Hispanic/ Latin American Dating in USA - Matchmaking for Single Latino/ Hispanic Men and Women

With Hispanic and Latin Americans making up more than 15% of the United States' population, as well as being the most rapidly growing minority in the country,  it seems like finding a fellow Latin American to date should be as easy as strolling down the sidewalk or going to any public venue at all while looking sharp and being your usual alluring self. To some extent this is true, but the Hispanic and  American cultures do have their differences, so take the right steps to make things work.

Family is a really big thing in Hispanic culture. Latino individuals are often very influenced by their family when it comes to who they date and for how long. This goes especially for Latino women, who traditionally would stay living in the home until the time came to move into the home of their new husband. This isn't really the norm for Hispanic families in America these days but it's still indicative of the high value which Latin American culture places on family in the context of dating. If you are dating someone who may like you but feels as though you're not liked by his or her family, then the relationship has the potential to crash down in a heap of  “what could have been”  if you make even a small mistake or an argument arises, as you essentially already have a strike against you. As someone of Latino heritage you've already got the advantage of sharing cultural and ethnic similarities with your partner's family so don't blow it by being distant or opting to make all interactions with the family short and sweet (which in the United States is not a particularly abnormal way to go about things). Sibling responsibility also plays a big role in Latin dating, as a young woman's brother is usually raised to be somewhat protective over his sister.  American culture puts far less emphasis on connecting with a date's family, and family values in general, than Hispanic culture does.

It's also of note that in the most traditional of Hispanic families, daughters may have been taught to be  relatively submissive (taking care of their men and not causing scenes) while sons may have been taught to be somewhat stoic (showing strength even when feeling weakness). There's nothing wrong with this (it arguably makes for more smooth and balanced gender interaction) but it can have the effect of leading both sexes to be a bit closed off when it comes to expressing emotions in a relationship. This is an obstacle that can be surpassed pretty easily with a little forced communication (just put your partner on the spot and make him or her put everything out there), but it is something to be aware of and expected in Hispanic relationships. Things like this are somewhat dependent on just how Americanized any given family is, as women screaming at their husbands because the dishes aren't done and men crying like toddlers when they stub their toe is basically run of the mill in the States.

Casual, platonic flirting flies a little more in the Hispanic culture than it does in American culture. In general, Americans like to have their “bubble” or personal space (basically a 1-2 foot radius around an individual) and when that space is invaded they take it to mean that the invading party is likely interested in them romantically. This isn't always the case among Hispanic individuals, as the “bubble” notion isn't quite as prevalent in traditional Latin culture. As such, just because a cute Hispanic person is sitting close enough to you to rub shoulders doesn't necessarily mean that he or she is begging you to pounce. Flirt back, and let the interaction move forward steadily (pounce via conversation rather than physical initiative at this point).

Having a solid network of Latino friends is probably the most efficient way to find yourself meeting new Hispanic singles without having to be constantly approaching people. Many towns and cities offer Hispanic athletic leagues (soccer in particular) as well as clubs and cultural groups. There are also festivals and gatherings held periodically almost everywhere that are aimed specifically at the Hispanic community. Becoming involved in things like these has a way of broadening your overall circle of connections and will eventually lead you right into the types of people you'd like to date. Just go to your local town hall or community center and inquire, and check advertisements in your local newspaper.

Salsa clubs and parties are excellent for meeting fellow Hispanic Americans. Salsa dancing is a huge part of Hispanic culture (revered now by many Americans as well) and it is a great avenue for flirting and meeting potential dates. Obviously this will require you to be an adequate salsa dancer (going to a salsa club and just sitting at the bar would be the equivalent of going to the movies to eat popcorn in the lounge); if you're not, then take classes and become one. You'll be glad you did as soon as you see how easy it is to spark up intimacy through the magic of one of the most popular dancing styles on the planet. Furthermore, salsa classes can actually be a fantastic way to meet fellow Hispanics in and of themselves, so even if you're a decent dancer already it might be worth the time and money to hone up your skills.

Hispanic Americans are becoming more and more abundant each year (some estimates have them becoming the majority ethnicity within the next several decades). It's not all too hard to find them if you know where to look, and dating them can be a uniquely rewarding experience that could lead you down a lifelong path of contentment. Just respect your culture and the attitudes and mindsets that it entails, and your Latin lover awaits.