How Do you Make a Girl Like you More With Every Date?

Now that you are dating the girl of your dreams, you can’t wait to show her how lucky she is. But if you don’t want this opportunity to fizzle out, you need to keep certain things in mind. Here are some ways to make your meetings a success and make a girl like you more with every date.

First impressions count

While most guys take care to turn out smartly dressed for the first date, sometimes they slacken their efforts for the subsequent ones – this could be a grave mistake. If you wish to keep seeing this girl, make sure that you remain as careful with your appearance as before.  If for the earlier dates, you have teamed up a nice tee or jacket with solid colored pants, go for a semi-formal look in the later ones. At the same time, to give your appearance a recall value, highlight a specific aspect of your personal style like the use of a signature cologne or an accessory like a watch or cuff-links. However don’t go overboard with men’s jewelry or accessories since they will only serve to distract her.  Above all, don’t forget the basics of male grooming like clean hair, nails and breath.

TIP: Download the guide to seducing women.

Behave like a gentleman

One can hardly over-emphasize the importance of good manners if you wish to make a girl like you more with each date. This includes showing up on time to pick up your date and keeping in mind the small courtesies which add up to an irresistible whole. Like holding open doors and pulling out chairs for your date. At the same time don’t forget your behavior to others for any sensible girl would see through you if you act like jerk to the waiter and yet are the perfect gentleman with her. If you are hoping to see her many more times, it means she is special in some way and a little effort towards creating a favorable impression will go a long way in making her like you even further.

Listen rather than talk

The importance of listening to your partner on a date cannot be emphasized too much. No one, much less a girl you’ve just met, likes a person who goes on about himself ad nauseum. So instead of bragging about how you were the best football player in your high school team or how girls seem to get drawn to you like flies, hold back and ask your date to tell you all about herself. This way you will not only come across as someone who is really interested in her but will keep back just enough to make the girl want to know more about you – perhaps on the third date or the fourth.

Create your own memories

In these times of multiple dating partners, you need to do something special with a girl for her to make you like more than the others and eventually choose you over other dates. You can do this by playing a soft jazz or smooth rock in the car. In fact you could even select a special song or tune just for the date. The music will not only put your date in a relaxed mood but sink into her subconscious and later give her something to remember you by.

Pay a compliment

Or two. When you appreciate some aspect of a woman, be it her dress, an accessory, an aspect of her personality or even her choice of an entrée during dinner, she is bound to feel pleased about herself. More than that you will come across as a guy who knows a good thing when he sees one. However make sure that your compliment is genuine and you don’t exhaust them all at one go. Instead make an effort to notice something special about your partner at each date and then compliment her on it. This way she will be hungry for more and eager to see you again.

Stay focused

Once you have gone on a few dates with a particular girl, it is easy to let your attention wander. You might be tempted to give the attractive woman at the next table a second glance or zone out while your date talks about her high-school pals. However if you want this girl to like you more than before, you cannot afford to make such mistakes. Just the fact that she has agreed to spend an evening with you demands that you reciprocate by offering her your full attention. More than that, signs of your apparent disinterest would not leave her with any reason for agreeing to another date with you.

Have fun

While it is helpful to keep certain guidelines about successful dating in mind, at the same time don’t let them rule your interactions with a partner. Keep all the above tips in your subconscious so that they do not make you too anxious to have a good time. Laugh a lot and stick to pleasant subjects. If negative thoughts do intrude in your mind, bring back your focus on the person before you. Make the evening a happy and memorable one for your date and she will be sure to look forward to going out with you again.

Take it slow

The secret to making a girl love you more with each date could well be in holding back a little. Avoid giving away too much of yourself in the initial stages - at each date give evidence of one positive aspect of your personality, like your talent as a musician and then perhaps your ability to rustle up a mean Margarita. This way your girlfriend will always have something to be impressed by and she will soon find herself falling for you harder with each date. For the same reason don’t rush intimacy with your girlfriend. Even if you are smitten hard by your partner, you need to keep your hands off her for now. Nothing kills a budding relationship faster than a guy who comes off as a creep and is all over a girl before she has given him permission or even a clear signal that she would like to get things to the next level. In the end it is more about respect rather than passion – when a girl sees you treating her with the consideration and love she deserves at successive dates, she will love you more than before.