Quotes about Women

  1. There are certain men and women who, from the minute they step in front of a camera, that's exactly where they belong. Connery's one. - F. Murray Abraham, Actor
  2. If we mean to have heroes, statesmen and philosophers, we should have learned women. - Abigail Adams, First Lady
    22-Dec-1744 - 28-Oct-1818

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  3. The true republic: men, their rights and nothing more; women, their rights and nothing less. - Franklin P. Adams, Journalist
  4. Elections are won by men and women chiefly because most people vote against somebody rather than for somebody. - Franklin P. Adams, Journalist
  5. I certainly think that 10 to 20 years from now, clearly the majority of veterinarians will be women. - Richard Adams, Clergyman
  6. In less enlightened times, the best way to impress women was to own a hot car. But women wised up and realized it was better to buy their own hot cars so they wouldn't have to ride around with jerks. - Scott Adams, Cartoonist
  7. Old-fashioned ways which no longer apply to changed conditions are a snare in which the feet of women have always become readily entangled. - Jane Addams, Activist
    06-Sep-1860 - 21-May-1935
  8. The Rubicons which women must cross, the sex barriers which they must breach, are ultimately those that exist in their own minds. - Freda Adler, Educator
  9. There is only one situation I can think of in which men and women make an effort to read better than they usually do. It is when they are in love and reading a love letter. - Mortimer Adler, Philosopher
    28-Dec-1902 - 28-Jun-2001
  10. Three things have been difficult to tame: the oceans, fools and women. We may soon be able to tame the oceans; fools and women will take a little longer. - Spiro T. Agnew, Politician
    09-Nov-1918 - 17-Sep-1996
  11. I've got cousins galore. Mexicans just spread all their seeds. And the women just pop them out. - Jessica Alba, Actress
  12. I like to help women help themselves, as that is, in my opinion, the best way to settle the woman question. Whatever we can do and do well we have a right to, and I don't think any one will deny us. - Louisa May Alcott, Novelist
    29-Nov-1832 - 06-Mar-1888
  13. It takes people a long time to learn the difference between talent and genius, especially ambitious young men and women. - Louisa May Alcott, Novelist
    29-Nov-1832 - 06-Mar-1888
  14. People don't have fortunes left them in that style nowadays; men have to work and women to marry for money. It's a dreadfully unjust world. - Louisa May Alcott, Novelist
    29-Nov-1832 - 06-Mar-1888
  15. The law changes and flows like water, and the stream of women's rights law has become a sudden rushing torrent. - Shana Alexander, Journalist
    06-Oct-1925 - 23-Jun-2005
  16. I confront the European elite's self-image as tolerant 'while under their noses women are living like slaves. - Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Politician
  17. Nearly one in four women will experience domestic violence during her lifetime. And slightly more than half of female victims of domestic violence live in households with children under age 12. - Lucille Roybal Allard
  18. Our men and women in our armed forces are the real heroes in this conflict. - Wayne Allard, Politician
  19. The radio for these women is like television is for us today, which is really like looking at the radio. - Debbie Allen, Actress
  20. You can hardly judge women's effect on politics merely from the action of individual women officeholders. - Florence E. Allen
  21. The fact that the movement was carried on by women who, for the most part, had no money of their own and were totally inexperienced in organization, and that they won their fight in about two generations, makes a story often dramatic and always worth pres - Florence E. Allen
  22. Owing to the fact that leaders in the women's groups made a point of serving on the jury here whenever they were called, we have always had an unusually high type of women represented on the jury. - Florence E. Allen
  23. It will take a long time for women's effect on politics to register so that we may properly appraise it. - Florence E. Allen
  24. We are so appreciative of the men and women in uniform who are protecting us, whether in Afghanistan or Iraq or on ships around the world. For our security, they are taking the offensive to the terrorists overseas. - George Allen, Politician
