Fun Things to Do on a Date - Dating Ideas for Teens

Fun things to do on the first date

There is a chance for you to be bowled over by your date because when you go to a bowling alley that is exactly what will happen! With enough room for conversations to explode and loops to catch some personal time, one is bound to understand the other person well. You can explore your competitive side by playing the game against each other or team up with people from the arena and play as a team. Either way, you get to learn a lot about the other person which you would find impossible to do on a regular dinner date.

Video games

For those who thought video games were meant for boys, think again! This could be your perfect refuge for a first date. Not only is it interesting, it is also engaging and time consuming. With this, you have the option of staying in rather than going out and spending money. Even beyond that, setting up a video game date will speak volumes about you without you having to say anything. It’s a complete winner for girls, because let’s face it, boys love video games and when their date has an interest in them too, it only makes things better.

Go for a Game

Watching a match together may be a great way to break the ice. For starters, you could watch a match either at home or live at the stadium. If you decide on going to the stadium, you will need to take care of travel and ticket arrangements while watching the match at home could save you that trouble. Fix yourselves a tub of popcorn and keep a couple of soda’s ready and enjoy the match while getting to know each other. This way you are not caught up in a formal setting and can avoid the awkwardness, if any, by focusing on the match. Fifteen minutes into the game and conversations are bound to spill endlessly!

Catch an air show

Those who haven’t seen a live air show have definitely missed something extraordinary in life. Granted, that they do not happen every now and then, but when they do, grab the opportunity with both hands. It could make for the most romantic setting a couple can hope for! With your eatables in tow and a blanket, you are ready to go. When you visit a show, all you have to do is sit, relax, wait for the show to begin and enjoy it. If by then, you think you want to spend some more time with each other, follow it up with a dinner or stop by for dessert!

Ice skating

Though this may be an option for a few, it can become a completely exhilarating experience for your first date. You may have to shell out a few dollars to enjoy this but it will be worth it. If one of you has a hard time getting familiar with the ice rink, you could help each other and have a good time. Also, you could literally have a funny time seeing your date try to get hold of skating on the rink.


The rage is everywhere and it’s catching on to people like the flu! Sure, you need two likeminded individuals to enjoy this game to the fullest but once you are done, it can count as one of your ‘never-to-forget’ moments. A game that could take a lot out of you, paintball is sure to appeal to your wild side and capture it forever. Best enjoyed with a group of people, this can make for an exciting aspect of group dating. However, be sure to let your date know about your plans so that they can be prepared and dress accordingly for the evening.


You can play around with this option and add variations to it as per your liking. Camping can be fun but only if you know your date well. You can consider this as a viable option if you know the person you are going out with for a long time. You don’t necessarily have to camp out in the woods. If you need a romantic setting, just assume yourself to be in a secluded place and do whatever you would do if you were there!

Visit a game arcade

Going to a game arcade is perhaps the easiest and the best idea for a fun first date! All you have to do is find a good game parlor and have enough coins to keep you going for about an hour or two. The best part here is that you can try different games and challenge each other to no end. While connecting with each other on a social level, you will get to know your date better. You can always schedule another ‘fun date’ at the arcade if you like the experience or stick to the traditional coffee or dinner, if you think you would like that better.  
Considering these options, one is bound to have fun on the first date. Most of these settings do not require you to be prim and proper at all times, which means, they are a great way to let you be ‘yourself’. With most of these ideas, one doesn’t need to indulge in traditional ‘date’ hassles. You can be stress free for your date, which will be the easiest way for you to enjoy it and have fun!