Jupiter Aspects Mercury - Conjunct, Sextile, Trine and Square

Jupiter Aspects Mercury – Conjunct, Sextile, Trine and Square

In good aspect, and in the world of mind, this harmonises the influences of intellect and devotion, or science and religion, bringing the one to the support of the other and smoothing away antagonism, and will develop its influence in many ways according to the native's station in life. According to the general status of the horoscope it will give a profoundly religious temperament, accompanied by a broad intellect and a philosophical mind, or by much learning; or, it may merely eventuate in ability to aim, steer or drive well: in any case, however, the power of judgment will be well marked (unless other aspects contradict, that is), and whatever his course, the native will steer it with both skill and ease. It inclines to tolerance and broad-minded views in the domains of religion and intellect, strengthening both the intellect and the religious sentiments, and inclining to honesty, straightforwardness, candour, conscientiousness, mental balance, equanimity, good judgment. It enables the native to see all men as his brothers, to see the germs of truth in the most diverse opinions; and thus it may act in various ways between the two extremes of a large-hearted toleration and philosophical indifference.

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It gives harmony and good will between brethren and relatives, with mutual good fortune or good offices to or from either. It broadens the mind out towards general principles instead of confining it to details; it tends to versatility and the study of many subjects rather than one, and helps the native to be in some measure all things to all men. It may be one of the factors in genius and intuition; and somewhat inclines to the mystical or philosophical aspects of religion, and slightly also to dreams, visions, psychic-writing, astral wanderings out of the body, and various forms of occult powers. It gives journeying and travelling, and changes generally, both physical and mental. There is the possibility of the higher cultivation of the mind, the perception of beauty in its higher aspects, and copious yet well-ordered imagination. It is good for health and digestion, and generally for any matter or occupation signified by the four signs ruled by the planets.

The conjunction is mainly good, but it may vary a good deal according as to which of the two planets is the stronger; it adds much to the native's self-confidence and may be found associated with overweening conceit.

In bad aspect, the various meanings of the combination may be brought out just as clearly as with the good aspects, but they will generally be accompanied by obstacles and trouble in various degrees. The third and ninth houses, in short, will be found more or less at variance: and this may vary from a very pronounced religious scepticism or even atheism to a much milder questioning spirit which requires reason or evidence before believing, but which believes sincerely when it has them. Much will depend upon which planet is the stronger; if Mercury, doubts of some kind will assail; if Jupiter, there may be a blind unquestioning faith bordering on unreasoning superstition. The native will take his religion too severely, from the point of view of a student rather than a devotee, or it may be tinged with Calvinistic gloom if Jupiter is otherwise afflicted. Their will be some tendency to vacillation of mind, and the native may throw over old opinions and adopt new ones more than once in his life. It tends to weakness of any part of the body ruled by the four signs, and there will be a good deal of journeying or travelling at some time of life. The native is liable to suffer from libels, slanders, false reports, or any kind of deceit affecting matters signified by Mercury. He may suffer from visions or hallucinations due to an over-active mind, or brought on by the use of drugs.

Their will be some tendency to vacillation of mind, and the native may throw over old opinions and adopt new ones more than once in his life. It tends to weakness of any part of the body ruled by the four signs, and there will be a good deal of journeying or travelling at some time of life.