  25. I think that I do separate myself a fair amount. And I don't feel like I am representing women. That's up to however people interpret it once they sort of see it. - Joan Allen, Actress
  26. I love that men like to look at women, that they love sports, that they need to know the inner workings of mechanical objects. I love the whole makeup of men - that they never mature and are always just boys. - Krista Allen, Actress
  27. Feminism is dated? Yes, for privileged women like my daughter and all of us here today, but not for most of our sisters in the rest of the world who are still forced into premature marriage, prostitution, forced labor - they have children that they don't - Isabel Allende, Writer
  28. I can promise you that women working together - linked, informed and educated - can bring peace and prosperity to this forsaken planet. - Isabel Allende, Writer
  29. I've had women who move to the towns I'm living in, just pack up and move there, never even met 'em before, 'cause they heard I lived there. - GG Allin, Musician
    29-Aug-1956 - 28-Jun-1993
  30. I think I would have died if there hadn't been the women's movement. - Dorothy Allison, Writer
  31. In fact, it was the women in our house who were in the saddle. If men are the gods, women are not only the presidents but all the ministers of the government. - Pedro Almodovar, Director
  32. Yes, women are stronger than us. They face more directly the problems that confront them, and for that reason they are much more spectacular to talk about. I don't know why I am more interested in women, because I don't go to any psychiatrists, and I don't want to know why. - Pedro Almodovar, Director
  33. Cukor is one of my favorite directors. He was a master at directing women. - Pedro Almodovar, Director
  34. Men make clothes for the women they'd like to be with or in most cases the women they'd like to be. - Robert Altman, Director
    20-Feb-1925 - 20-Nov-2006
  35. I measure the progress of a community by the degree of progress which women have achieved. - B. R. Ambedkar, Politician
    14-Apr-1891 - 06-Dec-1956
  36. In America, Jefferson noted with approval, women knew their place. - Stephen Ambrose, Historian
    10-Jan-1936 - 13-Oct-2002
  37. There are three easy ways of losing money - racing is the quickest, women the most pleasant, and farming the most certain. - Lord Amherst, Soldier
    29-Jan-1717 - 03-Aug-1797
  38. The violence betwen women is unbelievable. Women try to make each other crawl so that their knees are bleeding. - Tori Amos, Musician
  39. No one told me about boys. I had to figure it out myself. The first thing I learned was that sometimes they grow slower than women mentally. - Elena Anaya, Actress
  40. I think women are excellent social critics. - Laurie Anderson, Musician
  41. When women smoke, it is hard for them to quit because they are so worried about their weight; it's a vanity issue and a mindset. - Loni Anderson, Actress
  42. I don't look so closely at women's fashion, but from the 20th century on, people have had the freedom to express themselves and their individualities, and fashion is one of the most fundamental ways in which they do this, men and women are equally able to - Tadao Ando, Architect
  43. On the whole, I think women wear too much and are to fussy. You can't see the person for all the clutter. - Julie Andrews, Actress
  44. Men aren't the way they are because they want to drive women crazy; they've been trained to be that way for thousands of years. And that training makes it very difficult for men to be intimate. - Barbara de Angelis, Writer
  45. A man's brain has a more difficult time shifting from thinking to feeling than a women's brain does. - Barbara de Angelis, Writer
  46. Men are just as sensitive, and in some ways more sensitive, than women are. - Barbara de Angelis, Writer
  47. The sadness of the women's movement is that they don't allow the necessity of love. See, I don't personally trust any revolution where love is not allowed. - Maya Angelou, Poet
  48. As far as I knew white women were never lonely, except in books. White men adored them, Black men desired them and Black women worked for them. - Maya Angelou, Poet
  49. More countries have understood that women's equality is a prerequisite for development. - Kofi Annan, Statesman
