Ten Top Turn Offs for Women when Dating a Man

You manage to snag a date with this terrific woman but after fifteen minutes down the line you realize that something is not quite right. Your worst fears come true when your date makes a hurried exit and then conveniently forgets to return your calls. If this is not the first time this has happened, perhaps you have been sending some pretty negative signals about yourself which may be turning women off. Go through the following points and see if and what you may have been doing wrong.
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An unkempt look or poor hygiene
Every woman is attracted to a neat and smartly-turned out man. So if you have been neglecting yourself in the looks department, it may time to pull up your socks, literally too! If you are going for a lunch date or meeting a woman early in the evening, dress in smart casuals but if it is a dinner and a movie, take care to dress in semi-formals. Most importantly however, take your grooming seriously since dirty nails, unkempt hair and bad breath or body odor are some of the biggest turn-offs among women.
Bragging and narcissism
Women, or anyone else for that matter, simply can’t bide men who have egos the size of nineteen-storey buildings. Such men will continue to prattle about their supposed achievements at workplace or the local golf tournaments. Dates with these guys is an never-ending litany of their successes in life starting from getting the best girls in high schools to be chosen as the vice president of the company over twelve older men. This “I-Me-Myself” stance can never go down well with a date since, the very purpose of a meeting someone is to get to know another person. Moreover too much bragging may alert a woman to a deeper insecurity within the guy and thus make her wary of having any kind of relationship with him.
Running down your ex
Granted that your previous experiments with the opposite sex have not been very successful but constantly running down your ex is likely to make you come across as a jerk. Even if the failure of your past relationship may not have been your fault, still refrain from bitter and prolonged criticism of your ex since it may be construed as an inability to let go at best or expression of indirect guilt at worst. And your date might be led to think that no wonder this guy got dumped by other women.
Getting touchy feely, all too soon
Every relationship coach will tell you that the first few dates are exclusively a time to get to know the other person. Only after you have established a deep emotional bond with your partner, will she be ready to take the relationship to a more intimate level. So avoid making risqué talk or touching her in a sexual way. Pretending to go on a date when all you are interested in is a pick up is enough to make any woman storm out of the dating scene.
Being nervous or clumsy
Confidence consistently figures among the top turn-ons among women when they rate men who they would like to know better. Being nervous and clumsy means you are not sure of yourself and reveals a poor self-image. So if you wish to impress your date, try to be or at least appear more confident. Refrain from behavior like shaking your leg, drumming your fingers or constantly touching your ear, nose or hair which are all signs of nerves or stress. Adopt a relaxed but erect posture and train your mind to think positively.
Appearing cheap
The very fact that you have asked a woman on a date means she is in some way special to you. And it is expected that you would treat her so. On the other hand if you keep commenting on how expensive the restaurant is or how much the movie tickets cost you, you can kiss any more chances of seeing the woman goodbye. Even if you are careful not to be stingy with her, if she sees you treating the waitress or chauffeur cheaply, she is sure to have second thoughts about seeing you again.
Being distracted by your mobile phone
One of the biggest turn-offs among women is when their dates appear too distracted to pay them attention. When women find their dates fiddling with the mobile phone or constantly checking the watch, it either means that the man is bored or very rude. If you have taken the trouble of asking a woman out, then do have the courtesy to give her your attention. If you find her uninteresting, then you could wrap up the date earlier than usual but until then she deserves your time and respect.
Ogling at other women
Ogling at other women when you are out on a date is a strict no-no. Apart from the fact that it is an extremely impolite thing to leer at any woman, your date is likely to feel highly offended since you are actually supposed to entertaining her. Such behavior will make you come across as immature, unsteady and a womanizer who is merely interested in chasing skirts rather than in a relationship.
Being a poor listener
Yet another major turn-off among women are guys who are really bad listeners. Such men cannot seem to stop talking about themselves and could hardly be bothered what the person in front of them thinks or has to say. The secret to a woman’s heart is to show interest in what she feels and says. So looking away when she is speaking to you or fidgeting with your tie will convince her that you are either bored or uninterested in her. And that can put a stop to your hopes of seeing her again.
Finally, don’t be negative
Women are completely turned off by men who cannot stop complaining about everything – rising gas prices, a sadist boss, greedy ex-wife, global warming and what-have-you. Remember, a woman who comes on a date with you expects to have a good time and forget her own troubles for a while. If all she gets is a man who whines and moans about how life is out to get him, can you blame her for looking to turn in early?
The secret to getting that second or yet another date is to treat your partner with respect even as you both have a fun time. Keep her interested so she looks forward to meet you again and who know as it may be the start of a great thing for you both.
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