10 Places to Meet Men Who Like Dating Cougars

Time was when dating someone years younger was the prerogative older and successful men. However today more women in their forties - and after - are game for dating men far younger in years. But despite their eagerness to explore such relationships, older women may feel hampered by lack of opportunities which help them to meet younger men. In case you are thinking the same thing, here are ten places to meet men who like dating cougars.

TIP: Browse profiles of young men who are fascinated by the idea of dating older women.

Cougar dating sites

The internet has been a godsend for those seeking to date people from specific backgrounds and with particular skills. An increasingly popular example of niche dating is that which brings cougars and cubs together – in other words, dating sites which reach out to older women and younger men who would like to go out with each other. So if you are keen to meet younger guys who are partial to cougar dating, one of the best places to find them would be cougar dating sites. Explore the main ones on the web and then sign up with one which has the most number of contacts in your area or which caters to your specific requirements for instance pertaining to age, social or educational background. The best part about such dating sites is that they let you weed out unwanted candidates and even get through the preliminaries so that you have a rough idea about the kind of guy you will be meeting in real life.

Cougar dating events

Some other great places to meet wannabe cubs are cougar dating events in your city or town. Look through classifieds and browse the internet to see if any such events are planned in city; these days speed dating events and even cruises are organized to bring together older women and younger men and which can be an ideal way to hook up with a hunk of your choice.

TIP: Match.com has many men looking for cougars to date. Browse photo profiles, filter by zip code and meet someone this weekend.

Bars and nightclubs

With a growing number of cougar and cub couples looking for ways to meet, commercial establishments have not been slow to cash in on the rising trend. These days there are bars and nightclubs especially catering to older women and younger men. Even if such establishments are yet to come to your town, you can watch out for special nights at bars and nightclubs which invite younger men and older women to meet up and have a good time with each other. So instead of making the rounds of libraries and university cafes to chance upon a toyboy, why not head straight to a cougar bar or a nightclub on a cougar night to meet guys who have descended specifically for the purpose of meeting older women.


Fitness centers like the gym have long been a popular way to bring together singles from both sexes. And with older women getting conscious about their health, young men eager to date cougars know that this is the one of the best places to strike up a conversation with a sugar mama. And even if you don’t chance upon a hunk in the early days, you can still take comfort in the fact that all that working out is doing you a world of good.

Meet millionaire men at MillionaireMatch.com.

Upscale retail destinations

Women who have both the money and time to indulge themselves are extremely likely to be found frequenting upscale retail stores, shopping to their heart’s content. This is why aspiring cubs can be found hanging around in sections like apparel, jewelry, footwear, accessories and other luxury products which make a lifestyle statement, hoping to attract the attention of a wealthy shopper. Thus if you are looking for younger men who are eager to date older women, a day at a swanky mall or upscale shopping destination may offer more than retail therapy.

Spas and health resorts

Luxury spas and health resorts are some other destinations which wealthier, older women frequent to pamper their bodies and wannabe cubs know this. So the next time you think of going for a luxurious massage or a indulging in a spa, keep an eye out for handsome young men at such establishments who would be more than willing to serve and assist older, wealthier female patrons. Fashionable pubs, upscale wine bars or exclusive clubs are other destinations where you might pick up young guys looking to impress single, older women who have the resources to offer them a good time.

Charity galas

Most people who have made a fortune in business or careers are actively involved in a favorite cause. This is even truer of rich women who are single and thus free to spend their money as they wish. Fund-raising galas and charity dinners are thus a favorite destination of young men who are keen to find an older, wealthier partner. And even if you find the toyboys paying court to wealthy dowagers at these $500-a-plate dinners, take comfort in the fact that most of them will probably be companions just for the evening. So go ahead and compliment a young guy for his smooth wit and who knows you might end up with the cub of your dreams.

The workplace

Unlikely though it may seem, the workplace may be an effective way of bringing together older women and younger men. Financial professions like banking and investments, advertising, media, fashion, business and the corporate world are some of the places where you are likely to find successful women professionals. As women climb the professional ladder higher than before, every day they are brought in touch with young interns, recruits and apprentices, many of whom are male. And those among them hoping to find a sugar mama are well aware that single women who are engaged in successful professions and are making a good deal of money so as to be able to afford a lavish lifestyle. However before you let a new intern know of your interest in him, be sure that you are not breaking any company policy or treading close to sexual harassment. A better way to scout for dates among the young guys at your workplace would be to frequent the office canteen or attend office socials which are more likely to have a mix of people from other departments or other floors in your office building and thus widen out your options.

Specialty restaurants

With older single women having more resources than ever, they do not mind splurging on exotic foods, special cuisines and anything else that tickles their taste-buds. Thus fine dining destinations and specialty restaurants could be other effective venues for coming across young guys in the F&B or service industry who are keen to date older women.

Vacation spots

Wealthy retirement havens are again a top draw for young men hoping to hook up with a rich divorcee or a moneyed heiress. Most of these places are located along balmy coasts where the sun shines upon golden sands and the water is a tepid blue. So if you can afford a vacation, frequent the rich retirement havens along the coast in Florida or further down in Central America or the Caribbean island; who knows, as you are working up a great tan on the beach, you might find a young hunk to go exploring the waters too.