Here's What Happens at Bachelorette Parties

Bachelor parties have been associated with binging and strip shows for some time now. Though the female equivalent is a relatively new thing in pop culture, bachelorette parties too have been exploring the whole range of fun and adventure before the bride-to-be settles down to quiet domesticity. So here are some things that happen at bachelorette parties from the relatively innocent to the bizarre.

All girls atmosphere

The first thing that marks a bachelorette party is the high emotionality that is typical of an all girls atmosphere. Things can get a little crazy in a room of twenty-odd high-strung, drunk girls – practically everyone’s voices go up about ten octaves and soon enough, someone ends up crying as well. If the ladies of the films "Bridesmaids" and "Bachelorette" are anything to go by, it is only too evident that the bridal party can cause a whole lot of drama. Though the women are here to have fun for the friend who will soon be leaving the land of singledom, the event is charged with emotions and some sentimentality too.

Uninhibited fun

Usually, the night starts off tame enough, at a nice restaurant or bar, with everyone chatting away about the coming. However, at one point, the alcohol starts to flow and the wild side of these girls is soon unleashed. Soon enough, someone is taking body shots of tequila, dancing on the table while an adventurous one may even be spotted pushing a man’s face in her breasts.

Risqué costume

Getting together to put on a risqué costume is one common element at bachelorette parties. The bride-to-be's buddies usually have a blast decorating her body with any type of sexually charged or embarrassing trinket that they can think of. The condom-laden veil or tiara have long been popular choices. Alternatively they could go about sticking dozens of lollipops stuck to her outfit, accompanied by the sign "A Buck To Suck," which can be draped elegant around her neck or pinned to her chest. This in turn can take on various levels of meanings – the bachelorette can invite a guest or a total stranger if he/she you would like to buy one of her lollipops for a dollar or on a naughtier level, she has to simulate oral sex on a dildo or a banana for one dollar.

Male strip show

Then again no bachelorette party can be truly over without a male strip-show which is quite often enjoyable or at least amusing.  A male stripper is a tried and true staple of the bachelorette party and it is the maid of honor's duty to get the dancer. Very often the strip show is enjoyed more by the friends rather than by the bride-to-be herself. Her friends will get a kick out of the stripper trying his best to titillate her. And they may even help themselves to more than a bit of the stripper guy. The bachelorette will probably get a lap dance or two. There are times, however, when women will rent out a chic hotel room and invite over a "policeman" or a "fireman." for a yet more daring twist, the bride-to-be and her friends might go to a gentlemen's club and strip themselves, to commemorate their last night of freedom. If you are planning on this one at your own bachelorette, just ensure it is not the same strip joint you’re your fiancé is having his bachelor party at.

Naughty Games

Games are one of the most popular aspects of bachelorette parties and the naughtier they are, the better. In fact the bachelorette may come upon games or her guests forced to play them that they did not even know existed or were worth playing. So don’t be surprised at a bachelorette party, where the first activity is inflating a balloon and giving it a blow job. A scavenger hunt is an all-time favourite though, where her girlfriends make up a list of things that she has to get or do throughout the course of the evening.  For instance, she may have to get a guy to give her his boxers, she may have to consume a body shot off a stranger's neck, or she may even have to kiss a guy who has the same name as her husband. The possibilities for this one are endless; it all depends on how far her friends can and will make her go. But at the end of it all, the hunt is as much fun for the participants as the onlookers.

Then again, after many a drinking game, the women may get rowdy enough to get the bachelorette to play the dare game. Favorites include performing sexual deeds with a stranger at a bar, kissing a female friend, divulging sexual fantasies or secrets, and more. Should the bachelorette refuse to do any of the above, she may be forced to remove an article of clothing. So if your pals are planning a bachelorette party for you, be sure to arrive with several layers of clothing or you may end up in your undies when the night is only half-way through.

Phallic is fun

On the really bizarre side are bachelorette parties where practically everything is shaped in the form of the phallus. These could range from pasta, balloons, whistles, hats, ring pops, cakes, necklaces, straws to even cocktail picks shaped like the male organ. At the end of the evening, you may be excused for getting a little blurry-eyed but wait till the phallus-shaped ice luge comes around!

Variety of themes

Not all bachelorette parties need be about phallic cakes and strip clubs. If the bride-to-be enjoys a particular activity like shopping or getting a spa with her pals, her bachelorette party may be planned around such a theme. The bachelorettes’ buddies could whisk her off to a spa retreat or golfing resort and spend the night indulging a common passion suitably accompanied by lots of booze but not necessarily sleaze.

Jack n Jill parties

Yet another trend in bachelorette parties that is fast catching on is that more people are holding joint bachelor/bachelorette parties, according to Brettan Bablove, editorial director of Wedding Solutions. Dave Navarro and Carmen Electra were among the earliest celebrity couples to have initiated the trend in 2003. And even though they are divorced now, an increasing number of couples seem to believe in the maxim that safety lies in numbers. After all the greater the number of guests at a do, the lesser the likelihood of something acutely distasteful or regrettable taking place.

A big deal

While a prospective groom may act that like it is just another boy’s night out even when he knows that the guys have planned something really wild for his bachelor bash, for women on the other hand, a bachelorette party is a big deal. They’ll plan for the forthcoming event, talk about it and discuss it after it’s over, with their partners, whereas you will rarely catch a guy discussing what happened at a bachelor’s party with his girlfriend. Finally in getting together and having a bash, the girls are not only celebrating the new life of love awaiting the bachelorette, but also underlining the strong female bond one on which their pal can count on the days to come.