How Can you be Hundred Percent Sure that Someone is Right for you?

Love brings with it a whirlwind of emotions – it is makes you want this person, want him/her to want you back; it makes you certain as never before or it befuddles you with conflicting feelings. In all this tumult, how do you know for sure that he/she is the one for you? While there is no single foolproof formula here are a few questions to ask yourself if you want to be hundred percent sure that someone is right for you.

TIP: Read this book which has 2000 questions you can ask your partner. Know your partner's secret desires and hidden fears with this book!

Does this person make you feel good about yourself?

Love is all about being happy and positive. And if this is how you feel about yourself when you are with your partner, then you are on the right track. Even though being the kind of complex state it is, love will inevitably lead to tears and anxieties at times but that is only momentary. If it is real love, then you will never feel overwhelmed by negative feelings like shame, lack of self-worth, fear and distress about the future. You will love being the person you are and will no longer find it necessary to hide the little quirks and habits which you feel are embarrassing to reveal to strangers.  Also when your partner is around, you will feel that no matter how bleak the external situation you can pull through together. But most of all if he/she is the right one for you, you will feel good and happy about yourself.

Do you have something in common with this person?

No matter how strong the sexual chemistry, a relationship can only last when two people share the basic values on life and love. This is not to say that love cannot happen between people of different cultural or religious backgrounds but that for a relationship to survive in the long run, it helps if they feel the same way on what is and is not important in life. For instance if you feel that it is better to be honest and live a reasonably comfortable life while your partner wishes to climb the corporate ladder no matter what the ethical cost, you might come across an unbridgeable divide in your relationship, sooner or later. Similarly it is also necessary for a couple to have mutual interests or hobbies – something which lets them enjoy each other’s company in a fun and non-emotional kind of way.


Do you find his/her quirks endearing?

It is easy to like a person because of their positive qualities but if you happen to love someone precisely because of their little quirks and minor flaws, clearly he or she is really special. The way he combs his hair before the mirror can send shivers down your spine or you completely dig the tiny scar she has under her left eyebrow. Sometimes you may even find a little clumsiness or goofiness endearing which in any other relationship may have easily led to angry words or rising tempers. Not only are you happy to overlook small negative aspects of your partner, but you even believe that they are what makes him/her so unique.

Are you aware of the real person too?

While you may dismiss the individual quirks of your partner or indeed even embrace them, yet if it is true love you are not blind to reality. It is infatuation and not love which makes one get caught in a fantasy about the person as well as the relationship. If your partner is really the one for you, his/her personality will be known to you well as also how you click together as a couple. And despite knowing the truth you will be ready to take both for what they are.

Do external influences seem to matter less?

In the past you may have listened to close friends and family when they pointed out why you shouldn’t be with this guy or girl perhaps because deep down you were aware of the reasons yourself and only wanted to confirm them from other sources. But once you have met the right person, external opinions do not seem to matter so much. You believe that you know this person like no one else does and cannot let him/her go simply because others do not approve.

Do you feel it in your gut?

Part of the reason why love is special is because it arises from an inexplicable feeling of certainty deep down within the self that here is the person you have been looking for all your life. When you walk into a bar or a party and your eyes meet across the crowded room, it is as if you can hear a click inside your head telling you that finally things have fallen in place. Most often this is felt as an undeniable physical attraction which is why people have laid so much store by sexual chemistry. Your secret motivations might be able to fool your mind into thinking that someone is right but rarely do the body and its senses lie.

Do you want this to work out?

Every relationship has its share of disagreements and arguments. If you have been dating for some time now, perhaps you know how easy it is to walk out when things don’t fall in place. But once you have found the right person, no matter what the circumstances you want to make this work. You not only wish to clear the misunderstandings but actually want to fine tune your relationship so that you understand each other better. And in all your efforts, there are no ego trips, no desire to score a point or prove that you are right. You finally know that here is the one for you when you want to fix things with him/her, no matter how long or how much effort it takes.

There is no single equation which can guarantee that perfect love and happiness in a relationship. However asking yourself some of these questions can help you be reasonably sure if someone is just the right partner for you.