Quotes about Wife

  1. My wife bought an extra life insurance policy on me. - Willie Aames, Actor
  2. They did interviews with my wife and daughter-they were genuinely in fear of me having a heart attack, working 20 hours a day, eating fast food. - Willie Aames, Actor
  3. I prefer the word 'homemaker' because 'housewife' always implies that there may be a wife someplace else. - Bella Abzug, Lawyer
    24-Jul-1920 - 31-Mar-1998
  4. I was married awfully young and I felt trapped. My wife had been divorced and all the time we were married we were out of the Church. It wasn't until we were divorced that we became good Catholics again. - Don Adams, Comedian
    13-Apr-1926 - 25-Sep-2005
  5. I am a quick study - I can memorize a script in an hour - but I can't remember a name three seconds. I've even forgotten my wife's name on occasion. - Don Adams, Comedian
    13-Apr-1926 - 25-Sep-2005
  6. He was a dreamer, a thinker, a speculative philosopher... or, as his wife would have it, an idiot. - Douglas Adams, Writer
    11-Mar-1952 - 11-May-2001
  7. A psychiatrist asks a lot of expensive questions your wife asks for nothing. - Joey Adams, Comedian
    06-Jan-1911 - 02-Dec-1999
  8. Therefore I do pray and entreat you in the name of Jesus Christ to do so much as to make my being here in Japan known to my poor wife, in a manner a widow and my two children fatherless; which thing only is my greatest grief of heart and conscience. - Will Adams, Explorer
    24-Sep-1564 - 16-May-1620
  9. In the end of five years I made supplication to the king to go out of this land, desiring to see my poor wife and children according to conscience and nature. - Will Adams, Explorer
    24-Sep-1564 - 16-May-1620
  10. Johns Hopkins introduced me to two defining events in my life: commitment to biomedical research and meeting my future wife, Mary. - Peter Agre, Scientist
  11. I have sons, and they have never said the word hell in front of me or my wife. That's the truth. - Danny Aiello, Actor
  12. Most nights I end up wearing a wife beater T-shirt and boxers. - Jessica Alba, Actress
  13. My toughest fight was with my first wife. - Muhammad Ali, Athlete
  14. In my house I'm the boss, my wife is just the decision maker. - Woody Allen, Director
  15. I tended to place my wife under a pedestal. - Woody Allen, Director
  16. Basically my wife was immature. I'd be at home in the bath and she'd come in and sink my boats. - Woody Allen, Director
  17. I don't have to 'freedom-kiss' my wife when what I really want to do is French-kiss her. - Woody Allen, Director
  18. The relationship between husband and wife should be one of closest friends. - B. R. Ambedkar, Politician
    14-Apr-1891 - 06-Dec-1956
  19. My wife and I have always trusted each other, and I have to thank her strength. - Anthony Anderson, Actor
  20. That was fun to play. There were some nice special effects coupled with some really nice moments with child and wife. I also was able to age to about 100 years in 'Brief Candle.' - Richard Dean Anderson, Actor
  21. The real act of marriage takes place in the heart, not in the ballroom or church or synagogue. It's a choice you make - not just on your wedding day, but over and over again - and that choice is reflected in the way you treat your husband or wife. - Barbara de Angelis, Writer
  22. Roman's wife Sharon Tate had been murdered by Charles Manson the year before, but Roman had been through so much leaving the Warsaw ghetto that he was very strong and private. - Francesca Annis, Actress
  23. Be quiet, or my wife will take away your first born and make him or her work in one of her sweatshops! - Marc Anthony, Musician
  24. Have a working spouse, because you won't earn a living from writing - not at first, if ever. My wife worked for years to support us. - Piers Anthony, Writer
  25. I was a queen, and you took away my crown; a wife, and you killed my husband; a mother, and you deprived me of my children. My blood alone remains: take it, but do not make me suffer long. - Marie Antoinette, Royalty
    02-Nov-1755 - 16-Oct-1793
  26. We just bought a new house, so my wife's been doing all the moving and other stuff, so I would like to go home and just sit and enjoy all that for a couple months before I gotta start playing again. - Tom Araya, Musician
