Valentine's Day Gift Ideas for Gays

Valentine’s Day is that time of the year when partners renew their love for each other – whether in a straight or a same-sex relationship. And giving presents is a lovely way of showing just how much the person means to you. So if you are looking for the perfect gift to make to your partner this Valentine’s Day, here are a few suggestions.

Keep your eyes and ears open

The best gift you can make to somebody is what that person needs or at least likes and not what you think he likes. Listen to your partner closely when he is talking about his wants and needs or cast a keen eye on his lifestyle and you will be sure to get dozens of gift ideas. Be open to clues about what your partner may be lacking, like a stylish folder to keep his papers or a pair of designer ties to go with his best suit.

Consider his hobbies

If you are well-acquainted with your partner’s interests, then a hobby-oriented gift can make a delightful Valentine’s Day present. If he is a wizard in the kitchen, consider giving him an exclusive set of knives or an upmarket appliance that he has been eyeing for a while. On the other hand, if he gets his thrills from rock climbing, then how about booking him a day at the slopes? The best part of this type of gift is that he will enjoy your present and at the same time be greatly touched by your thoughtfulness.

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Grooming products

Perfumes and colognes are still the safest bet when it comes to finding the ideal Valentine’s Day gift. Go along with your partner’s personality type and you are unlikely to get it wrong. Stick to a deep musky perfume for your macho lover while for a guy who loves the outdoors, get a citrusy, zesty fragrance. Colognes and after shaves also make intimate gifts perfect for Valentine’s Day. You can choose from very expensive brands like Chanel and Calvin Klein to more affordable ones from Polo and Hugo Boss. If you are on good terms with his best pal, recruit his help while going shopping to make doubly sure that your partner likes what you get for him. You could also get him a gift voucher at his favorite spa to get manicures, pedicures and facials done through the day. Pamper his senses to the hilt!

Men’s jewelry

Make sure your partner wears your love on his body by making him a gift of men’s jewelry. If you lover likes to bask in the limelight, why not go for gold-plated bracelets or chains? On the other hand, if your man is the one for understated elegance, gift him a silver ring or a pair of classy cuff-links. If you have deep pockets, you could even go for precious metals like platinum when choosing a ring or look for gemstone-studded cuff links. However to make affordable jewelry truly special, get them engraved with your and your partner’s initials and the gift will tell him how much the relationship means to you.

Get naughty

Valentine’s Day is the time for lovers to bask in the intimacy of their relationship. So why not give your partner something naughty that will not only delight him but also spice up your sex life? Sex toys make good buys for adventurous partners while gay-themed playing cards might be the right pick if you have just started getting intimate with your partner. However before you think on these lines for gift ideas, make sure that you and your partner have been in relationship for some time or are at least comfortable with intimacy. This is because such gifts may scare away your partner if gifted too early in the relationship.

Make it sensual

Valentine’s Day is the ideal time to make a sensual gift to your partner. Put together a gift basket of aromatic oils, massage lotions and perfumed candles which he can either  enjoy himself- for instance to have a luxurious bath - or use to have a romantic evening with you. an expensive variation on this idea would be to gift your partner a session at an upscale spa where he can not only work off his stress but also pamper his sensuous side.

Gay pride gifts

Express both love for your partner as well as pride in your relationship by making him a gay pride gift on Valentine’s Day. Gay pride T-shirts, key chains, bumper stickers, coffee mugs and backpacks make good choices in the affordable range. On the other hand if you can be more extravagant, go for sophisticated rings or pendants from Love and Pride jewelry. Best of all, you know that a portion of the proceeds will go to support the LGBT cause.

For the digital don

If your partner is crazy about being wired, why not look around in the latest generation of cell phones or electronic readers. The Apple i-Phone has emerged as a huge hit among people on the move but if your man is a music lover, how about the i-Pod Touch? Again if your partner loves reading as well as technology, consider giving the Sony Reader which scores over the trusty Amazon Kindle in style.

Practical is best

If you are still stumped about making the right Valentine’s Day gift for your partner, consider giving him something practical. Such gifts may include items of daily use like a stylish coffee maker or something that your partner needs to replace like a faulty car music system. The secret to making practical gifts special is to put some thought into the presentation. For instance, if you giving your partner a set of new car CD player, put some rose petals into the box. Again if you are planning to gift him a sports gear, throw in a complimentary pair of edible undies.

Finally consider if your relationship is ready for various Valentine’s Day rituals like gift exchanges. No doubt gay relationships accelerate much faster than straight affairs, but make sure that your partner is comfortable with explicit tokens of your love. If yes, then go ahead and make an all-out effort to celebrate your relationship on this day of lovers.