What to Do When he Doesn't Call - Should you Get in Touch?

Waiting for a guy to call is one of the most trying experiences that a woman can go through while dating. Just when you believe you have finally found the right guy, he keeps you pacing about the house, waiting for that phone to ring. Here is what you can do when he doesn’t call and you feel you need to end the misery.

Call him

This is of course the simplest way to go about the situation. So when two whole days have gone by since you gave him your number, pick up the phone and dial his number instead. The chief drawback of this approach is that it allows him to play hard-to-get while you may come off as more interested than him. At the same time however it puts you in charge of the situation and allows you to take the initiative rather than be the passive partner.

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Bump into him ‘accidently’

If you believe that calling him would make you appear desperate, find a way to cross paths with this guy. Visit a pub or bowling alley where you know he hangs out regularly but when you do see him, act surprised and above all, say nothing about the phone call you have been waiting for. Rather talk of this and that and then when you have settled down over drinks, ask casually about his plans for the weekend. The problem with his approach is that it leaves a lot to chance, for instance what if he isn’t at the pub exactly on the very day that you decide to go for this ‘accidental’ meeting? But if you are lucky to find him, it will allow you a face-to-face encounter without losing your pride, which is anyway better than a phone conversation.


Invite him to a get-together

If you had met this guy through mutual friends or know some people in common, why not plan a party and then get one of your pals to invite him? This way, you get to meet him in a social and comfortable setting without letting on how keen you were to speak to him. Of course this plan depends on the guy having nice relations with the common friends or he might decide to give the party a miss. Also don’t take it too hard, if he shows up with another girl. After all, being in love means taking a chance in more ways than one, doesn’t it?

Plan to meet him somewhere

If on the other hand, you want this guy all to yourself, you may need to think along craftier lines. How about calling him up with the news that you have tickets to a game playing his favorite football team and then asking him if he would like to join you? This approach lets you both meet on a neutral ground without leaving it to others to do the needful. Just make sure that you give him some reaction time like a whole day so that he does not feel pressured to drop everything and rush for the game at just a couple of hour’s notice. At the same time, remember you actually have to have the tickets to the game in your hands, should he agree to the proposal. Even though you know you can get them from a ticketing website or eBay, planning things a day in advance will help you avoid last-minute chaos.

Ask him over to your place

This is by far a bolder option but likelier to yield results if this guy is as interested in you as you are in him. Call him up with a sorry tale about your computer which just wouldn’t start or the DVD player which has gone all silent on you and if he could please come over to give you a hand. In fact, it need not even be a technical matter, rather anything on which he is a self-proclaimed expert. For instance if you have heard him boasting of being a mean hand in the kitchen, call him up for some valuable advice on how to spice up a rather tame Thai Red Curry or seek comfort on the tragedy of chocolate soufflés that just wouldn’t rise. It is a rare guy who can refuse such an appeal for help since being asked to save a damsel-in-distress usually awakens a chivalrous side in most men and rubs their ego the right way. However make sure that the task you have lined up for your sweet is not complicated enough to make him sweat. After all you don’t want him to get too busy to unwind over a glass of Chianti with you.

He may not be available

There are many reasons why a guy doesn’t call even after you give him your number and indicate that you would like to hear from him. One of them may be because he is already in a relationship and does want to come off as a two-timing jerk. While this may seem a pity, especially if you both like each other’s company, you can at least take comfort in the fact that he did not deceive you into a relationship that would have gone nowhere.

If he's just not into you..

Again there is not much you can do if the guy you have been waiting to hear from is just not into you. Men are often uncomfortable talking about their feelings and more so, if they involve saying ‘no’ to a girl. In such a situation a guy would rather not call at all than call you up to convey his disinterest in a relationship. If you suspect this is the case with you, then the only thing left to do is move on.

Many men believe that one should wait for a day or two to call up a girl who has given her number. However if you are among those women who like to take the initiative in a relationship, there are quite a few things you can do if a guy hasn’t called you yet. After all relationships have rarely been bound by water-tight rules and what works for someone else may not do so for you.