Teen Dating Advice for Girls - How to Get a Guy to Notice You at School

Teenage is undoubtedly the best phase of life! It holds the promise of a new life, a fresh start and a bright future. Sure, you see ups and downs and feel the world is against you, but you also come across your first love, your best friend, your first kiss and other adorable moments. While some may be lucky with grades, the others become busy climbing the social ladder. Boyfriends, relationships and love take up the front seat and command instant attention at all times. If you have a boyfriend, bask in the warmth your relationship, but if you don’t, there is nothing a quick reading won’t fix.
Your first impression is the last

Keep the age old philosophy in mind and make appropriate changes. It is crucial that you be comfortable in whatever you wear and hence, this doesn’t require a dramatic change in your wardrobe. Maintaining a balance in your technique is a sure way to get a few glances from the ‘special man’ and you can achieve that with little effort. Take the help of your friends and your mother. They may not agree with all that you say, but will provide valuable feedback. And after a few finishing touches, you will be set to go.

Catch him at the queue

Fancy this! You see your potential boyfriend stand in line for lunch. He is alone, waiting for a few friends to catch up from History class and is at the beginning of the queue. He looks lost, disinterested and bored. Just then, you swoop in confidently with a handy compliment that compels him to take notice. You can engage him in a conversation soon after and can accompany him till you both pay for your meals. Engage him further with a question or another compliment and excuse yourself. Go back to your table and let him think of how he didn’t spot you sooner in school and how he was such a dork for doing so!

Help him with his lessons

For every girl who has seen A Walk to Remember, the importance of studying together cannot be emphasized enough. You tutor, he learns. Or you could ask him for some help. There would be no reason for him to turn you down if you played the previous cards correctly. Unfortunately for you, if neither of you needs extra help with studies, you can always broach the subject of studying together for the upcoming exams.

Don’t be too easy for him

Appreciation for something comes either when it’s achieved after a lot of struggle or when it’s lost. You definitely do not want to be appreciated when you are no longer a part of his life. Therefore, you have to become a "struggle" for him. Not in the literal sense of the word. But, you cannot be an easy catch for him either. The fine art of balancing will help you here as well. If you act too pricey, you may lose him and his interest completely. But if you are too easy, he may develop an opinion of you based on various prejudices.  Therefore, it is essential that you become a target for him that he has to achieve, but you should also become the reward he gets for achieving his target, simultaneously.

Be confident and shine

Your confidence shines just like the new dress you brought! So if you feel a nervous wreck before meeting him, try complementing yourself in front of a mirror to pump up that self esteem. Confidence is an asset but it can become a liability if you choose so. The importance of this asset cannot be highlighted enough and once your cup is brimming full with your share, he is sure to acknowledge it! Confidence glows when it shows.

Take charge and the lead

A women who is in control of herself and the others around her, is a winner with men! However, someone who is too dominating can be shown the door quickly. Walking the tightrope is a challenge, but since you are a woman, it shouldn’t be too difficult for you. You could invite him to a rendezvous at home, a barbeque dinner which you organize for your friends, or a party. Be sure to invite him without mentioning his friends or even in their presence. He will instantly know, by this gesture, that you enjoy his company and would want him there with you. 

Stay close

Staying close to him isn’t a good deal. Staying close to his friends is! Men hate the idea of deciding between their friends and their girlfriend, or would-be girlfriend. To make things easier for him, start hanging out with his friends more often. You will develop a liking for them and in the process, get your man feeling jealous. He will never own up to it, but there are signs you can decipher to make sure you are hitting the right buttons. It is advisable to tread carefully. Chances and opportunities don’t come inviting twice.

Be yourself

How cliché, right? Absolutely wrong! This is the most important rule that you should follow. Never compromise yourself and your principles for anyone. You grow up with a set of values and beliefs. They form the fundamental principles of your life and you shouldn’t compromise on them for another person. If he changes you in more ways than one, and you feel uncomfortable about it, you know you can set your sights higher.

Since high school is a time for fun and enjoyment, experiment with things. You do not need to get bogged down by peer pressure but hold your stand and enjoy that phase. Nothing lasts forever and that should be motivation for you to go ahead and get what you desire. With these tips and tricks, you have a sure way of getting the attention you crave. You can work around these methods or add a special touch to them to create that magic potion which will get a guy to notice you at school!