10 Foods to Improve your Sex Life Naturally

Food and sex have had a long and deep connection that is evident in almost all cultures of the world. The evolution of aphrodisiacs is partly due to the capacity of certain foods to improve a person’s sex life. Sometimes it does this by introducing certain ingredients into the body which directly stimulate the senses or the sex organs; but more often these foods work by supplying the body, including the sex organs, with nutrients which keep it healthy, young and thus fit to enjoy sex. So if you wish to improve your performance in bed or wow your partner with your sizzling energy, make sure your stock up these items in your pantry.


The secret of bilberry’s aphrodisiacal properties lies perhaps in its beneficial effect on the circulatory system of the body. Good circulation is essential for the free and uninterrupted supply of blood to the sex organs. Among men this is a crucial factor for the attainment and maintenance of erection and prevention of erectile disorders. Also Bilberry like cranberries and strawberries is a potent source of antioxidants which enable the body to maintain its vigor and vitality besides strengthening the immune system and protecting it from infections. The various types of anthocyanins, a kind of biochemical, in the berries are responsible for the making the fruit a potent tool in fighting infections as well as the effects of aging – conditions necessary to have a healthy sexual experience.


Cayenne’s reputation as a love aid may be due to the belief that its ingestion leads to the release of endorphins in the body. Endorphins are feel-good chemicals that reduce the body’s sensation of pain and lead to euphoric feelings. And only when you are feeling good about yourself, can you take pleasure in sex. In this way, release of endorphins brought on by the use of cayenne plays a vital role in the setting the mood for love. Also cayenne like some other chili peppers contains a chemical known as capsaicin which may act as a vasodilator. The dilation of the blood vessels in turn vastly improves the circulation of blood in arteries and veins. This means increased blood flow throughout the body including to the sex organs. It is this effect of cayenne that perhaps led to the belief in some traditional cultures that ingestion of the pepper leads to longer lasting erections, stronger ejaculations and more intense orgasms.


While the origin of its reputation as a libido booster may have to do with its resemblance to the male phallus, modern scientific investigation into the vegetable’s properties shows that it indeed includes many chemicals and nutrients which may help the body to enjoy sex. Recent studies reveal that celery contains androsterone, one of the most potent of the male pheromones which is released from the male body through sweating even though it cannot be actually smelt on the body. For this reason consuming adequate amounts of raw celery may increase the natural production of these pheromones and make a man sexually attractive to members of the opposite sex. According to some studies, the chemical compounds in celery affect the pituitary gland which is the primary gland regulating the levels and actions of sex hormones in the body. Yet other sources believe that celery affects the supra-renal glands which regulate the release of corticosteroid hormones like adrenalin and noradrenalin. The actual effect of celery needs to be investigated in more detail, but if present studies are any indication, then consumption of celery in the right quantities may help to alleviate any hormonal disorder which may be interfering with the normal sexual life of a person.


The key to fennel’s reputation as an aphrodisiac lies in the fact that the plant contains certain compounds that are similar to the female hormone estrogen. These plant-based estrogen-like compounds are known as phytoestrogen and are believed to stimulate sexual desire among women. Probably for this reason too, fennel was used as a breast enlarger in folk medicine. In fact, so rich is fennel in phytoestrogens that in the 1930s, the herb was considered as a source for producing synthetic estrogens. Fennel oil is extremely sweet and aromatic oil which has been traditionally used to stimulate sexual desire in women by appealing to the olfactory senses. In fact, fennel seeds were chewed to obtain sweet-smelling breath in the past when artificial mints and breath fresheners were not available. And everyone knows how conducive fresh, sweets-smelling breath is to amorous encounters.


The secret to rosemary’s reputation as an aphrodisiac lies most probably in its stimulant properties. The astringent properties of Rosemary oil also make it an excellent physical stimulant. When applied on the skin, the oil has a cooling erotic effect which may aid in exciting the erogenous zones in humans, bringing about quicker erections as well as more intense orgasms. Moreover rosemary oil is well known for its intoxicating aroma which is capable of evoking myriad sensual pleasures. The heightened responses of the senses to agents of pleasure further help in arousing sexual desire. Also, for ages rosemary oil has been known to increase mental alertness and strengthen memory. This may be due to the presence of certain psychotropic chemicals in the essential oil. And since the brain controls the action of the sex hormones in the body, the stimulant effect on the mind may lead to a greater awareness of agents of sexual arousal and heightened sexual pleasure.