  50. There is no development strategy more beneficial to society as a whole - women and men alike - than the one which involves women as central players. - Kofi Annan, Statesman
  51. Too often, older women are seen as victims, but I know lots of formidable women who have marvellous jobs as well as a full erotic life, and children and friends and family. - Francesca Annis, Actress
  52. I have yet to see a drama that puts forward women who are successful and have a family. Women are nearly always seen as victims. - Francesca Annis, Actress
  53. Thank God we're not like America: everyone wants to look like they're 20. In Europe we admire grown-up women. I think men revere older women. - Francesca Annis, Actress
  54. I have loved eight women in my life. I remember every woman's face. - Adam Ant, Musician
  55. I do not consider divorce an evil by any means. It is just as much a refuge for women married to brutal men as Canada was to the slaves of brutal masters. - Susan B. Anthony, Activist
    15-Feb-1820 - 13-Mar-1906
  56. Oh, if I could but live another century and see the fruition of all the work for women! There is so much yet to be done. - Susan B. Anthony, Activist
    15-Feb-1820 - 13-Mar-1906
  57. I have encountered riotous mobs and have been hung in effigy, but my motto is: Men's rights are nothing more. Women's rights are nothing less. - Susan B. Anthony, Activist
    15-Feb-1820 - 13-Mar-1906
  58. Resolved, that the women of this nation in 1876, have greater cause for discontent, rebellion and revolution than the men of 1776. - Susan B. Anthony, Activist
    15-Feb-1820 - 13-Mar-1906
  59. Men, their rights, and nothing more; women, their rights, and nothing less. - Susan B. Anthony, Activist
    15-Feb-1820 - 13-Mar-1906
  60. I shall earnestly and persistently continue to urge all women to the practical recognition of the old Revolutionary maxim. Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God. - Susan B. Anthony, Activist
    15-Feb-1820 - 13-Mar-1906
  61. When a baby is in the room with two women, and one is considered more beautiful than the other, the infant's eyes will go to the more beautiful one. - Susan Anton, Actress
  62. The very women who object to the morals of a notoriously beautiful actress, grow big with pride when an admirer suggests their marked resemblance to this stage beauty in physique. - Minna Antrim, Writer
  63. Intuition is truly a feminine quality, but women should not mistake rash conclusions for this gift. - Minna Antrim, Writer
  64. A homely face and no figure have aided many women heavenward. - Minna Antrim, Writer
  65. Old women should not seek to be perfumed. - Archilochus, Poet
  66. I pick good women, but I haven't had any luck with my men. - Elizabeth Arden, Businessman
    31-Dec-1878 - 18-Oct-1966
  67. Not many people do at the age of 21 or younger even, know how to act nor could be concerned with anything other than fighting, women and money. - Alexis Arguello, Athlete
  68. These impossible women! How they do get around us! The poet was right: Can't live with them, or without them. - Aristophanes, Poet
  69. They wanted to make her less rural, less of a cartoon. Not that Southern woman are cartoonish - they're the strongest women in this country, but with Val they wanted to take the stereotypical things out. - Joan Van Ark, Actress
  70. You don't have to be rich and famous. You just have to be an ordinary person, doing extraordinary things. I'd like more people to know that it's there. Women's achievements still aren't recognised enough in many areas. - Joan Armatrading, Musician
  71. Women hope men will change after marriage but they don't; men hope women won't change but they do. - Bettina Arndt
  72. Fortunately, we have a lot of really smart women in the business. - Rosanna Arquette, Actress
  73. I do resent that when you're in the most cool, powerful time of your life, which is your 40s, you're put out to pasture. I think women are so much cooler when they're older. So it's a drag that we're not allowed to age. - Rosanna Arquette, Actress
  74. It's not fair that there aren't very many juicy or varied roles for women. - Rosanna Arquette, Actress
  75. I... was not too happy to suddenly take on this public role thrust upon me. They just assumed I was the Joan of Arc of the women's movement. And I wasn't at all. It put a lot of unnecessary pressure on me. - Bea Arthur, Actress
