Dating an ENFP personality type

Warm, enthusiastic and imaginative, the ENFP personality type according to the Myers-Briggs classification makes for extremely satisfying relationships. They are excellent communicators and are usually deeply committed to making things work out in a relationship. So if you are interested in getting to know an ENFP better, here are a few tips to help you along.

TIP: Read this book which has 2000 questions you can ask your partner. Know your partner's secret desires and hidden fears with this book!

Respond to their eager natures

One of the best parts about being in a relationship with an ENFP is their willingness to make things work. Their warm and generous natures drive them to invest a good deal of time and effort in a relationship which is why they are usually eager and in fact happy to do things which will please their partners. This kind of emotional involvement is not only difficult to come across but actually quite welcome if you have been at the receiving end of a cold and indifferent relationship. The Intuitive and Feeling aspects of the ENFP personality make them keenly aware of the thoughts and feelings of people around them and what would make them happiest. This is why ENFPs bring a deep insight into the workings of a relationship and can be depended upon to make it work. However the flip side of this kind of emotional involvement is that they can at times come across too smothering. An ENFP partner would tend to ask repeatedly how you are doing or what you are feeling.  While such eagerness may seem delightful and even flattering in the beginning, after some time it might get a tad overwhelming especially for those who are protective of their privacy and like to be left to themselves now and then.

Indulge their love for fun

Men and women of the ENFP personality type are fun-loving and enthusiastic who like to have a good time, whether at work or play. So when planning a date with your ENFP partner, decide on something that is both enjoyable and creative. This is because unlike an ESFP who is more oriented towards sensual and social stimuli, ENFPs are more responsive to art and originality and have a strong imaginative side. A music concert or a salsa evening for couples would be just the thing to impress an ENFP. Alternately you could also decide to attend a writer’s workshop, an exclusive reading by your partner’s favorite author or an exhibition of musical instruments from across the world. Artistic and cultural interactions are likely to interest them most since these bring out their love for creativity and are fun to indulge in as well.

Brush up your verbal skills

ENFPs are communicators par excellance. They are not only great at expressing their own thoughts and feelings through language but their Intuitive nature also lends them a natural and acute insight into what other people are thinking and feeling. As a result of this they are adept at communicating with their partners besides engaging friends and acquaintances with their wit and humor. So if you want to impress your ENFP partner, make sure you brush up your verbal skills to. Join an amateur theater club or learn a new language together – these activities will not only offer fun and creative ways to spend time with each other but also bring your ENFP partner closer to you.

Keep them hooked

The flip side to the energetic and highly-charged nature of ENFPs is that they have trouble in staying focused and following things to completion. Once their immediate curiosity in a new activity or the first thrill of meeting a challenging task is sated, they tend to get restless to move on to something else. They are so engrossed with all of the exciting possibilities of what could be, that they keep fantasizing about a greener pasture out there somewhere. If you are interested in holding to your ENFP partner, you will need to think up ways to keep him/her attracted to you. Try to think of ways with which you can engage them in new experiences like a hiking vacation or activities like learning to play the saxophone in order to keep them from getting bored in a relationship. As their partner you need to share their craving for adventures and their idealistic enthusiasm. An ENFP is quickly bored by excessive attention to details and by repetition. And an ENFP lover who is bored and who is not focused will be very unhappy, and will eventually leave the relationship if they do not find anything new or creative to retain their interest.

Offer assurance

Yet another aspect of the ENFP’s eager, hands-on natures is a constant need for affirmation and verbal support. They need to be given constant assurance that they are loved and are cherished in a relationship. In fact an ENFP is often known to go “fishing for compliments” among friends and acquaintances. So you might need to tell your partner every now and then that they are indeed special and their love and presence are greatly valued by you. The best part of this tendency is that your partner will be more than eager to return the favor and will think nothing of lavishing affection and love on you in return. It is in the nature of ENFPs to be energetic and creative in their efforts to please and they thrive best in relationships where they receive an equal amount of love and affirmation.

The Feeling and Intuitive aspects of their personality also lead ENFPs to take great delight in physical intimacy with their partners. Their rich imaginative minds makes them fun and creative lovers and your ENFP partner may surprise you more than once with a few naughty tricks up their sleeves. ENFPs believe sexual intimacy to be a positive, fun way to express how much you love each other which is why they whole-heartedly embrace the opportunity for closeness with their mates.

Help them to address conflicts

A problem area for ENFPs in relationships is their tendency to avoid conflict situations. Discord and disagreements rattle them and they would much rather sweep important issues under the rug rather than face them head-on. This tendency results in an ENFP partner either succumbing to pressure in order to escape a stressful situation or running away from it and moving onto another relationship. The best way to deal with your ENFP partner on this is to give them loads of verbal affirmation and assure them that  disagreements are a normal part of every relationship and that by working together you are sure to resolve them and create a win-win situation for everyone.