  27. This is a big deal. My wife and I sat in our home and we watched those young men get slaughtered on the streets of Mogadishu in the absence of a plan. It broke our heart. - Dick Armey, Politician
  28. Children are supposed to help hold a marriage together. They do this in a number of ways. For instance, they demand so much attention that a husband and wife, concentrating on their children, fail to notice each other's faults. - Richard Armour, Poet
  29. Middle -age is the time of life, that a man first notices - in his wife. - Richard Armour, Poet
  30. Although I enjoyed writing Film Music it was always a means to an end, in that it enabled me to keep a wife and family and write my classical music, which has always been my passion. - Malcolm Arnold, Composer
  31. How can a Man respect his Wife when he has a contemptible Opinion of her and her Sex? - Mary Astell, Writer
    12-Dec-1666 - 11-May-1731
  32. I feel fully decided that we should all go to Europe together and to work as if an established Partnership for Life consisting of Husband Wife and Children. - John James Audubon, Scientist
    26-Apr-1785 - 27-Jan-1851
  33. Passion is the evil in adultery. If a man has no opportunity of living with another man's wife, but if it is obvious for some reason that he would like to do so, and would do so if he could, he is no less guilty than if he was caught in the act. - Saint Augustine, Saint
    13-Nov-0354 - 28-Aug-0430
  34. It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. - Jane Austen, Writer
    16-Dec-1775 - 28-Jul-1817
  35. Many a man owes his success to his first wife and his second wife to his success. - Jim Backus, Actor
    25-Feb-1913 - 03-Jul-1989
  36. He that hath wife and children hath given hostages to fortune; for they are impediments to great enterprises, either of virtue or mischief. - Francis Bacon, Philosopher
    21-Jan-1561 - 09-Apr-1626
  37. A man's mother is his misfortune, but his wife is his fault. - Walter Bagehot, Author
    03-Feb-1826 - 24-Mar-1877
  38. Every man who is high up loves to think that he has done it all himself; and the wife smiles, and lets it go at that. - David Bailey, Photographer
  39. In everyday life, my wife is the most wonderful. We're in love with each other beyond belief. - Christian Bale, Actor
  40. A young bride is like a plucked flower; but a guilty wife is like a flower that had been walked over. - Honore de Balzac, Novelist
    20-May-1799 - 18-Aug-1850
  41. A husband who submits to his wife's yoke is justly held an object of ridicule. A woman's influence ought to be entirely concealed. - Honore De Balzac, Novelist
    20-May-1799 - 18-Aug-1850
  42. I'm a nice, happily married wife and mom and I live in Connecticut. - Christine Baranski, Actress
  43. I'd much rather be famous for being a fabulous bitch than being, She does that nice wife really well. - Christine Baranski, Actress
  44. As I've explained to my wife many times, you have to kill your wife or mistress to get on the front page of the papers. - Julian Barnes, Writer
  45. As a housewife, I feel that if the kids are still alive when my husband gets home from work, then hey, I've done my job. - Roseanne Barr, Actress
  46. Every man who is high up likes to think he has done it all himself; and the wife smiles, and lets it go at that. It's our only joke. Every woman knows that. - J. M. Barrie, Novelist
    09-May-1860 - 19-Jun-1937
  47. Every man who is high up likes to think that he has done it all himself, and the wife smiles and lets it go at that. - James M. Barrie, Playwright
    09-May-1860 - 19-Jun-1937
  48. My wife was too beautiful for words, but not for arguments. - John Barrymore, Actor
    15-Feb-1882 - 29-May-1942
  49. My wife is the kind of girl who will not go anywhere without her mother, and her mother will go anywhere. - John Barrymore, Actor
    15-Feb-1882 - 29-May-1942
  50. I am thinking of taking a fifth wife. Why not? Solomon had a thousand wives and he is a synonym for wisdom. - John Barrymore, Actor
    15-Feb-1882 - 29-May-1942
  51. A sweetheart is a bottle of wine, a wife is a wine bottle. - Charles Baudelaire, Poet
    09-Apr-1821 - 31-Aug-1867
