When a Guy you're Dating Talks About Other Women

The dating game is interesting for a lot of reasons including the fact that you do not have to get immediately exclusive like in a committed relationship; in other words you are still looking around for the special connection. However despite approaching dating with such liberal ideas, it can get quite annoying if you find that your date cannot stop talking about other women in his life. If you find yourself in a similarly exasperating situation, here are a few things you can keep in mind.
Consider where you are right now
At the outset, it is best to keep in mind that dating a guy does not mean that you own him, body and soul. Everyone has the right to look around and appreciate the beautiful things in life. However if you are just beginning to date this person and feel that his ‘appreciation’ goes a little further, it is best to re-examine your own priorities in a relationship. Are you comfortable with the considerable interest that you date has in other women or would you rather he not talk about them at all? You have a right to decide what means most to you just as the other person has a right to look where he pleases.
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Give him a taste of his own medicine
Also it may be that there are other things about this guy – he is good looking, has a nice job or likes the same bands as you – and want to get to know him better. in such a situation, maybe you can get across the message - that you are uncomfortable about his conversation - in a fun way. You could for instance play him at his own game so that the next time he starts talking about other women, you could check out other guys in your vicinity and be verbally effusive about their toned bodies, bums, bulges and all. Your date will hopefully get the idea and stop his annoying habit. On the other if he is so thick as to object to your train of conversation while finding nothing wrong with his, you can simply smile sweetly and say, “touché”. In the rare eventuality that your date finds nothing wrong with each of you talking about other men and women even when on a date together, consider the fact that you have probably caught yourself a free spirit, a libertine who is willing to live and let live.
Build up your own self-confidence
If you notice that your date talks of other women in an entertaining, unabashed manner, it is likely he is a flirt at heart. For many, flirting is an expression of an outgoing and self-confident personality. To them it is just a part of their social behavior - a way of announcing themselves to the world and reveling in the general recognition as popular, attractive people. Chances are that perhaps these very qualities attracted you to your date in the first place. However as you get emotionally closer to him, maybe you no longer like the idea of your date talking about other women ever so often. In such a situation, it would be far more sensible to enhance your own personality so that you acquire a self-assurance from within and do not feel insecure by your date’s conversation and popularity. Take a course, learn a new skill, a language or pick up a hobby that will widen your horizons. All these will help you to build your own self-confidence and lessen any chances of feeling threatened by your partner’s flirtatious behavior.
Dig into the past
It is not unlikely for a guy to mention his former girlfriends or ex-wives on a date. Almost anyone, no matter how smart and attractive, is bound to take some time to get over a bad relationship. One of the most obvious signs that a person is not yet over an ex is when they keep talking about their previous partner almost all the time, even when there is clearly no reason to do so. Your date might keep reminiscing about the past or even whine and complain about what a what a two-timing cheat the girl was. But if this is going on for the most of the time that you are together, then it is definitely a sign that the guy you are dating is still caught up in the past.
Be more accepting
Then again discussing other women while on a date with may not merely an expression of an outgoing personality but a sign of a compulsive behavior. It may be that your partner is just drawn to attractive women around him and no matter how uncomfortable you feel, sees nothing wrong in that. However being attracted to others does not automatically mean that he is going to cheat on you. Your partner may be appreciative of another person’s looks, intelligence or a quality and stop at that. Attraction does not necessarily create a temptation to cheat and you can take comfort from this fact, if you genuinely like this person.
Finally though be honest with yourself. A guy who even when ostensibly out with you cannot keep himself from talking about other women is quite unlikely to make you the sole object of his love in future. So if you are looking for a committed relationship, it would be a bad idea to keep seeing this person. Even if you are merely interested in having a good time on a date, consider the fact that this man does not have the courtesy, much less affection, to treat you with the exclusive attention any date deserves. Then again each person and situation is different which is why you may find yourself enjoying his company and conversation even if it is about other women. In the end you have to be guided by your own priorities and expectations regarding a partner when negotiating the twists and turns in your personal life.
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