Planetary occupations signified by the various planets


Pluto rules nuclear scientists, aeronauts, and spacemen generally, TV engineers and technicians, weather forecasters, archaeologists, all those who work in underground and subterranean spheres.


Neptune denotes aesthetic, artistic, and inspirational pursuits. It has much influence in the expression of artistic and literary genius, and is astrologically responsible for many forms of the higher psychic and spiritual powers exhibited by phenomenal persons. At the same time it is associated with the ‘watery triplicity’ and governs occupations in which the watery element is predominant.


Lecturers, public functionaries, government or civic officials, travellers, engineers, inventors, patentees, and all who follow uncommon pursuits, such as astrologers, electricians, mesmerists, phrenologists, spirit mediums, metaphysicians, and psychologists; also those who deal in electrical apparatus, scientific mechanism, etc.


Land and property dealers, miners, coal merchants, dealers in lead and other Saturnine commodities, plumbers, jailers, sextons, grave-diggers, undertakers, watchmen, etc.; such as follow laborious employments, and those that work at night or underground.


Senators, judges, counselors, divines, clergymen, physicians, lawyers, bankers, collegians, clothiers, especially woollen merchants, and provision dealers generally.


Soldiers, surgeons, chemists, gunners, workers in iron and steel, dentists, butchers, smiths, barbers, cooks, and workers who use sharp instruments, iron and steel, or fire.


Persons in authority, courtiers, noblemen, kings, princes, emperors, and those who hold titled offices under the Crown; also jewellers, goldsmiths, gilders, and those who work with gold.


Musicians, painters, singers, poets, actors, artists of all kinds; makers of toilet accessories, and those who deal in scents, flowers, and articles of ornament; silk mercers, embroiderers, makers of gloves, bonnets, and women's apparel, linen-drapers, clothiers, fancy dealers, etc.; also pastry-cooks, sweetmakers, confectioners, maid-servants, and butlers.


Literary men, writers, accountants, schoolmasters, preceptors, interpreters, secretaries, registrars, orators, messengers, printers, booksellers, clerks, postmen, carriers, etc.


Sailors, travellers, fishermen, those who manage public conveyances, dealers in fluids, public salesmen, nurses, midwives, water-carriers, female officials, etc.