How to Pick up Women at the Laundromat

The laundromat can serve as a nice alternative to singles bars and such as a good venue for meeting girls. You may have a washing machine at home but sometimes the change of scenery in and of itself can be pleasant and when you add in the opportunity to meet women in a new way; well why not? Girls at the laundromat won't automatically see you as the woman chasing prowler that you may be, so you've already got an advantage before you even start. Furthermore, unlike singles bars, a laundromat is an absolute vortex of boredom and practically devoid of competition. So gather your basket, fill it with the best of your wardrobe, and head off to the laundromat to “wash some clothes”.
TIP: Download the guide to seducing women.
First off you'll want to be at the right laundromat. This may take a little shopping as certain laundromats just don't have the right regulars. Generally speaking, a laundromat's customers will reflect the neighborhoods surrounding that laundromat, as people would rather drive 3 miles to wash their clothes than 10. If you leave your own neighborhood to find one a little more likely to be the favorite spot of single women though, be prepared to explain why you're there and not closer to where you live, as this has a decent likelihood of coming up in conversation. Saying that your laundromat was full and you didn't want to wait is an easy out here if it's the first time you've been to that particular laundromat (or the first time you've seen the girl you're talking to).
Timing isn't exactly an art form when it comes to approaching laundromat girls. Just approach her while she's waiting for her clothes to finish washing or drying; it's that simple. Don't approach her while she's actually handling her clothes (putting them in washer or dryer, removing them from washer or dryer, or folding them) though as this has the potential to create an awkward situation as she gets to her bra and panties. Also take note of whether the girl is washing just women's clothes or men's and women's clothes; as in the latter case it's pretty likely that she's already involved.
One angle that works pretty well in laundromats is the “helpless male” act. Women like nothing more than seeing a guy wail pathetically in the wind because he's incapable of doing something that many girls are experts at, such as laundry. Not only do women find this sort of helplessness cute; they feel good about themselves as they get to take on the typically masculine role of helping the opposite sex understand how to do something or how something works (comparable to the cliché of a guy showing a girl how to shoot pool). The trick here is to “accidentally” forget your laundry detergent. When you get to the laundromat, find a spot near a cute girl and break out your laundry basket only to suddenly realize you've forgotten your detergent. You can either express this out loud to yourself, or (my preference) try to express it non-verbally but in such a way that the girl you've targeted notices your displeasure. The majority of laundromats these days have a vending machine which sells different types of detergents, so the next step is to head over and have a look. Browse for a minute or two and put on your best puzzled face before heading back to your basket next to your cute girl. Tell her politely that you've forgotten your detergent at home and need some advice on which type to buy from the vending machine. She will jump on the opportunity to share her knowledge and assist the helpless boy. She'll walk with you to the machine and probably ask you a question or two about your clothes and give her best educated opinion. Now if you really want to milk this conversation for all it's worth (obviously the primary goal here would be to move the conversation away from laundry and on to subjects that might actually help the two of you get to know each other) then have a shirt with a coffee stain or grass stain ready to go. You'll want everything else in your basket to be in pristine condition (absolutely nothing gross or dingy that could be seen as a slob's clothes) but one simple stain, with a makeshift story behind it (try to make it funny or silly), can give a girl an opportunity to really flaunt her laundry skills (rubbing detergent into a stain etc.) while you get an opportunity to spend more one on one time with your interest.
You'll find when you frequent a laundromat that women often tend to read books while they wait on their clothes. This creates a nice chance for an easy conversation opener as most people like to talk about the art that they enjoy. If you see a girl reading a book that you've already read then you're already primed to make an approach. Just walk up to her and say something along the lines of “I see you're reading Tolstoy, I really love his views on ascetic morality”. The more specific you are with a line like this, the more sincere it will seem, so have something prepared. If she's reading a book like Lord of The Rings or Twilight or something else that has been popularized as a feature film, you might try commenting on how much better the book is than the movie and why. If you want to talk about a specific scene from the exact book she's reading, there's a pretty good chance she'd be willing to indulge in that conversation as well.
Laundromats are a great location for simple, low pressure communications with nice, down to earth women. You'll discover that a lot of the difficulty and apprehension that goes along with approaching women is just greatly alleviated in a laundromat setting. So take a dive into the world of laundry and you may find that you come away with more than just clean clothes.
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