How to Get Back your Ex Boyfriend from Another Girl

Now that you have broken up with your boyfriend, things don’t seem so good after all. May be you realized that you were too hasty in judging him or that he was a fun to be with despite a few quirks. Whatever the reason for your wanting to get back with him, it is going to that much more difficult if he is already seeing someone else. And yet all is not lost; go through the following points and draw your ex away from another woman’s arms to yours again.

Accept what has happened

Contrary though it may sound, you can start the process of getting back your ex by agreeing with the breakup. If it was not been initiated by you, probably he still expects you to cry hot tears, throw a tantrum and create a scene about the breakup. But the truth is that men hate such scenes and can’t handle extreme displays of emotion. Instead accept that there has been a breach in your relationship and you need to move away in order to come back. In fact if you come across him after the breakup, be calm and talk of other things as far as it is natural to do so. You will not only catch him off guard with your cool stance but even impress him with your maturity. On the other hand, if you keep struggling against his decision to part ways, then the battle is lost even before it has begun!

Get back with your ex with this step-by-step guide.

Put in some distance

If it has been only a short time, say a week, since you both decided to part ways, ignore him as much as possible. If you call him back too soon or want to meet up again, you will come off as needy and emotionally immature and he will only want move further away. On the other hand if he calls you or asks you over, play hard-to-get for a while unless you feel that he is actually serious in making up.

Consider why you broke up

A great way to use the time off would be to go over the reasons of your breakup. Was it because of personality differences or was it because either one of you were cheating in the relationship? In case of misunderstandings or different perceptions, you may want to bring about changes which will clear the path to get your ex-boyfriend back. Also consider why you want him back. Is it just to prove that you are too smart to get dumped or because you believe that you cannot possibly go through life without a boyfriend? Getting your priorities straight will help you in deciding how to go about your relationship. Above all reflect on how far you are willing to go to get him back from his current partner – are you simply going to play up your unique attractions or are you willing to play dirty by actively driving a wedge between him and his now-girlfriend.

Get a makeover

Shallow as it may sound, you may need to spruce up your looks if you are interested in winning back your man. Over time as women begin to feel comfortable in relationship, they tend to relax the need to look perfect all the time. Men on the other hand are visual creatures and need to find external beauty to feel attracted. So if you have been neglecting your appearance, it is time to take stock. Go for a glamorous makeover if you can afford it. Even small changes like a fresh hairstyle or a pair of sexy shoes can turn give you a new confident look. At the same time though be careful not to ape the other woman in your looks and style since this will make you appear insecure. Discover what makes you unique and play up your best points.

Probably on the rebound

If your ex has already begun to see someone barely a couple of weeks after breaking up with you, it is most likely a rebound relationship. It is extremely tempting to get involved with someone new right after a breakup since it not only assures the person that he/she is still attractive and capable of being desired but actually allows one a welcome distraction from all the heartache and regret following a breakup. But even if you know that your ex is not dating on the rebound, resist falling into the trap yourself. Have an active social life, go out with friends and party hard but don’t single out as someone special. This will help in two ways – firstly it will make you out as an attractive, outgoing girl who has her own life but will send the message that you are still single and thus keep the door open for reconciliation.

Be the person he fell for in the first place

If your ex had been attracted by your intelligent personality, go back pursuits which will enrich your mind and broaden your mental horizons. Or if your bright, outgoing nature had attracted him in the first place, make sure you are cheerful and positive when he is around. Correct any negative attitudes that may have crept within you and see that people are happy to be with you. Your ex too will pick up the positive energies emanating from you and want to stick around.

Let him be aware that you are thinking of him

If you want to get your ex back, you need to find ways of letting him that now and then he still figures in your thoughts. For instance send him a short mail saying how you went back to this restaurant that used to be his favorite and remembered the great time that you both had there. Or text him on his promotion at work and wish him luck. However don’t go into detailed flashbacks but keep it casual and non-threatening. Also don’t call or text him when you know he is with his new girl or she will get suspicious and your ex will find it bad manners.

Keep meetings con-committal

Once you have got back on speaking terms, casually ask your ex-boyfriend if he would like going out with mutual friends for a drink or meeting you at the club for a game of tennis. Keep the conversation easy if he agrees to such meetings and stay close to topics of general interest. If you launch into serious talk about your past relationship, he may get cold feet and want to back off. Above all don’t badmouth his current date or he may get defensive about her and be goaded into emphasizing a connection even when a serious one doesn’t exist. On the other hand, if he seems eager for past reminiscences, you may take the cue and follow it up from there.

However all this does not mean that you should adopt a passive stance and merely wait for your ex to come back to you. In the meanwhile find out all about his current flame that you can and circulate it among your mutual friends or his co-workers; this could be anything, starting from a history of binge-drinking in high school to sordid photos on Facebook. Only be sure not to appear directly involved in pulling her down. Sooner or later such evidence will drive a wedge between her and your ex and then you can welcome him by lending a patient ear and eventually more. Make sure that you are extra-careful how you go about it. One wrong word or false step at this point may ruin your chances of getting him back forever.