Dating an ISTP personality type

Tolerant, flexible and quick problem-solvers are how people of the ISTP personality type are mostly described. And this is indeed good news for those dating or in relationships with ISTPs. However they can also be overly concerned with details and sometimes even seem distant or too casual. So In order to approach your ISTP partner the right way, here are a few tips.

TIP: Read this book which has 2000 questions you can ask your partner. Know your partner's secret desires and hidden fears with this book!

Be open to experimentation

The Perceiving aspect of an ISTP personality type makes them more open to choices and new information in their dealings with the outer world as opposed to adopting a fixed structure of principles and conventions which are in fact characteristics of a Judging personality type. ISTPs would thus appreciate much more flexibility and tolerance in their personal relationships rather than being bound by what is considered the norm or the traditional. So if you have a date planned with your ISTP partner, consider departing from the usual dinner-and-a-dance routine or a predictable night at the movies. Rather think of unusual activities like scuba-diving or rappelling since it is common for them to be thrill seekers and thus attracted to adventure sports. Alternatively you could take them out to a comedy or magic show which would satisfy their playful natures. You will not only enjoy doing something different for once but your ISTP partner will be impressed by your bent for experimentation.

Learn to be flexible

Yet another distinct trait of the ISTP personality type is their flexible and adaptive natures. This is again owing to their Perceiving aspect of their personalities which makes it OK for them to work with as little planning as possible. In fact they like to be keep things casual and remain open to any change in circumstances. So don’t be surprised to find your ISTP partner asking to meet you for lunch on a weekday or announcing at the last minute that you won’t be going for your movie date after all since he/she has managed to get front row seats for you both at a concert. Sometimes this sort of unpredictability can be unnerving especially if you are one of those who like to work and play according to a schedule and who like their world to be structured.

Look at the bright side

If you are wary of an ISTP’s casual and flexible nature, don’t write them off till you have seen the other side. Their Perceiving natures also makes them tolerant and more accepting of follies committed by their loved ones and if you have ever been at the receiving end of an unswerving Judging personality, you will be able to fully appreciate the adjusting nature of an ISTP. Being casual and spontaneous however doesn’t mean that they cannot be depended upon in times of need. In fact, quite the opposite. ISTPs are one of the most efficient problem solvers among the sixteen MBTI types. Because of their Thinking natures, they are adept at analyzing what makes things work and their Sensing trait can readily get through large amounts of data to identify and deal with the core of the problem. Also their flexibility and adaptability means that they will drop a job at hand or rush out of their workplace mid-day without a demur if there is a true emergency and you need them to be with you.

Cater to their playful natures

Dating for ISTPs is really all about fun and delightful things to do. In fact people of this personality type even like to approach their work as a mix of work and play. So think twice before you get ready to unburden on your partner the miserable details of your past relationships or before you decide on a philosophical convention for a dating venue.  Abstract and theoretical matters bore them and they would rather do something fun and enjoyable. So spend a day going though hair-raising rides at the amusement park or stacking up on Lego toys at Lego land with your ISTP partner.  Better still, round off the date with a dinner at a fancy restaurant accompanied by good food, soft music and great ambience. An ISTP is usually adept at picking up factual and sensory details and such a dining experience will go a long way in creating the right impression upon him or her.

Try not to bear a grudge

ISTPs tend to be of an easy-going flexible nature, sometimes dismissing prior plans and often making new ones as they go along. While dating an ISTP therefore, you may have been at the receiving end of canceled dates a few times. But remember they probably they did not do it to hurt you but perhaps because something better came up. For all you know, they might even know that their last-minute plan change caused you so much turmoil. Above all they would have no qualms about calling you a week later and offering to meet you again. Who can resist such honest and open natures and so you may discover to your surprise that bearing a grudge against such lovable people might simply not be possible. The thing to understand about ISTPs is that they are perfectly capable of feeling one day that they are really not that into you and then the very next day finding you nice and funny and deciding that they want to spend time with you after all.

Give them their space

The tendency towards Introversion makes ISTPS, despite their playful and adaptive natures, quite protective of their independence in relationships. They like to be allowed their own space and the freedom to do their own thing. So be wary of rushing them into commitment. And even though they are usually quick to respond to the immediate physical needs of their partners, they may be slower to do so where emotions are concerned. As rather private people, they tend to keep their emotions and thoughts to themselves, so let your ISTP partner take his/her own time in opening up to you. However once they are certain that a relationship is interesting and satisfies their needs, you can trust them to do their part, on a daily basis, to keep it strong and healthy.