Sexual herbs for men and women

Here're some herbs, considered very useful in improving the sex lives of men and women. 

1. Alfalfa

Scientific name: Medicago sativa

This perennial bushy clover bears blue, purple, or yellow flowers.

The basics of Alfalfa

Alfalfa was noted in 1597 by English herbalist John Gerard to be an herb capable of relieving an upset stomach. In the Arab world, they call Alfalfa the "father of all herbs." It's no wonder, when you think of all the wonderful nutrients contained in Alfalfa-eight essential amino acids, four times the amount of vitamin C as in a glass of citrus juice, and high levels of calcium. For women, this translates to relief from various "female" problems, namely menopausal and menstrual symptoms.

Hot flashes, mood swings, anxiety, night sweats-all of these may be relieved by Alfalfa. Vaginal dryness and itchiness is also alleviated by the phytoestrogens found in Alfalfa. Premenstrual symptoms of moodiness, anxiety, cramps, and anemia may be alleviated by Alfalfa, enabling you to enjoy sex more. Alfalfa's reputation as a diuretic may be why it is also associated with relieving PMS symptoms such as bloating.

Parts used

Seeds, flowers, leaves, and sprouts of Alfalfa are used.

Chemical content

Alfalfa is high in phytoestrogens, which act as estrogen in the body. In addition, Alfalfa contains these substances:

* Alpha-carotene, a substance similar to vitamin A (betacarotene)

* Amino acids

* The minerals calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, and zinc

* Saponin glycosides (in leaves), which may help lower cholesterol and prevent arterial plaque buildup

* Vitamins A, B-complex, C, D, E, and K

Dosing instructions and availability

You can easily grow Alfalfa sprouts from seeds. Seeds and sprouts are readily available at most grocery and health food stores. (Recently some sprouts sold commercially have been found to contain e. coli bacteria; if this is a problem in your area, carefully check the origin of your sprouts, or grow your own in a jar on the windowsill.) Alfalfa is also available in pill, dried leaves, infusion, powder, and tincture forms.

Add Alfalfa sprouts to salads and sandwiches. For pills or other forms of Alfalfa, follow the instructions on the product label. For dried leaves, use 1-2 teaspoons of dried leaves per cup of water. Drink 1-3 times per day.


Contaminants have been found in some dried Alfalfa products, so use a reputable source that guarantees contents. Alfalfa-specially the seeds-can cause systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) to flare up in persons with this health condition.

Added benefits

Men who suffer from an enlarged prostate, and increased urination due to this condition, may also find relief with Alfalfa. Alfalfa helps reduce the inflammation and swelling that occurs with this condition. Other benefits of Alfalfa include:

  • Relieves constipation by providing a healthy dose of fiber
  • Relieves heartburn and indigestion by neutralizing acids
  • Helps to prevent osteoporosis with its high calcium content
  • Fights infections, including acne
  • Purifies the blood
  • May help prevent Alzheimer's disease by improving blood circulation to the brain
  • The vitamin K contained in Alfalfa is also thought to reduce morning sickness High in chlorophyll, which makes for less body odor
  • Natural source of fluoride for strong bones and teeth
  • Aids in weight loss
  • Acts as a diuretic
  • Prevents plaque buildup in the arteries
  • Lowers cholesterol

It is also thought that Alfalfa may increase the production of milk in nursing mothers, while also boosting the amount of vitamins contained in the milk.