10 Things Girls Notice about Guys Instantly

There is so much talk about how women often zoom in on the minutest details about their dates and draw improbable interpretations out of them. What is even more incredible is how most of the times women are quite accurate about the conclusions they arrive at. So instead of flashing that fancy smart phone or getting worked up about what will happen after dinner, focus on the following ten things that girls notice about guys instantly. For all you know these could mean all the difference between a second date and a polite no.

Where you are looking

When two people meet each other, usually the first contact they make is with their eyes. So one of the things your date will be watching for is where you are looking. Women are especially wary of men who do not make eye contact while taking to them. A shifty or distracted gaze may mean insincerity or disinterest, either way not a signal you would want to send out to a potential partner. So look steadily at a woman - or anyone for that matter - when talking to her but at the same time don’t glare or you may her uncomfortable.

Personal hygiene

Women are keen observers of physical appearances. So if you think apparently minor things like dirty nails or the single strand of hair protruding from your earlobes would escape your partner’s scrutiny, you better think again. If you cannot do anything else before turning up for a date, at the very least make sure that you come neat and well-groomed. This not only includes taking care of your teeth, hair and nails but also getting rid of bad breath, body odor or grimy facial hair. Personal hygiene is the very basic requirement of sexual attractiveness and if a woman notices any lack in that, you are unlikely to be able to make it up any other way.

What you are wearing

It is not for nothing that women take so long in getting dressed – this is because they know that what you are wearing sends a strong signal about the kind of person you are. Whether you appear in smart casuals or frayed jeans for your first date will go a long way in deciding if she wants to see you again. At the same time you may be sporting an Armani jacket but if your shirt cuffs are dirty, you are still far from making a grand impression on your date. The thumb rule here is to adopt a personal style that complements your personality even while taking care of conventions related to place and time.


Your body language

If “eyes are the windows to the soul”, your body language is more like a mirror. So be careful how to move when you are with a woman since she will immediately pick up non-verbal cues implied by your body language. She may notice whether your hands are steady and relaxed or nervously fidgeting with something. Again arms crossed against the chest or fists shut tight may signify defensive or secretive personalities. Apart from this a woman would also gauge your comfort or interest level in her from the way you may be slightly leaning forward or sitting rigidly when sitting across her. Finally an upright but relaxed bearing can go a long way in making you appear healthy and confident while a slouching or restless posture might be construed negatively.

TIP: Read 'Tell Me Honey...2000 Questions for Couples', ask open-ended questions and never run out of conversation with a girl you're trying to charm.


Don’t discount the importance of footwear in creating the right impression, whether for a job interview or a date. If your date sees ratty sandals or tattered running shoes on you she is going to infer that you are either clueless about your appearances or too lazy to care. For some bonus points, match your footwear with your clothes – like brogues with an evening suit  – and your partner is sure to be impressed by your sense of style.

Whether you are a good listener

It is important for every woman to feel heard if she is to be happy in a relationship. And so while you may have rehearsed twenty topics for your date which will showcase your wit and knowledge, remember also to leave some spaces in your conversation for her to fill into. One of the first things she will notice is how well you listen and if you merely talks about yourself, your date will correctly gauge you to be self-centered and egotistic.

How you spend

One of the most important things a woman will notice about her partner on a date is how he handles money. Read up on dating etiquettes if you are confused about who should pay for what on a date. Almost everywhere men are expected to pay on the first date and usually during the early stages of dating too. It is only when you are and your partner have begun to get comfortable with each other that she may offer to split or pay on a date. Also while paying up, don’t show off with your six credit cards or comment on how grand a dinner you treated her to. Apart from the fact that this is bad manners, you will come off as a jerk.

Your behavior with others

Women who are smart watch keenly how their dates interact with others since they offer important clues on how the guy might be behaving with her in future. You should especially be careful of how you behave with those who are serving you in some way – if you are rude to a waitress or abusive to a cab-driver no matter what their fault is, a woman will probably infer that you are impetuous, short-tempered and lack conflict-resolution skills.

How often you smile

The strong-and-silent type who is the hero of so many romances a la Mr. Darcy of Pride and Prejudice actually comes off as quite insufferable to most women of today. Girls are looking for men who can not only make them laugh but indeed lighten up themselves. So a smile can go long way in raising your personal charm besides implying that you are happy and confident about who you are.

Your manners

Finally there is still no substitute for good manners when it comes to making the right impression, the first time. Arriving on time to pick up your date, holding the door open for her and generally following the dictum ‘ladies first’ will not only mark you out as a gentleman in the best sense of the word but more importantly make her feel really special.