Sex after Sixty for Men

One of the most-commonly held assumptions about aging is that you have to bid adieu to a satisfying sex life. Even both men and women do go through many physiological changes due to aging, it does not necessarily mean that they have to turn celibates. For men especially, recent advances in medication as well as nutrition and healthcare means that they can continue to have a fulfilling sex life after sixty.

TIP: Read about the Man Diet which boosts the stamina of men!

Take it slow

As time catches on, the body slows down. So the first thing to remember if you wish to have a satisfying sex life is that you cannot rush your body as before. It takes longer to warm up as your body gets older. If you are looking for an evening of intimacy, plan accordingly and leave lots of time for the purpose. Take it easy and do not race the clock – your body will not only be better prepared to make love but your partner too will love the extra attention.

Create the right ambience

Setting the mood is very important since the right kind of sights, smells and sounds can be an important aid to fuelling sexual desire – both for you and your partner. Shut out all distractions like the TV and internet – switch off your cell phone or at least keep it in the silent mode. Light perfumed candles or play your favorite romantic music in the background. Dress up in something sexy or at least visually attractive for your partner – all these will speed up the tempo and ensure the right conditions for a fantastic night.

Spend time on foreplay

As the body gets older, it takes longer for men to attain an erection and to maintain it. One of the best ways to quicken this process would be to spend ample time on foreplay. Create conditions for physical intimacy by kissing your partner, not only on the mouth but also on other parts that she would enjoy. Indulge in some pillow-talk and share your thoughts on how you would like to be kissed or stroked as well. Don’t be self-conscious about revealing your body and encourage your partner to do the same - keep the lighting muted if you both desire so, but ensure that you engage in adequate foreplay before taking the plunge. Another good idea is to give your partner a slow, sensual massage – it will not only stimulate her but warm up your body as well. If you feel it will help you to get ready sexually, make visual stimulation – like in the form of watching a movie – part of the foreplay. Indeed if necessary, go for self-stimulation too since this will jumpstart the process - all these steps will not only help you to acquire and maintain an erection but help your partner get aroused as well.

Aphrodisiacs and medications

There are many natural aphrodisiacs among foods that will help in getting and maintaining an erection. Many OTC medicines for this purpose are available. There are also prescription medications such as Viagra and Cialis available if you have erectile dysfunction. These are known to be very effective.

Seek professional help

One of the most common sexual problems that senior men face is erectile dysfunction. This happens when the individual is no longer able to get an erection on his own or to maintain it for a reasonable period of time. The main cause for this lies in the fact that muscles become weaker as one ages. While an occasional lapse after sixty is not unusual and should be taken in stride, if you find this problem negatively affecting your regular sex life, then it is best to seek medical help. The doctor will probably check you for medical conditions that may be causing erectile dysfunction. If there is a problem the doctor may prescribe a medication or treatment that can help. Indeed these days there is a plethora of options like surgical procedures, vacuum devices and medications available to treat this condition.

Lubricate well

Yet another sexual problem associated with aging is loss of lubrication; so make sure that a bottle of water-based or gel lubricant is always handy in your bedroom. This is especially relevant in case of women since menopause brings about changes in the levels of certain hormones which result in dryness of the vagina and vulva. However even men could benefit from added lubrication since it may help them to acquire an erection faster. Moreover seeing that your partner is comfortable and enjoying herself is a definite libido-booster and will eventually help you to enjoy sex as well.

Follow a healthy diet

The right diet is extremely important for an active sex life after sixty. This is the time when the systems of the body are slowing down due to a lifetime of wear and tear. Not only that because of reduced immunity, now you are also more prone to acquiring infections than before. Thus ensure that your diet has the right quantities of proteins, vitamins, minerals as well as carbohydrates. Fresh fruits and vegetables as well as whole grains and cereals are especially recommended for seniors because of their ant-oxidant and immunity-boosting effects. Take your protein and calcium from low-fat sources since foods rich fats in will lead to a whole range of cardio-vascular conditions at this stage. A healthy diet will play an invaluable role in keeping your body, including sex organs, active and thus ensuring a satisfying sex life.

Adopt a healthy lifestyle

One of the best ways to maintain your sexual attractiveness is to follow a fitness program. The right kind of exercises will ensure that you stay active and agile which is necessary if you are to enjoy sex. Along with keeping your physically flexible, a fitness program will help to improve your muscle tone, skin texture and thus enhance your appearance as well. All these will go a long way in raising your self-esteem and make you feel good about your body which in turn will make sex enjoyable and even more adventurous.  Finally get rid of habits like smoking if you have not already done so; keep your intake of alcohol to a minimum. A healthy lifestyle is important at any stage of life, but in seniors it is crucial since they are fast losing the body’s natural power to heal and protect itself from harmful agents.

So keep fit mentally and physically and you will find that sex after sixty is not only possible but enjoyable as well.