Sexy Valentine's Day Games

With Valentine’s Day just round the corner, you are probably wondering what to do different with your partner this year. How about giving Scrabble the miss this year and spending the day playing some sweet and sexy games with your beloved? You will not only have found something special to do on Valentine’s Day but also manage to impress your partner with your romantic skills. So here are some sexy Valentine’s Day games to stir things up on a cold February evening.

Its apple-icious

Since Valentine’s Day symbolizes all things red, there is nothing quite like a juicy red apple to kickstart an intimate evening with your sweetheart. Choose a fairly large-sized apple and hold it in your mouth. Now the other person must bite a piece off the apple without using the fingers. But that is not the end – after the first bite, he/she must take it over from your mouth while you take the next turn at biting. After three-four times, the apple is going to get smaller and each of you will have to practically kiss the other for a bite of the apple. The game continues till the apple falls or till there is nothing left of the fruit, after which you can end it by a long smooch.

Strip chocolate

A game that is centered on chocolate somehow seems most appropriate for a sexy Valentine’s Day game for couples. Strip Chocolate comes with three ounces of chocolate dessert topping, a game board, two brushes and two game pieces. The players are required take turns to roll the dice and then have to strip, select a dare or paint a part of the opponent’s body with chocolate. Try it out and you two might end up licking the chocolate off each other!

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Lick it up

Here is another game that should appeal to partners with a sweet tooth. And since this works best with whipped cream or chocolate sauce, the game seems perfect as yet another indulgence on Valentine’s Day. Squeeze whipped cream or chocolate sauce from a can on your partner’s mouth and lick it up with your lips or tongue. This game can be played just for fun but if you are keen on playing to win, keep taking turns with whipped cream or choco-sauce on different parts of your partner’s body. The one who has the maximum ideas, wins.

Very, Very Cherry

When you are tired of licking and kissing, it is time to indulge in some straight-shooting from the mouth – literally! Put a cherry into your mouth but instead of swallowing it down, aim at your partner and shoot at his/her direction. Your partner then has to catch the cherry with his/her mouth and then shoot it back at you. The person with the most catches wins while the one with the most misses, loses. To make the game even more appropriate to Valentine’s Day, choose a strawberry instead of cherry only ensure that the fruit is firm or else there will be a mess to clean up.


This is one of the most popular choices for couples’ games when it comes to having plain unadulterated fun. The box of this classic game includes a spinner and a plastic mat marked with colored circles. After the dial is spun, players are required to move a hand or foot to the marked circles. As the game progresses, it becomes increasingly necessary to contort one’s body into ludicrous poses and herein lies the fun. Very often even before the end of the game, players succumb to laughter and the limitations of the human body. While playing on Valentine’s Day, let the winner ask a sensual favor from his/her opponent.

Drawing board

This is a great kissing game that can really set a cold February evening on fire. Use a lipstick or better still edible body paint to draw out patterns – say a red heart or a butterfly – on your partner’s body. Then fill up the pattern with kisses from your own lips. The game is both imaginative - forcing you to think up patterns - as well as highly sensual and thus sure to heat things up between you and your lover.

Lifestories game

Couples who are still getting to know each other will find this game perfect for an intimate evening on Valentine’s day. In fact, the Lifestories game is a good way of discovering unknown facts about your partner. While your partner may be diffident of disclosing personal details in a conversation, this game offers a fun way of gleaning hitherto unknown aspects of your partner’s history. The game includes a set of questions which each participant is required to answer. You can make your own questions or buy the game from a store in which case it will have cards with questions on them.

Scavenger hunt

This classic at kid’s parties can be given a romantic twist to make it truly enjoyable for a Valentine’s Day in. Leave clues for your partner all over the house and let one clue lead to the next. For instance, to indicate that the next clue can be found in the refrigerator, have the note say something like “when you open me I light up”. For a clue to be found in the bath, jot down something like “you lay in me and I’ll get you wet”.  In other words, make the hints as romantic as possible.Keeping on the Valentine’s Day theme, some suggestions on “end goals” of the hunt could include flowers kept outside the front door, Chocolates in a drawer, Jewelry underneath your partner’s pillow or a love letter written by you kept in a pocket of clothing. Or if you are in an adventurous frame of mind let the last clue lead to the bedroom. As the final reward, act out a favorite fantasy of your partner or wrap yourself in a giant bow and wait for him/her to claim you.


This is one of the many adult versions of the perennial favorite board game, Monopoly. Play it with your partner on Valentine’s Day if you are not shy of losing your clothes or inhibition. Each throw of the dice will move you around the board and by using Sexapoly money, you will purchase businesses and aim to make the most profit within the adult industry. The risky or frisky cards will either help or hinder your progress as well as have you perform sexy challenges.

Indulge your senses

As essential part of physical intimacy is the pampering of all the five senses. And a game based on this can never go wrong between lovers on Valentine’s Day. Take a numbered dice and for each number prepare two sets of sensuous requests – like taste your lover’s toes or feel the silken touch of your lover’s hair. Print or write down the requests on two sets of cards and let each partner have a set. Then with each roll of the dice, see the number that has appeared and fulfill the corresponding request.

Dirty Minds

This is one of the best selling adult board games and is quite popular at college, bachelorette and engagement parties so you can have this game at a Valentine’s Day part for like-minded people. Each player takes a turn reading a series of three suggestive clues while the opponent try to guess the answer to which the clues refer. The first player or team to spell out the word "dirty" from their cards wins the game. Though the original Dirty Minds is a card game, the Deluxe version introduced the 15th anniversary edition includes new categories, an expanded collection of clues and answers as well as a game board.

Be My Valentine

This is again a naughty game perfect for a Valentine’s Day party among mixed couples and friends. Be My Valentine starts off by blindfolding one person, while the rest of the group forms a circle around him/her. The group then proceeds to pass around the circle an object which can be anything available like an empty bottle or even something a little fun like a pair of socks. While the object is being passed around the blindfolded person says Be My Valentine out loud. Usually one waits for the count of ten or twenty before stop is called to allow the object to circle the group. Whoever is holding the object when "Be My Valentine" is called, then gives the blindfolded person a kiss which can be on lips, cheeks, hands and so on. After the kiss, the blindfold is removed to see who their Valentine is, which in most cases, leads to hilarious results.