Do Women like Men with Facial Hair? Should you Grow a Beard, Mustache or Stubble?

Facial hair is a natural phenomenon for men. But the remarkable thing about it is that with careful styling it can be turned into an accessory - something which can complete a man’s appearance or transform him from a regular-looking guy to a sexy hunk.
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However the catch lies in the fact that women may not feel the same way you do about your moustache or stubble. Read on to find out whether women really like men with facial hair and what you should consider before deciding to grow it.
The first point about how women perceive men with facial hair is that it is bound to differ from one to another. While one woman may be turned on by a full-blooded mooch or a sexy goatee, another may be quite disgusted by the presence of facial hair on her man. Some psychologists will tell you that a woman’s reactions to and against facial hair have something to do with whether her father had it and how good or bad was the relation between them. No matter what line of thought you take, there is no escaping the fact that some women dig facial hair on a man and some just don’t.
Yet another factor which determines women’s response to a man with facial hair is how he looks in it. Some men can carry off a range of styles in facial hair while for others the clean-shaven look is the safest bet. It all depends on the man’s facial structure, the build of his body and finally his personality. This also means that different styles in facial hair suit different men. While guy with sunken cheeks will get a fuller look with a beard, a 5 o’clock shadow may help a guy to acquire a more macho look.
Before you decide to experiment with facial hair, consider the various styles that you can choose from.
a) The clean-shaven look will never go out of fashion and is preferred by a majority of women. Besides taking off a few years from a guy’s face, it makes for a fresh, preppy look. The downside is that it is not suitable for someone who is trying to look older and it requires daily maintenance.
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b) The beard is preferred by women who like to date distinguished or intellectual-looking men. If you decide to go for this one, make sure that your beard is neatly trimmed since nothing puts off a woman as quickly as an unkempt and untidy beard. The best part of a beard is that you can experiment with different styles like the goatee or the full beard.
c) The stubble is a current number one as far as facial hair styles go. Think Colin Farrell or Will Smith and you will know what I’m saying. In fact a June 2008 article in the UK-based Telegraph reported that women are more attracted to men with stubble than those with beards or clean-shaven faces. The article was based on a survey carried out by psychologists from Northumbria University who reported that women found men with light stubble to be most attractive and the ideal partner for long as well as short-term relationships.
d) The five o’ clock shadow is slightly longer than stubble and gives the effect of a dark silhouette on a man’s face. It can be a pretty sexy style on a tall, muscular body. It is one of the lower maintenance styles since you would need to shave once in a couple of days, depending on how quickly your hair grows. But be careful since not all men can carry it off.
e) The moustache seems to have fallen out of favor with most male style icons today. While there several styles in moustaches, how it looks really depends on the man wearing it. While Clark Gable with his thin ‘stache had Southern belles swooning over him, nowadays Tom Selleck is one of those rare men who look like hunks with a full moustache.
f) Sideburns add a touch of sophistication to a man’s face but is yet another style that is difficult to carry off. If you do decide to keep sideburns however, make sure that they are short and neatly trimmed, preferably by an electric razor.
These were some of the current styles in facial hair. Choose one which suits your bone structure, your build and personality. For instance if you have an athletic build you may be able to pull off a stubble. But if you’re on the heavier side or pot-bellied, don’t go for the shadow look. The best way to go about it is to grow what you want and get an opinion from someone you trust. If you look good in it, women are automatically going to like your style. However keep in mind that a particular facial hairstyle may not be allowed in certain professions, so consider your occupation before you decide to grow a goatee or a beard.
There is no dearth of male celebrities who have made a statement with their facial hairstyles. George Clooney’s light bearded-look at the Venice Film Festival turned him into the thinking woman’s sex symbol, perhaps much to the amusement of his new partner, Elisabetta Canalis. Again David Beckham with his stubble wouldn’t have had much chance of escaping the bevy of Beverley Hills beauties had not wife Victoria been around. Tennis hunk Andre Agassi has been sporting the goatee for some time now and it has helped him to discard the bad boy look. Maybe wife Steffi finally knocked some style sense into her husband. For a classic bearded icon, one need not look further than Sir Sean Connery who has continued to wear his facial hair with élan. And if you though moustaches were sinking on the fashion barometer, take a look at Brad Pitt’s upper lip accessory in Inglorious Bastards and you will know why partner Angelina Jolie has a reputation of being fiercely possessive.
So there are no definite answers to whether women like men with facial hair. Some do, some don’t and the rest want to know who we are talking about. The best way to go about it is to adopt a look that goes with your physical and personal style and then look for the kind of women who are going to like what you wearing.
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