When your Girlfriend is Mad at you - Teen Dating Tips

You may have to face her wrath when things go sour but you can take over the reins of your relationship and make a difference. If you find your girl ignoring you, replying sarcastically, pushing you away or being rude, you should know that she is mad at you. Here’s how you can care for her at her worst!

Find out why

If your girl is angry with you, there is only one reason for it. And that’s you! If you have done something wrong that you think would have made her mad, apologize for it. Most times men have no inkling about the things that swirl in a woman’s mind. If you categorize yourself in that genre, it’s time for some introspection. Rewind and play the last few hours when you were together. You are bound to find something that can give you a clue to what happened. Despite trying, if you still find yourself as clueless as before, ask her. But ever so gently! Be timid about it. Or else, plan an exit strategy.

Leave her

Give her some time. If your girlfriend is the kind that needs her own space, leave her alone. She will appreciate it. Even otherwise, you should know where to draw the line. Being in a relationship doesn’t mean that you have full control over her and vice versa. Everybody needs their individual space. When you give her the space, she will cool off. Initially, it may appear rude to her but when she is composed, she will realize her mistake and be glad that you did not intervene.

Get her to talk

Communicating sanely may be a difficult thing now, but you can be sure of sharing a few sentences without letting her pull your hair out. Calm her down. For this, ask her politely to settle down. Most girls would oblige. But if she doesn’t, tell her sternly but not rudely, that you would like to talk about the issues. When she has settled down, probe deeper and ask her what ticked her off. You may want to be persistent because women generally want men to realize their own mistakes. Eventually, get her to start talking. Sort your problems then.

Be silent

This is tough to do when you are being yelled at, but try! If you find you girlfriend yelling at you or being rude and mean, it is best not to say anything. It isn’t easy for anyone to hear things that may be cruel and false about oneself, but when you are silent, you do not give her fuel to keep her fire raging. She will tire and stop. Let that moment arrive! Use that to your advantage and whisk her away before she rattles off again.


You are at liberty to use this word generously throughout your conversation. Your girl will appreciate it and it will avert any disasters that may come your way. If you do not want the hassles of ‘sorting’ out issues, then apologize in the beginning and get it done with. But if you are the type who would seriously try to mend your ways if it has hurt the love of your life, then go ahead and ask her to explain the reasons for her behavior. You can sit, have some coffee and talk about it. If you take interest in her life, she will feel loved and wanted and will reciprocate the favor in the future.

Take her out

If you were the cause for a tear in her eye, you should also be the cause of a smile on her face. Surprise your girl with an instant plan. Go for lunch or dinner. Watch a movie or go to the museum. Ask her what she would like to do. If she would want to stay in and snuggle, do that. If she wants to sit and watch a chick flick, oblige. After sorting your issues, one of the surest ways to get a smile back on her face would be to surprise her or do as commanded. Take your pick!

Ensure she’s ok

If you got your girl back to her normal self, it’s time to ensure that she REALLY is ok. There is no sure-fire way to do this, but one would be to keep asking her. Do not go on like a recorded message but at regular intervals, make sure she is fine. If you are at work, send in a short message to tell her that you love her and that the smile on her face is the most beautiful thing you’ve seen. If there are any traces of anger left, they are bound to vanish! If you are still with her, look at her intently and ask her softly if she’s holding up ok. She says yes, your work is done. You can relax too!

Damage control

Just like at a disaster scene you need disaster management, you need some damage control to reverse the effects of what transpired between the two of you before. You may want to call her right after the dispute and settle it over the phone. That indeed is the best bet. But otherwise, you could act fast enough so she doesn’t have the time to go over things again and again. This will stop her from reconsidering any decisions that she may have made. If you act quickly, you can not only avert a minor crisis but also what could be hours of apology and nagging. Apology from you and nagging from her! Being in a relationship isn’t easy. Sure, you have fabulous moments together but you also have times that feel worse than the Cold War. It’s like being in an internship. You learn as you go!