10 Ways to Impress a Girl

‘You never get a second chance to make a first impression’ – the quote can seem rather self-evident but actually there can be a lot riding on the first impression you make upon a person. Nowhere is this truer than while dating where the impression could mean all the difference whether you get to see a girl only once or several times thereafter. So here are top ten ways to impress a girl and set the stage for happy dating.

TIP: Download the guide to seducing women.

  1. Turning out well groomed

    Make sure that you are properly groomed before meeting a girl. Brushing and flossing your teeth as recommended by your dentist is not only crucial for good dental health but is a must if you want to have an attractive smile. Likewise the implications of other basic habits like taking a shower and changing clothes at least once a day, cleaning ears, scrubbing feet and filing nails go much beyond keeping you healthy and are instrumental in making a good impression upon your date.
  2. Your clothes

    Considering how much time women invest in managing their wardrobe, it is no surprise that one of the easiest ways to impress them is to turn out smartly dressed. Even though not every woman is a stickler for the latest runway trends but if you turn up with a purple jacket for a lunch date, be ready for a slightly raised female eyebrow. The thumb rule here is to adopt a personal style that complements your personality even while taking care of conventions related to place and time. Finally don’t forget about the essentials for you may be sporting an Armani jacket but if your shirt cuffs are dirty, you are still far from making a grand impression on your date.

  3. Listen

    A sparkling conversation on a date is one of the surest signs that you and your date have clicked. But while you know that you have to be careful with what you say, also remember that she is most likely observing how well you can listen too. A guy who merely talks about himself or is only focused on showcasing his own wit and knowledge is no fun at all and most women will correctly gauge him to be self-centered and egotistic. So leave some spaces in your conversation which your partner can fill in with her own point of view and also ask questions which will make her feel part of the conversation too.
  4. Your body language

    Your body language is the most important medium of non-verbal communication. So be careful how to move when you are with a woman. She is most likely to notice your hands, whether they are steady and relaxed or nervously fidgeting with something. Again arms crossed against the chest or fists shut tight may signify defensive or secretive personalities. Apart from this a woman would also pick up your comfort or interest level in her from the way you may be slightly leaning forward or sitting rigidly when sitting across her. Finally an upright but relaxed bearing can go a long way in making you appear healthy and confident while a slouching or restless posture might be construed negatively.
  5. Spend wisely

    One of most common myths about impressing girls is that guys need to spend money on them like water so as to qualify for a second date. While it is true that if you order an expensive wine or take your date out to a limited-invite concert, she will be impressed with your resources, the watchword here is discretion. While paying up, don’t show off with your six credit cards or comment on how grand a dinner you treated her too. Apart from the fact that this is bad manners, you will come off as a jerk. Do read up on dating etiquette if you are confused about who should pay for what. Almost everywhere men are expected to pay on the first date and usually during the early stages of dating too. It is only when you are and your partner have begun to get comfortable with each other that she may offer to split or pay on a date.
  6. Cook up a storm

    It is quite impossible to come across a woman who isn’t going to be just a bit pleasantly surprised on hearing that a man knows his way about in the kitchen. You need not start taking cooking classes or shopping for expensive cookware to impress a woman. Just start with a few basic recipes and practice them till they turn out quite right. And then you can invite your partner for a home date and give her a taste, literally, of your creations. Apart from the fact that your cooking skills will impress her, you will be eating better-tasting and healthier food yourself.
  7. Show her your artistic side

    Skills like singing, playing a musical instrument or painting are often seen by girls as an expression of an artistic sensibility which in turn seem to imply a softer, more sensitive side in a guy. But if you feel such attempts are beyond your area of expertise, how about dancing? Most women love to shake a leg with their partners on the dance floor. This makes men with dancing skills some of the hottest items on the dating scene.
  8. Fix the dishwasher

    Or the microwave, the washing-machine or a plain leaky faucet. While you may be an expert on what lies beneath a car hood and can write the most sophisticated of computer program codes, if you are unable to repair a leaky faucet in your girlfriend’s apartment, you are unlikely to get much far with her. So familiarize yourself with the simplest of handyman tools and once you are able to set right a faulty light switch, you might be able to impress her as serious boyfriend material.
  9. Treat others well

    If you want to make the right impression on a smart and intelligent girl, it is not enough to treat her with respect. She will keenly watch your behavior with people around you like the valet, the waiter at a restaurant or the usher at a movie theater. Remember to treat all these people with kindness and consideration. Being rude or nasty towards them would make your come off as petty-minded and mean. Likewise she will also take into account the values you exhibit in your ordinary actions. Thus if you are in the habit of telling small lies to people around you and believe that they don’t really do any harm, be careful of doing so before a partner to whom integrity means something.
  10. Finally, treat her like a lady

    There is still no substitute for good manners when it comes to making the right impression, the first time. Arriving on time to pick up your date, holding the door open for her and generally following the dictum ladies first' will not only mark you out as a gentleman in the best sense of the word but more importantly make her feel really special.