8. Wheat and Gluten

    Research has shown that gluten can be an irritant to the lining of the intestines and in a large number of people can be the cause of severe bloating, indigestion and constipation. High Wheat consumption can lead to poor nutrient absorption in the intestines because of its high levels of phytic acid and disaccharides, and it has been known to put pressure on your liver during digestion.
  9. MSG

    This is one of the worst food additives, yet it is highly prevalent in today's market. MSG stands for Monosodium Glutamate. MSG is most commonly associated with Chinese takeout, but in fact, MSG is used in the manufacture of packaged foods such as canned meats and soups. MSG is an excitotoxin which means that it excessively overstimulates nerve cells to the point of damage and even cellular death. MSG is something you want to avoid at all costs.
  10. Soy Products

    Touted everywhere as a healthy superfood, soy products can have adverse effects on your system during a cleanse or detox program. This is due in part to soy's high content of phytates. Phytates are enzyme inhibitors that block nutrient and mineral absorption in the digestive tract. Soy has also been known to block trypsin, which is an essential digestive enzyme. Without proper levels of trypsin, you will most likely experience cramps, diarrhea and stomach bleeding.

Anytime you place undue stress on the digestive system, liver and your body's pH levels you are actively making your cleanse or detox less efficient. You want to stay on top of proper nutrition during a cleanse if you want to get the most out of your effort.


  1. Haas, E. "The Detox Diet." Berkeley, Calif.: Celestial Arts Publishing (1996).
  2. Klein, A. V., and H2 Kiat. "Detox diets for toxin elimination and weight management: a critical review of the evidence." Journal of human nutrition and dietetics 28.6 (2015): 675-686.