  52. I am excited to rise today to support National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day. This celebration honors the husband and wife business owner teams whose work helps drive the economy and fuel job growth. - Melissa Bean, Politician
  53. No jealousy their dawn of love overcast, nor blasted were their wedded days with strife; each season looked delightful as it past, to the fond husband and the faithful wife. - James Beattie
  54. My notion of a wife at 40 is that a man should be able to change her, like a bank note, for two 20s. - Warren Beatty, Actor
  55. It helps to be able to be alone. 'Cuz writing is done alone, unless you collaborate, but I don't do that. Ask my ex-wife. - Dirk Benedict, Actor
  56. My wife Mary and I have been married for forty-seven years and not once have we had an argument serious enough to consider divorce; murder, yes, but divorce, never. - Jack Benny, Comedian
    14-Feb-1894 - 26-Dec-1974
  57. I walked out of the show business in 1968 because I thought that would be good for the family. It took me some time to decide but I wanted to spend more time with my wife and two daughters who were always beside me. I wanted to do everything I could for t - Pete Best, Musician
  58. My wife was delighted with the home I had given her amid the prairies of the far west. - Buffalo Bill, Celebrity
    26-Feb-1846 - 10-Jan-1917
  59. I have three kids and a wife, and any moments that aren't dedicated to working on this film in some way, or family, are immediately reserved for sleep. - Brad Bird, Cartoonist
  60. I had pretty much raised my kids and my first wife and I were divorced, so I began, in earnest, to start my musical career again. Going for the big record deal and all of that. - Jimmy Carl Black, Musician
  61. The husband and wife are one, and that one is the husband. - William Blackstone, Judge
    10-Jul-1723 - 14-Feb-1780
  62. Once his wife goes to sleep it takes a minor nuclear explosion to wake her. - Tony Blair, Statesman
  63. You only require two things in life: your sanity and your wife. - Tony Blair, Statesman
  64. The majority of information I gave police was about my wife and her family, which is what they wanted. - Robert Blake, Actor
  65. What is a wife and what is a harlot? What is a church and what is a theatre? are they two and not one? Can they exist separate? Are not religion and politics the same thing? Brotherhood is religion. O demonstrations of reason dividing families in cruelty - William Blake, Poet
    28-Nov-1757 - 12-Aug-1827
  66. What is the price of experience? Do men buy it for a song? Or wisdom for a dance in the street? No, it is bought with the price of all the man hath, his house, his wife, his children. - William Blake, Poet
    28-Nov-1757 - 12-Aug-1827
  67. It was not easy with a newborn, asking your wife to give up the family home and your security. - Heston Blumenthal, Celebrity
  68. I keep working mainly because my wife and I spend most of our time touring the country doing our own plays. - Joseph Bologna, Actor
  69. People shop for a bathing suit with more care than they do a husband or wife. The rules are the same. Look for something you'll feel comfortable wearing. Allow for room to grow. - Erma Bombeck, Journalist
    21-Feb-1927 - 22-Apr-1996
  70. A friend never defends a husband who gets his wife an electric skillet for her birthday. - Erma Bombeck, Journalist
    21-Feb-1927 - 22-Apr-1996
  71. The last time I spoke with Robert was back in May. When his wife was murdered, I talked to several radio stations in defense of him because I know how Bobby Blake really is, and as far as I'm concerned, there's no murder in his heart. - Tommy Bond, Actor
  72. A woman must combine the role of mother, wife and politician. - Emma Bonino, Politician
  73. All you need for happiness is a good gun, a good horse, and a good wife. - Daniel Boone, Explorer
    02-Nov-1734 - 26-Sep-1820
  74. A dress that zips up the back will bring a husband and wife together. - James H. Boren, Public Servant
  75. He was happily married - but his wife wasn't. - Victor Borge, Musician
    03-Jan-1909 - 23-Dec-2000
  76. My wife says that my tombstone will read, 'Here lies Mr.C, who used to be Mr.B.' So I think that's probably what I'll be remembered for. - Tom Bosley, Actor
