If you're Being Ignored by your Boyfriend - Teen Dating Advice

Every relationship has its ups and downs. It’s a known fact that getting through the rough patches makes the relationship stronger and brings the couple closer. But here, you sense something amiss? You have been through your fair share of ‘downs’ and the situation you are in now, is not getting any better? You have tried every remedy in the book, but you have no clue about what is going on? If so, you may want to take a hard look at what brought you to this stage of your relationship. Your boyfriend may be ignoring you. What are you going to do?

Think back and take note

You have to rewind back to a few days and stop where you see your relationship may have taken a sour turn. If you have to play your entire conversation word to word, in your mind, do that! If that helps in indentifying the cause of concern, then you can act on it. If your boyfriend is ignoring you, chances are that you have said something that may have not gone down well with him. You probably don’t have to do much now, except apologize for your mistake and try to cheer him up!

Talk, talk and talk some more

This is a traditional advice that can never go wrong. You talk when you are happy and communicate your feelings to him, right? So why stop when you have a small argument or a big tiff? Your boyfriend may not appreciate this approach, but if it gets you back on talking terms, you should give it a shot. Be sure to remember that being defensive with him will not help, so when you actually muster the courage to go talk to him, be sure he sees the white ‘peace’ flag you are waving! Be composed and face your difficulties.

Don’t stress him out

Men and women are opposites, who think, walk, talk and do things differently. So if you think he is ignoring you, you may be surprised to know that he is doing so, just because he needs some ‘alone’ time. Usually, when men get into relationships, it becomes hard for them to juggle friends, career and their girlfriends all at once. In the process of trying, they usually mess up with one! So, if you have thought back and found absolutely no reason for your boyfriend to be upset with you, chances are that he is getting some quality time with himself.

Meet him

There are times when couples fight and don’t feel like seeing each other for days together. To set things right, you have to go ahead and do the complete opposite. Meet him! A simple call to tell him that you would like to see him and set things right, will do wonders at this time. You may not want to barge at him and corner him in public places! Also, you would want to stay away from his workplace as well. Doing that not only leaves a bad impression, it also speaks volumes about the incompetency of the individuals involved.

Gauge his behavior

If your boyfriend is ignoring you and is behaving well with everyone else in the vicinity, it is time to think straight. If you find a cause of concern, a reason why he may be acting like he is, confront him. If you see him do this without a reason, confront him again! The best way to sort this matter would be to know how he feels inside and why his brain is making him act this way. If you can get an answer to that question, your trouble is almost all gone.

Check with his friends

If you find all your efforts of making your boyfriend talk going down the drain, it’s time to talk to his friends. You may want to zero in on his best friend and try to get the juice from him. But when you take this step, be ready to accept vague answers. Men prefer to ponder over issues themselves rather than involve others; hence all you may get is a very casual reply. Your boyfriend may disapprove of you doing this, but when you explain to him that this was your last option, he will probably understand.

Surprise him

If you think your relationship is too precious to be lost on petty arguments and fights, you may want to buck up and let your guy know how lucky he is to have you. So after all the ignoring your man has done, if you still think he is being unreasonable, be the bigger person here and let go. Surprise him with your unique ideas and see him melt like chocolate! When he takes note of the efforts you have taken to get him back, he will willingly forgo everything. Sure, there may be some who would like to talk about the situation, but this way, you will be relaxed and won’t bring the house down with your yells!

Do to him what he does to you!

If your boyfriend has surpassed his share of being immature, its time you have yours! Just to give him a taste of his own medicine, try ignoring him as well! There are plenty of things you could do during that time to keep yourself occupied and hope that he will wake up from his fantasy land and come back to reality. You could shop; get a manicure, pedicure or a massage. You could also work harder during the time-off and make a great impression at work. When he realizes his mistake, he is bound to call up and make things right.

Not many people will opt for the last option, but if you happen to, give him the benefit of the doubt before you give him the cold treatment. Your best bet to get your boyfriend and relationship back on track is to sort differences out like adults and be mature about everything. You know any effort you take to get things running smoothly will be worth the trouble!