How Yoga can Improve your Love Life
Originating in India, Yoga is an ancient discipline that seeks to achieve harmony in the physical and mental aspects in the self. And since both the mind and body are crucial to pleasurable sexual experience, yoga offers many ways to boost your performance in bed. Here are only some of the ways that you can use yoga to improve your love life.
Direct impact
A direct way that yoga helps in bettering sex is by increasing blood flow to the sex organs which is critical for the right transmission of hormones in order to stimulate the mind and senses and make sex pleasurable. One of these is the Eagle Pose or Garudasana in which, you wrap one leg around the other like a rope. This has a tourniquet effect so that when you release the leg, all the blood rushes through the cervix, which primes the whole area for sexual arousal. Another yoga pose apt for boosting libido is the Wide-Legged Straddle Pose or Upavistha Konasana. This move improves blood flow to the pelvic area, and where the blood goes, so do energy and vitality. Research shows that below-the-belt circulation is directly linked to arousal. The more blood coursing through your veins, the higher will be your state of arousal.
TIP: Download the guide to Yoga for women.
Again specific pelvic exercises are helpful in heightening partner satisfaction while improving your overall health at the same time. Women who go through pregnancies and childbirth may find their pelvic muscles getting loose and therefore resulting in reduced pleasure while lovemaking. The Kegel’s exercise, which involves an act of holding urine, was developed to treat female incontinence but was then discovered to have another beneficial effect, that of increasing pleasure during vaginal intercourse. Men too in fact stand to benefit from such pelvic exercise. Studies have found that men with erectile dysfunction often report that they have improved or regained normal functions by regularly doing Kegel’s exercise. Yoga offers important exercises that can impart the same benefits. One such is Bridge Pose or Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, which is similar to doing a Kegel, because this too involves squeezing the same pelvic muscles. The result is a better tone vagina and improved orgasms.
Bettering sexual health
Very often good sex is not just a matter of arousal and orgasm – it is inextricably connected with the health of reproductive organs since if you are suffering from discomfort and/or pain in the nether regions, you are unlikely to enjoy sex. Yoga offers several ways to better reproductive health and one of these is the Goddess Pose or Supta Baddha Konasana. This pose can help alleviate PMS and menopause by promoting healthy function of the reproductive organs and thus keep women primed for enjoyable sex.
Increases flexibility
Various types of Yoga exercises are helpful in increasing muscle tone of the body which is useful in maintaining agility and flexibility. These are is critical for balance so that one can position oneself appropriately while making love. One can be more agile and flexible by practicing poses like hip openers, which allow for wider range of motion. The Lizard Pose or Utthan Pristhasana is one of these great way to ease the hips open and calm the mind. Being supple and agile will thus ensure that you are comfortable in various sexual positions.
Eases tension
Apart from priming your body for sex, yoga helps by calming the mind and easing away tension. Stress and anxiety rank particularly high among libido busters and if one is constantly wracked by worries, he or she can hardly be expected to enjoy sex. So for those times when your mind gets in the way of a good romp in the hay, certain yoga exercises can help you focus and relax. One of these is the Child’s pose or Balasana which is very soothing and can tune the mind to the body. Apart from helping the stress and anxiety to ebb out with each exhalation, Yoga also teaches you to be in the moment. This in turn improves concentration and awareness. So If you find yourself more than on one occasion obsessing about the board meeting scheduled for the next day or idly wondering what is going to happen to Bree in the next episode of The Desperate Housewives during sex, it may be a good idea to sign up for Yoga classes. This will teach you techniques, such as focusing the breath, to bring yourself back to the present so that you will end up being aware of each move, touch and breath and enjoy sex much more than before.
Heightens vitality
Sometimes though you may need an energy boost to get you in the mood for some amorous action. While yoga has a lot of exercises which ease stress and calm the nerves, there are also some which can help you feel rejuvenated and ready for between-the-sheets frolic. The Plow pose or Halasan is one position in which, blood flows to the brain to wake you up. Plus, with your legs draped over your head, you find yourself looking straight at your hips and connecting to that area visually, which in turn can be a powerful aphrodisiac.
Improve Your Body Image
Almost everyone knows that regular exercise helps to tone the human body and keep the weight in check. All this results in making one look and feeling more attractive which are important conditions for enjoyable sex. While yoga will not lead to immediate burning of large amounts of calories as for instance in aerobics or crash diets, the pounds lost by yoga will be in the end easier to keep off. At the same time, you will be developing strength and muscle tone, so you will also look and feel better. Also When you do yoga, you become intimately familiar with your body and what it can do. You also learn to accept and be sensitive to your body as it is today and not as it was a decade ago. And after all, Feeling good about yourself and comfortable in your body is key to a healthy and fulfilling sex life.
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