  76. So many women just don't know how great they really are. They come to us all vogue outside and vague on the inside. - Mary Kay Ash, Businessman
    12-May-1918 - 22-Nov-2001
  77. No country in Europe has a larger proportion of men and women of immigrant descent, mainly from the African continent and mainly Muslim: an estimated six to seven million of them, or more than 10% of the population. - Timothy Garton Ash, Author
  78. We must believe in the power of education. We must respect just laws. We must love ourselves, our old and or young, our women as well as our men. - Arthur Ashe, Athlete
    10-Jul-1943 - 06-Feb-1993
  79. Although it has been said by men of more wit than wisdom, and perhaps more malice than either, that women are naturally incapable of acting prudently, or that they are necessarily determined to folly, I must by no means grant it. - Mary Astell, Writer
    12-Dec-1666 - 11-May-1731
  80. None of us whether Men or Women but have so good an Opinion of our own Conduct as to believe we are fit, if not to direct others, at least to govern our selves. - Mary Astell, Writer
    12-Dec-1666 - 11-May-1731
  81. If God had not intended that Women shou'd use their Reason, He wou'd not have given them any, 'for He does nothing in vain.' - Mary Astell, Writer
    12-Dec-1666 - 11-May-1731
  82. If all men are born free, how is it that all women are born slaves? - Mary Astell, Writer
    12-Dec-1666 - 11-May-1731
  83. I married beneath me, all women do. - Nancy Astor, Politician
    19-May-1879 - 02-May-1964
  84. The first time Adam had a chance, he laid the blame on women. - Nancy Astor, Politician
    19-May-1879 - 02-May-1964
  85. Women have got to make the world safe for men since men have made it so darned unsafe for women. - Nancy Astor, Politician
    19-May-1879 - 02-May-1964
  86. You know, men and women are a lot alike in certain situations. Like when they're both on fire - they're exactly alike. - Dave Attell, Comedian
  87. When I was growing up, the men in my life were abusive; women were the ones I ran to for comfort. - Kevyn Aucoin, Artist
    14-Feb-1962 - 07-May-2002
  88. I also have this incredible love for women. - Kevyn Aucoin, Artist
    14-Feb-1962 - 07-May-2002
  89. Good-humoured, unaffected girls, will not do for a man who has been used to sensible women. They are two distinct orders of being. - Jane Austen, Writer
    16-Dec-1775 - 28-Jul-1817
  90. Single women have a dreadful propensity for being poor. Which is one very strong argument in favor of matrimony. - Jane Austen, Writer
    16-Dec-1775 - 28-Jul-1817
  91. There are certainly not so many men of large fortune in the world, as there are pretty women to deserve them. - Jane Austen, Writer
    16-Dec-1775 - 28-Jul-1817
  92. What women have to stand on squarely is not their ability to see the world in the way men see it, but the importance and validity of their seeing it in some other way. - Mary Austin, Writer
    09-Sep-1868 - 13-Aug-1934
  93. Pam has always been my glamorous big sister - 13 years older than I. She played on the women's circuit for nine years and came home to tell me stories of France, Japan. - Tracy Austin, Athlete
  94. I'll continue to work to ensure that safety and I am honored to have earned the endorsement of the men and women who provide public safety in our city. - Alan Autry, Actor
  95. Few women care to be laughed at and men not at all, except for large sums of money. - Alan Ayckbourn, Playwright
  96. As costly as it was in the lives of our men and women in uniform, in military assets, and in esteem and pride, Pearl Harbor was a watershed moment for America. - Joe Baca, Politician
  97. Instead of getting hard ourselves and trying to compete, women should try and give their best qualities to men - bring them softness, teach them how to cry. - Joan Baez, Musician
  98. Men who do not make advances to women are apt to become victims to women who make advances to them. - Walter Bagehot, Author
    03-Feb-1826 - 24-Mar-1877
  99. Americans like fat books and thin women. - Russell Baker, Journalist
  100. As I see with Lori's testimony, you say what good could come out of all these abortions and all what she's been through? But she has been a part of a new Bible for women, a mentoring Bible. - Jim Bakker, Celebrity