The reputation of nuts as an aphrodisiac appears to lie in the fact that nuts are complete foods in themselves and hence their consumption even in small quantities over a period of time goes a long way in maintaining the overall health of a human body. Nuts are one of the most important sources of protein as well as essential fatty acids like omega-3 and omega-6, all of which are crucial in the optimum functioning of various systems of the body. In fact linoleic and linolenic acids found in nuts are believed to be essential for the production of sex hormones Other than their nutritional benefits, nuts also heighten sexual desire by appealing to the senses. Almonds for example have a sweet smell and its blossoms are beautiful to look at. The rich creamy taste of cashew nuts again may appeal to lovers who have a sweet tooth and are excited by such flavors. Cola nuts are considered an aphrodisiac in Madagascar, probably because of their high caffeine content which is responsible for stimulating the brain and the senses.


The secret to use of licorice as an aphrodisiac could lie in its unique smell which has been shown to stimulate the male libido in a number of scientific studies. In one of them, Alan Hirsch M.D., neurological director the Chicago-based Smell and Taste Treatment Research Foundation conducted a study that evaluated how different types of smells influenced sexual arousal. Hirsch and his researchers found that the smell of black licorice was particularly stimulating to men and in fact increased the blood flow to the penis by 13 percent. Also licorice root is believed to be ten times sweeter than sugar because of the presence of the main active compound known as glycyrrhizin. In the natural state licorice root exudes an intense bitter-sweet flavor which is vastly appealing to the sense of taste and consequently may be sexually stimulating too. Yet another reason why licorice may have been used in many parts of the world to enhance sexual arousal may be due to its effect on the endocrine system of the human body. According to some sources, certain chemicals present in licorice may lower the amount of serum testosterone in the body which affects the level of free testosterone. In the male body, Testosterone is the primary sex hormone which influences libido and a rise in the level of free testosterone can have a major effect on sexual stimulation.


Like many other edible marine creatures as oysters are loaded with vitamins and minerals. One of the most important among these is zinc which is beneficial for boosting the male libido and enhancing sexual performance in men. This is because zinc increases testosterone production and semen volume. Women’s sexual health too benefits from intake of zinc since the lack of mineral is associated with vaginal dryness.


While a staid food like soy may not seem to be particularly exciting to the sexual palate, it is actually packed with nutrients which have a direct bearing on sex life. Studies have shown that the isoflavones in soy may be effective in preventing prostate cancer besides aiding the healthy functioning of the prostate. Soy’s ability to protect the prostate from enlargement and cancerous growth ensures that blood flow remains unimpeded, thus leading to healthy urinary function and normal sexual performance in men. However Soy has been found particularly helpful for women’s reproductive health. For example, soy binds estrogen receptors, which helps the vaginal area remain lubricated and combats symptoms of menopause — particularly hot flashes. But  it's important to note that women who have a history of breast cancer should not eat large amounts of soy, because the binding of estrogen receptors actually increases the risk of reoccurrence.


Finally what list of sex-boosting aids can be complete without that most delectable of foods – chocolate. The amorous effects of chocolate, widespread in romantic lore and the popular imagination, are largely the result of the simple sensual pleasure of its consumption. It is a rare human who can resist the smooth, rich and creamy experience of dark chocolate since its consumption appeals to virtually all the senses of smell, sight, taste and texture. This heightening of the sensual pleasures brought on by consumptions of chocolate is a powerful prelude to the delights of a sexual experience. Now even science is waking up to the beneficial effects of chocolate on the human libido. Researchers have found that chocolate contains two important chemical compounds, Serotonin and Phenylethylamine. These are found naturally in the human brain where they function as hormones responsible for uplifting moods and emotions. When people consume chocolate, the normal levels of both hormones increase and this leads to a feeling of excitement as well as the pleasant rush of energy. Another compound present in chocolate, theobromine, is also believed to have a mood-elevating effect. The sense of overall well-being and a light stimulation brought on by consuming chocolate thus create the right moods for amorous action.