Valentine's Day Ideas for Lesbian Couples

Popular tradition has it that Saint Valentine in the early medieval times helped couples in love to get married secretly against Roman emperor Claudius’s orders which is why the day observed in his honor came to be associated with love and its expression. This rebellious beginning  makes Valentine’s Day a perfect occasion today to celebrate same-sex love and here are a few Valentine’s Day ideas which can be both fun and romantic for lesbian couples.

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Plan a picnic

If you are lucky to have a spell of sunny weather around Valentine’s Day, make full use of it by spending the day outdoors. Throw in a couple of warm rugs, some sandwiches and a flask full of hot chocolate into a picnic hamper and set out for the neighborhood park. Spend the afternoon talking to each other or making plans for the future. Then take a stroll down the walking or jogging trail or stop by the pond to feed the ducks. On the other hand if you and your partner would like something more active, pick up your bikes and hit the biking trail in your town. Don’t forget the hamper and when you feel like taking a break, lay out the goodies and have a hearty snack. Use the time together to talk, laugh and sing with each other and by the end of the day, you will feel connected like never before.

Go shopping

If you and your girlfriend just love shopping, hit the mall circuit as soon as you have fortified yourselves with a good brunch. You could engage in some window shopping or simply browse the stores to pick up a few knick-knacks for your pad. You could also use this outing to zero in for the perfect Valentine’s Day gift for your partner. However make sure that you both are clear about each other’s expectations so that issues of price and choice do not crop up when buying a gift for your loved one. Stop at a café to give your aching legs a break and while you listen to mushy love songs playing in the background, share a sinful cup of Chocó-mocha or feed each other spoonfuls of your favorite dessert.

Hit the nightspots

For lesbian couples who like to party hard, keep the evening free to hit the hottest party zones in town. Call up your local lesbian bars and clubs in advance to enquire about the special events they may have planned for the night. Then dress up in your sexiest best and get ready to have a wild time with your lover. In fact for a completely over the top Valentine’s Day celebration, hire a limousine too – it will not only wow your partner but help you to avoid driving after all those drinks at the club.

A movie night

Some couples might prefer a quiet and romantic celebration on Valentine’s Day. And if you are one of those, you are unlikely to go wrong with a movie night at home. Instead of braving the cold outside and spending on exorbitant tickets to catch a movie in a theater, rent a few DVDs of classic films on lesbian love like Better than Chocolate or If these Walls Could Talk 2 and then cozy up to your partner on the couch. Don’t forget to keep a big bowl or two of popcorn handy and some soda so that you can have as authentic a movie experience as possible.

Do what you enjoy together

For a different sort of celebration this Valentine’s Day, how about doing something with your sweetheart that you both enjoy. A good idea would be to engage in a common hobby or a shared interest which may have been what brought you two together in the first place. If it was a love of designing spaces and interiors, how about planning a visit to a museum of modern art. Apart from the fact that it will give you lots to discuss about, the venue will sure to be sparse with all the crowds making a beeline for movie halls and restaurants. On the other hand, if the two of you met through a music club, decide to attend a karaoke event which will allow you to serenade each other with your favorite love songs.

Go star gazing

For couples who don’t mind the nip in the air, an immensely romantic way to spend Valentine’s Day could be going star gazing late in the evening. Swaddle yourselves in warm coats and carry a blanket along. Then head for a location in your town or city which does not have too many electric lights. And in fact you need not stop just at star-gazing; to make the event yet more special, arrange to have a star named after your beloved.

Pamper the senses

For a truly intimate celebration this Valentine’s Day, why not pamper your partner with a long sensual massage. Set the place with a comfortable rug on the floor and get hold of a massage oil with a base like almond or olive oil. If you want you can add a few drops of aromatic essential oils like lavender or orange blossom to make the massage a truly sensual experience. Let some soft music play in the background and the mood is set for an evening your partner will be sure to remember for a long time to come.

Announce your relationship

If you and your lesbian partner have got recently engaged or decided to come out after days of keeping the relationship under wraps, Valentine’s Day could be the perfect occasion to do so. Discuss with your partner on how you would like to announce your love to the world – you could invite your families for quiet dinner and break the news or if don’t mind spending some money, throw a party to include a whole lot of other people like friends, neighbors and co-workers. Just make sure that you have already thrashed out the implications of your announcement as they would affect your near and dear ones. The idea is not to upset anybody on this special day but involve as many well-wishers as you can to celebrate your same-sex love.