  77. Adam knew Eve his wife and she conceived. It is a pity that this is still the only knowledge of their wives at which some men seem to arrive. - F. H. Bradley, Philosopher
    30-Jan-1846 - 18-Sep-1924
  78. Not too many people can afford for the wife to stay home and raise the kids. - Eric Braeden, Actor
  79. I board with a poor Scotchman: his wife can talk scarce any English. - David Brainerd, Clergyman
  80. I find myself enjoying a deeper love than I ever imagined was possible in the form of my daughter and certainly in the union with my wife. It makes everything else, including work, which is one of the things I'm most passionate about, pale by comparison. - Benjamin Bratt, Actor
  81. I remember driving home one evening while they were reviewing the papers on the radio. One of the articles was about me separating from my wife. It's a weird thing to listen to a news report about the break-up of your marriage. - Rory Bremner, Comedian
  82. In a happy marriage it is the wife who provides the climate, the husband the landscape. - Gerald Brenan, Writer
  83. One of the wonderful things about this glorious holiday trip I'm on is that I'm in public with people. It hasn't been inclined... I don't know - something to do with the death of my wife. It's inclined to make me isolated. - Jeremy Brett, Actor
    03-Nov-1933 - 12-Sep-1995
  84. I can't be a wife. I'm not that sort of person. Wives have to compromise all the time. - Sarah Brightman, Musician
  85. I know one husband and wife who, whatever the official reasons given to the court for the break up of their marriage, were really divorced because the husband believed that nobody ought to read while he was talking and the wife that nobody ought to talk w - Vera Brittain, Writer
    29-Dec-1893 - 29-Mar-1970
  86. Meek wifehood is no part of my profession; I am your friend, but never your possession. - Vera Brittain, Writer
    29-Dec-1893 - 29-Mar-1970
  87. I don't have friends, I have thousands of acquaintances. No friends. I figured I had a wife and children. - Charles Bronson, Actor
    03-Nov-1920 - 30-Aug-2003
  88. I got a wife who likes expensive things, so she takes all the cash. - James Brown, Musician
    23-Mar-1920 - 25-Dec-2006
  89. My wife and I came to Canada for the 1994 Commonwealth Games and we really liked the B.C. lifestyle and environment. The following year we applied to become permanent residents. We moved here in 1996 after the Atlanta Olympics. - Jonathan Brown, Athlete
  90. My wife is one of the best wimin on this Continent, altho' she isn't always gentle as a lamb with mint sauce. - Charles Farrar Browne, Writer
    23-Apr-1834 - 06-Mar-1867
  91. I have already given two cousins to the war and I stand ready to sacrifice my wife's brother. - Charles Farrar Browne, Writer
    23-Apr-1834 - 06-Mar-1867
  92. The bitterest creature under heaven is the wife who discovers that her husband's bravery is only bravado, that his strength is only a uniform, that his power is but a gun in the hands of a fool. - Pearl S. Buck, Novelist
    06-Jun-1892 - 06-Mar-1973
  93. I would be married, but I'd have no wife, I would be married to a single life. - Charles Bukowski, Author
    16-Aug-1920 - 09-Mar-1994
  94. If you have your wife, and you are proud of something she's done, wouldn't you go and support her in something? That is what I was trying to do. - Gisele Bundchen, Model
  95. I had one of the best days of my life. I spent the afternoon with my two kids and my ex-wife at Serendipity. Then I came to the theater, and you know, I think I did the play the best I've ever done it. - Gabriel Byrne, Actor
  96. The fact is that my wife if she had common sense would have more power over me than any other whatsoever, for my heart always alights upon the nearest perch. - George Byron, Poet
    22-Jan-1788 - 19-Apr-1824
  97. Caesar's wife must be above suspicion. - Julius Caesar, Leader
  98. There's quite a lot of bad stuff written about me. My wife even says a lot of bad stuff about me. But she is wonderful. - Michael Caine, Actor
  99. My mother was a housewife but she was also an artist. My father was an electrical engineer. - James Cameron, Director
  100. I am glad to go with my wife and baby boy. - Alex Campbell, Politician